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Everything posted by smokinandjokin

  1. We do need daquixers if we're going to hypothetically replay games. "Sure the Vikings lost 31-7, but if the Patriots didn't get those two calls in the 2nd quarter, Minnesota would've had 1st downs, and probably scored on both those drives, and it would have been a 28-21 Vikings win."
  2. That one is classic. Hot and stupid is always a magical combination. Even two of the other girls are like, "What the !@#$ is wrong with you?"
  3. Our favorite drunk QB's Big Ben Leinart And of course: The Kyle Orton Collection- Just tryin to have a good time Apparently it was warm. And when it's warm, you get thirsty. Nice pull Who the hell is Orton's agent? Get the kid a Jack commercial
  4. Should we ban busses and cars too, for fear that you might breath the exhaust?
  5. Yes! There has been a full website of variations, but that's the standard classic that has stood the test of time. The hoops team I play on used the silhouette of that beer looter pic on our uniforms. It's incredible how many people know exactly what it is immediately.
  6. My favorite Reggie Bush pic Possibly Bluefire's favorite Reggie Bush pic Real or not, that schit looks crazy German Shepherd Just about sums it up, on so many levels
  7. I think any Bills fan would agree that there was a 95% chance Manning would've drove down the field for the winning FG. But who knows? Make him do it. Indy wasn't burning out bulbs on the scoreboard, they only had 17 points. Put them in a situation where Manning has to throw, and who knows? The Bills were forcing the underneath pass and then gang-tackling, maybe they force a fumble (they already did it twice.) Maybe Manning realizes he needs his go-to guy and forces a pass to Harrison, who Clements was playing tight, and maybe Nate picks it. I agree, the outcome would more than likely have been a Bills loss either way. But there's a huge difference between playing from behind and trying to go 65 yards for a score, or playing with the lead and telling your RB "stay inbounds and hold onto the ball."
  8. You're right. I can't believe NOBODY ever considered that. The NCAA should just set up a D1 playoff like D2 and D3, and pretend that none of the roadblocks to making that happen actually exist. Unfortunately, in Realityland, we can't just say something and make it true. Big time college football is incomparable to the lower levels, even D1-AA, for the following reasons: 1. Money 2. Bowl games dating back to pre-WWI which resonate the game's tradition. 3. Lucrative TV contracts 4. Lucrative sponsorship deals 5. Much, much wider range of talent between the major and minor conferences. Who makes the playoffs? 6. Public interest and scrutiny 7. Greedy, disagreeable university presidents 8. Money Trust me, I want a playoff. And I'm not saying that most or all of those issues couldn't be overcome, or even made better, with a playoff system. An example is: more games seems to equal a more lucrative TV deal, which seems to equal more money. However, those are all things that must be figured out. How do you do it? I'm not asking you to solve the problem. It's quite a quandry, as there are many factors to consider. But when you trash the current system, which is MUCH better than 10 years ago, at least make a suggestion for improvement, like Ramius did. Don't just say something silly, like "Do it like Division III does it." A bit oversimplifying, don't you think?
  9. Hence the reason for the thread. I wanted to see what others' experiences were at work to figure out if my place is completely off the wall, or if it's relatively normal. I think we all know it's not proper to go to a restaurant and throw F-bombs all over the place. But when you're with the same ~20 people for 50 hours a week, you get to know them very well, and you take the good with the bad. It's work- there are pressure situations, conflicts, delays, happy hours, funny stories, etc. Obviously colorful language can come to the surface in many of those occurances. I don't see it as bad; in fact, it could be seen as a positive in that people don't need to worry about how they say things because they are comfortable with each other. Just to point out, it's a lot of !@#$ and schit and assshole and goddam. People stay away from the most vulgar of the vulgar (tater mentioned a few earlier in the thread).
  10. I'm scared to death of the sports hernia possibility. The fact that when the injury originally was reported, they said he strained a muscle 'while exercising' which sounded horribly awkward to me. And I remember them calling Dumont's and Briere's hernias 'minor strains' for a few weeks last year. Marty is adequate but is definitely not Miller. I did hear Ruff say, "We are going to wait until we're positive Ryan is 100%. And then we'll probably wait another day." As for the playoffs last year, I'm not sure the Sabres even needed two of the four defensmen who were missing. I believe that as long as they had Tallinder, no matter which other three were out, they would've won. He was a dominating force in the playoffs, and was the best player on the ice every time he was out there. Remember how bad Lydman looked at the beginning of last year? Remember how solid he looked once he paired with Tallinder? He has looked shakey this year when he was playing with Spacek after Tallinder went down.
  11. I like it. I also prefer an 8-team playoff. Your idea of forcing conference championship games could work. Only half would have to comply- the Big East, the PAC 10, and the Big Ten. The others are already there. The sticky part would be deciding the #7 and #8 seeds....Do we take an 11-1 LSU who lost in the SEC title game, or do we take a 12-0 Boise State? What's the method of determining that? I'm not sure what the answer would be. Possibly something close to the current BCS-ranking formula we have. I have said many times, it will always be better to go to the pollsters & computers to determine the #7 and #8 seeds in an eight-team playoff, rather than determining who is #2 versus who is #3. A committee modeled after the NCAA hoops could also determine the wild cards, as well as the seeding. The other sticky part (which I'm also not sure how to handle) would be dealing with the current Bowls and their deep pockets and sponsors. I can't imagine that the Granddaddy Of Them All would be too excited about hosting a potential Florida vs. Ball State quarterfinal matchup. Maybe play the 1st round at the higher seed's home stadium, and then take the four big ones (Rose, Orange, Fiesta, and Sugar) and make them the semi-finals, 3rd place, and title game on a rotating basis. Yeah, it would suck to host the 3rd place game, but each would do it once every four years. I'm not sure how interested American fans are in a consolation game in any sport, but it could be interesting in College FB. For example, if this system was in place this year and Florida lost in the semi's, I'm sure Gator fans would love to see Tebow start and play a full game against big-time competition, even though the game is 'semi-meaningless.'
  12. Smokinandjokin prefers the grass as well.
  13. EXACTLY! Thank you. Speaking of grandmas, ask my grandma about Canadians and she'll curse till she's blue. She lives in Lewiston, and she said the Canucks go to the outlet mall and buy clothes, and then put them on and leave the clothes they were wearing in the parking lot. Apparently it's to avoid paying a duty on goods purchased. Why this fires her up so much is beyond me, but she is not a fan.
  14. Brick Tamland: I love... carpet. [pause] Brick Tamland: I love... desk. Ron Burgundy: Brick, are you just looking at things in the office and saying that you love them? Brick Tamland: I love lamp. Ron Burgundy: Do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying it because you saw it? Brick Tamland: I love lamp. I love lamp.
  15. That's sweet. That's also why I'm not chest-thumping too much about this season. At this point last year, we didn't deserve to be on the same sheet of ice with Ottawa, and we know how that ended. A major difference is that the Sabres are consistently gutting out some gritty wins in close games. Ottawa and Detroit were simply blowing teams out of the water last year. In fact, I think Ottawa's record in 1-goal games was pathetic last year.
  16. Why, because people at a smoke shop are classless and curse all day? I work for a reputable private firm in a corporate setting. My only reason for asking was because 'foul' language seems to be the usual around here, especially when things get heated, but also in just run-of-the-mill conversation. I was wondering what it was like where other people work. I'm not looking for a dissertation on societal norms or who is classy/classless. Perhaps societal norms differ from workplace to workplace. Some of the classiest, most well-respected people I know say !@#$ 20 times a day. That doesn't mean that if they met the Pope, they would say, "Nice to !@#$in meet you." And I know many people who are prim and proper with their language and yet have no class whatsoever, and I would be ashamed to be associated with them. Sweeping generalities are classless.
  17. But saying !@#$in instead of frickin means they're not classy?
  18. They're just words. "I can't wait to get the !@#$ outta here so I can drive my piece of schit car down to the homeless shelter in the schitty part of town, where I do volunteer work." Classless?
  19. My older sister was around 13 and had some of the gals over for a slumber party. My parents' place had a furnished basement, and that's where they were all planning on sleeping. The basement had a pool table, and running along the wall there's a 'bench' were you can watch the billiards game, with storage space underneath with sliding cedar doors. Before the girls went down to the basement, my dad helped stash me (I was 8 years old) in these sliding storage cabinents so that I could hear their gossip and then report back. What a dirtbag. I didn't catch anything good, I remember some talk about french kissing and stuff, and then I passed out. I woke up uncomfortable as hell in the morning and slid the door open. One of the girls yelped and my sister woke up and just about kicked my ass, but then she realized my father was behind it and didn't talk to him for a LONG time. Classic. I wouldn't go snooping on your kid, but that's only my opinion.
  20. It's pretty funny here. There is a lot of swearing that takes place on a daily basis. There are rarely situations where people feel the need to censor themselves. The reason I ask is because I just got out of a meeting with our corporate lawyer, he's pretty much a big dog, and every other word out of his mouth was "!@#$." I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation and found myself firing the f-bombs right back. Seems very contagious. There is a woman here who has by far the worst mouth of anyone in the place. It's hilarious. How is it where you work? No swearing? Only-when-angry swearing? Every sentence swearing? What do you think of it?
  21. I think I'm pretty sure I won't be watching.
  22. Nope, he's crayonz. Not your best work here crayonz, you're better than this...
  23. I was actually fairly impressed that when the game cut to a commercial after the miss, Dick Enberg said something to the effect of, "Buffalo had a chance to take the lead, but Lindell pushed it to the right." I like Enberg, but I was aniticpating the easy snide comment or lame "Wide Right" joke. Thankfully he passed. Supposedly Shannon Sharpe had a lame joke on the Football Night on NBC, and I heard Thurman on WGR Monday morning. He was pissed and is going to let Sharpe hear about it.
  24. I didn't mind the Josh Reed signing. I was disgusted by the Peerless Price signing.
  25. I may have been me. I posted this thread about a year ago.
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