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Everything posted by smokinandjokin

  1. I usually don't need a reason, but tonight it's Sabres-Leafs.
  2. I caught the Detroit wagon in '84 when I was 6-years old (because of my grandfather, the rest of my family is Yanks fans) and stayed on through some long, bumpy rides. There were about 15 years where it was a very lonely ride (especially with the NYY's success, my bros were ruthless) so I am welcoming all onto the bandwagon at this point.
  3. I actually met Barbara Bush briefly through a mutual friend. It was a friend of mine from college who went to Georgetown for grad school, and he some how knew Barbara. I went to DC for a weekend to hang with him and we saw her out at a happy hour- I was introduced and said hello but not much else, she talked to my friend for a few minutes. She looked pretty hot, just kind of laid low and had a few drinks, and then left early. She'd get it.
  4. Timeless classic
  5. Pic 2 is solid. Jury is still out, though. Mandy just doesn't do much for me. I'm not the type who thinks that my girlfriend is the hottest girl on the face of the earth, but I can comfortably say she is 10x hotter than Mandy Moore. Obviously, just my worthless opinion. No offense to S'n'R or the other Mandy fans...Like I said, pic 2 (and 3) is damn sexy, but I've seen her look average more often than not.
  6. Typcially they just have to get close. If they can get down to ~2000 tix remaining, usually a sponsor like Tops or M&T Bank would buy the rest and donate them to youth groups, soldiers, etc. The holiday weekend doesn't do much to aid ticket sales. Anyone who is in town for the weekend will typically be travelling back home on Sunday. I'm sure those who wanted to and are able to go to the game got their tickets and made their travel arrangements well ahead of time.
  7. THAT was a hilarious scene. I love how in his hypothetical claim, he states that the boss offered to save his job if Lester would RECEIVE the blowjob from him. Makes it 100x funnier.
  8. Biggest bar night of the year in Buffalo is quite an honor to bestow on one evening, but yes, it probably is. Likewise in many other cities, I'm sure. Unfortunately, this fact is not top secret and thus it also seems to be one of the biggest dee-wee nights for the cops. Many increased patrols and DWI checkpoints, so hopefully everyone stays safe. I fully understand how a big Sabres blowout victory could lead to some increased imbibing, but I'm not sure the police share the same view...
  9. Under the old system, we would already know that it would be USC-Ohio State in the Rose Bowl, no matter what happens in USC's last two games. However, USC would still have to win their last two to have a shot at the national title. If USC lost to ND, but beat OSU in the Rose, Michigan would be the likely champ if they rolled in their bowl game.
  10. Tell them the truth, but make it nice: "The experience has been great, but I want to explore other opportunities outside of working as a gay male escort."
  11. Does anybody care either way? Have you checked your ass for Sammy?
  12. Draft him, sign him, pick him up, whatever. Don't pretend the NFL doesn't give 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chances. Pro Bowl talent makes the majority of NFL GM's blind to the potential warts.
  13. Different line of thinking- What if the alleged incident happend pre-career rather than post-career- What if there's a college football player who is 19 years old, and his girlfriend is murdered, and all of the evidence is pointing strictly at him. It's obvious he was probably responsible for her death. But for whatever reason, tampered crime scene, police incompetence, schitty prosecutors, etc., he is found not guilty. The Bills then draft this kid and he becomes an OJ/Thurman type RB, plays 12 successful seasons in Buffalo, leads the team to two Super Bowls, and was active in local charity, and never has one incident with the law. Don't you think they would put his name and number on the Wall of Fame? Would they decline to put him up because of something that happened in a completely different time and phase of his life? I think we all know he'd be up there. So why take OJ down because of something that occurred completely outside the realm of what got him up there in the first place? The Wall specifically has a #32 up there next to OJ Simpson. It honors what he accomplished while wearing that uniform, and what he accomplished during one portion of his life. Whenever you see a picture of OJ now, all that comes to mind is "murderer." Isn't it nice to see his name next to #32 in a football context, and recall a few of the positive memories? I agree he is a scumbag, and should be treated like such. But keep him on the Wall. If anything, use it as a cautionary tale for your kids about who they pick as their heroes, and that there can be two sides to every persona. By the way, internet petitions ALWAYS work....
  14. In 1994, the World Cup came to the USA and introduced a whole bunch of people to world-class soccer who before then had no clue or didn't care. Up to that point, the US always wore pretty simple and sharp uniforms like this, by Adidas. However, for the 94 World Cup, Adidas decided to change the uni's to something that was 'distinctively American,' and they came up with this, which wasn't even the worst uni they had. I remember a red striped uniform with 'denim' colored shorts that was just atrocious, but I couldn't find a pic to link to.
  15. Good Lord this is going to be a barnburner tonight. You know the Sabres are going to come out flying, not only to avenge their first regulation loss of the season (in which, credit to the Leafs, the Sabres were thoroughly outplayed) but also to quiet down the fans from Toronto who were seranading Miller in his own building. Look for Miller's A-game tonight, and look for the Leafs to rediscover their usual HSBC form. Two predictions: Sabres win 6-1 S'n'J gets blind drunk and needs to watch the game again tomorrow to recall what happened
  16. I did a very limited search. I actually spent most of my time searching for an article I SWEAR I read that noted that the NFL has not had EVEN ONE game this season blacked out in a local market. I guess that means they are playing to ~100% capacity? The problem is, I don't believe it, and I can't remember where I read that. The best site I could find was this one on ESPN, and it pretty much confirms that just about every NFL team is selling close to all of their tickets for their home games. The old standby's for blackouts- Arizona and New Orleans- are selling out this year. So, is it true? Has the NFL not had to blackout one single game this year? Can any of you NoCal posters confirm that every Raiders game has been on TV this year? I NEED ANSWERS! Will Bills-Jags be the first?
  17. People went nuts when Donahoe drafted a receiver.
  18. The very worst of the worst Detroit teams have ALWAYS shown up on Thanksgiving. And this is the year of the home underdog.
  19. That is a very naive approach you are taking. Like I said, he will have the opportunity to turn the Miami job down. We'll see what he does. Of course he's going to tell everyone right now that he's not going anywhere. But there was a very real possibility of his team going undefeated this year and being ranked no higher than 5th. No national title. Do you think that would ever possibly happen at Miami? Roy Williams turned down the UNC hoops job once and then took it several years later, after saying Kansas was his place and he wasn't leaving. Schiano says he loves Rutgers. College coaches will act like they are in it for the kids and for the university, and they'll say the right thing, but don't believe for a second that they are concerned about anybody ahead of themselves. Because that university that they love so much will fire them without a second thought after 3 or 4 down years. If Texas or USC go 5-7, 6-6, 5-7 over the next three years, do you think Mack Brown or Pete Carroll will still have jobs? Nope. Look at Coker.
  20. The average price for a hooker has remained pretty steady.
  21. Have you seen the commercial where Jessica is Daisy Duke, and she's talking in a schitty Southern accent about a flat screen TV? Does something look horribly wrong with her mouth in that picture? I can't figure it out but it's been bothering me. Watch it next time it's on. And no, the fact that there's not a male member in her mouth is not what's wrong with it, you perverts. It just looks weird.
  22. In-season, they always say that. He's a Jersey guy, I know that too. However, he is in position to demand big-time money from a program that is among the elite of NCAA Football. He has roots in Miami, is well-thought of by high school coaches in Florida, and has a recruiting base in the state already. He is young, energetic, and brings a brashness and enthusiasm that is definitely missing in Miami with Larry Coker. We will see. Just because he says he's not interested in a job that isn't even open yet doesn't mean anything. He'll definitely have the opportunity to turn it down. If he does, good for him. If he takes it, good for him.
  23. The Trojans win and they're in. Other than that, it should probably be Michigan. If ND beats USC, Michigan still beat ND. Florida has a jump to make and needs to be overpowering against Arkansas. Two wins over LSU and Florida would look good for Arkansas, but they need USC to lose since that's the Hogs' only loss. Even still, it might not be enough to jump Michigan. That said, I throw some completely random guesses out there as to what the point spreads would be if each of these teams made it. Ohio State is the favorite in all games: Michigan +4 - Played OSU close in Columbus, but were the Bucks ever really in jeopardy? USC +5.5 - I can't remember the last time the Trojans got points Arkansas +7- If they're there, that means they were impressive vs. LSU and Florida. Best team in best conference Notre Dame +8- Like in the Michigan game, stopping OSU would be the problem. Irish couldn't do it in the Fiesta Bowl Florida +8.5- I can't see their offense putting up enough points to run with Troy and the boys.
  24. I've been just the opposite lately. The NFL has been REALLY hard to take. Parity is good, but you can't figure the league out. I've been feeling this way for three or four years now. Sullivan actually summed it up fairly nicely in today's Buffalo News. Some of the highlights: So I woke up here Monday morning, groggy and disoriented, wondering if I had only dreamed that Peerless Price made a big play, and asking myself, "What the heck are we to make of this Bills team, 10 games into the season?" Then I skimmed the standings and realized that all over the league, people are asking the same question. Is this football team good, bad or average? Is it a budding contender or a maddening tease, just another inconsistent team in the jumble of mediocrity that is today's NFL? After Sunday's action, there were 17 teams within a game of .500 - that is, with four to six victories. That's more than half the league. It includes the teams that played in last year's Super Bowl, Seattle and Pittsburgh. Cincinnati is 5-5. I almost fell off the chair when I saw that San Francisco is 5-5, too. 17 teams within 1 game of .500? That's crazy. In my opinion, every team in the NFL sucks, and the trick is figuring out who is going to suck less that Sunday. The very average Pittsburgh Steelers put four good games together and won the Super Bowl last year as the final team to qualify from their conference. I know, that's why a playoff needs to take place in college, I agree. But there's something about the pagentry and excitement of all college football that I don't feel for any NFL game outside of the Bills. I find myself watching a lot more college ball than pro ball.
  25. Not Schiano though. He should have UMiami back in the top-10 by 2008, and maybe even next year.
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