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Everything posted by smokinandjokin

  1. The reason it came up in this thread was because that's what the BSU QB said. He was thrilled with the Bowl win, and would always remember it. There was absolutely ZERO consideration in his mind that Boise State didn't get a fair shake. He was beyond overjoyed about the season. The only people upset is the public crying for a playoff, because, for whatever reason, it's PRIORITY #1 to subjectively choose 8 teams and then determine that one of those eight is the best of all 119 who play... Personally I don't care....
  2. If they were 12-0 and won the MAC championship 52-10? Then the playoff system is just as good as the BCS.
  3. My whole point was that nobody EVER points out what the BCS is, they only focus on what it isn't. I'm a fan of college football, and a fan of the bowl games in general. I'm not sure how many people here have been to a big-time bowl game, but I was at the Rose Bowl on New Years Day in '04 for USC-Michigan. I had the mile-smile the whole time, and my persistant thought was, "This should never go away." (Note- I have had the mile-smile at the Sundowner as well.) I like the NFL and the playoffs. They're awesome. But I don't mind the bowl games and the controversy, and the conversation that goes along with it. Deep down, do I really care about a split national champion, or who deserved to play who? No way. Honestly, by the 3rd week in January I've usually forgotten about it. I don't have this raging need to have an undisputed national champion. Another thing to think about- Do college football players want a playoff? The teams that would play in the playoffs would more often than not remain the same, with a few changes by year- Texas, USC, Ohio State, Florida, Miami, etc. etc. Do players at those schools, anticipating a HUGE payday in the draft, really want to play 3-4 extra games before their college careers are over? What if some no-name chump from the MAC Champion Central Michigan blew out Vince Young's knee in a first round playoff game last year? I know, I know, it's rediculous to play the "what if" game- injuries can happen at any time- but it is an increased risk for the players.
  4. I don't feel bad for the Dolphins at all. Look at Nick's history, he has bounced around pretty regularly. They knew that when they hired him. It really sucks for LSU that he jumped ship for a year-and-a-half, and then returns to coach in the same conference, saying "My heart is in college football." But with that crystal football sitting in the trophy case, I'm sure the Tigers can't be too upset... He definitely changes the recruiting landscape in the SEC. Alabama was bumping into Vandy and Kentucky on the recruiting trail two weeks ago...Now they're cruising with Florida and LSU...
  5. She's so effing hot
  6. I would feel much better about the Jets in this game if they didn't crush NE in Foxboro last month. That alone will spur the Pats to absolutely crush them. Trust me, Billy Boy did not take kindly to losing to his pupil. Didn't the Bills hammer these very Jets -- on their home field -- less than a month ago? The Jets and their 4-yard passing attack is pathetic. Patriots 27 Jets 13 I love me some peach cobbler...
  7. Jets blow. New England covers easily.
  8. Very travel-friendly road schedule too: Pittsburgh and Cleveland are ~3 hours; NYC, Philly, and D.C. are all possible by car, in the ~6-7 range. And Jax and Miami for the snowbirds...
  9. But look at what type of system he's a product of- Perhaps his game is better suited for a pro-style offense and he was struggling in a college offense before Weis; hence Weis' comments about him having a chance to do really well at the next level. Carson Palmer was pathetic his first three years, but Norm Chow turned him into a Heisman winner. A product of the system? Sure. It just happened to be an NFL system, and as such, his success has translated to the next level. So mcbride's point does make sense.
  10. I might jump on the over for Jan 6 if you go out drinking tonight....
  11. Let's not pretend that a playoff system will get rid of poor matchups and games...For every Valparaiso in NCAA hoops there are 1000 games that are over when it's 24-5 in the 1st half... Unfortunately (actually, probably fortunately) I have not found a book where I can make wagers on your dumps...Louisville's TD at the end may have seemed meaningless to most, but not to this guy...
  12. He's hard to like. He definitely has game, but he just looks like a punk and a meth-addict. And the better he plays, the more he runs his mouth- not uncommon, just annoying.
  13. A party for your record label in downtown Angola?
  14. Exactly, good points all. The fact that he admitted this is idiotic. Perhaps apologize to your captains in private. Apologize to your coaches and coordinators in private. Don't tell the Chicago Tribune about it. It was like Willis saying he didn't know it was 4th down in Foxboro. Maybe he didn't, I don't really care. Just please, PLEASE, don't tell me that.
  15. I bet on Boise State, +7.5 thank you very much. Less because of Boise State's 'greatness' and more because of OU's ineptness. Backdoor champs of a weak conference giving a TD+ to an undefeated? I'll take the points. Please listen to the Boise State players and coaches talk. The "THIS IS NOT FAIR" angle couldn't be farther from their minds. They just finished an undefeated season and are Fiesta Bowl champs, after beating a storied college program in a classic game. I heard their QB on Jim Rome- he talked about telling his grandchildren about his undefeated senior season and beating Oklahoma in a Bowl Game. He was truly pumped. Why is that so bad? Do you think he'd be bouncing his grandchild on his lap, talking about that time they lost in the 1st round of the playoffs? Just give them a chance? They just won one of the prized trophies in college football, by beating a team who has won multiple national championships and was the Big 12 champion. They earned $17M to be distributed throughout their program and to the teams in their conference. That was the chance they were given, and they took it. It's mindblowing that the BCS has matched up teams who have played some of the greatest Bowl games in history in the last 3-4 years, and people refuse to say anything good about the system.
  16. Something to think about as well- Last year at this time there were probably very few on this board who had ever even heard the name "Jay Cutler." It was all Bush, Leinart, Vince Young going 1-2-3. Somebody with less TV exposure in college always shines at the combines and thrusts himself into the top of the draft. It wouldn't surprise me to see a QB like that grade out better than Quinn, at least pre-draft.
  17. Couldn't his career arc span all of them, like Mike Tyson? With "coke-snorting male prostitute" as the final chapter?
  18. Peters at tackle!!!! Moorman Peters
  19. hahaha maroon, I like that schit. The best is he lists excuses too..."Only going to play a half, homefield already locked up, it's New Years Eve..." New Years Eve? What the hell was he thinking about? A drunken kiss with Kyle Orton? Bears fans can take solace in the fact that he's learned from his mistake.
  20. Impossible to argue. While there's no question his team, particularly the defense, has struggled against the top teams, Quinn has managed to play VERY poorly in ND's biggest games. This is a guy who set 38 Notre Dame records, and completed 64% of his passes, and threw 69 TD's and 14 INT's (a ratio of 5:1) in 2005 and 2006. Look at him in their biggest games this year. 2006 47-21 loss to Michigan: 24-48, 234 yds, 3TD, 3INT 44-24 loss to USC: 22-45, 274 yds, 3 TD, 1 INT 41-14 loss to LSU: 15-35, 148 yds, 2 TD, 2 INT There's no hiding the fact that the defense gave up monster points and yards. That's why they lost. But what happened to Quinn? Against Michigan's pourous pass defense, Troy Smith was 29-41, 316 yds, 4TD, 1INT; John David Booty was 27-45, 391 yds, 4TD, 0 INT. No argument, all teams win and lose together. Doesn't it strike you as strange that Quinn, an all-time ND QB and record breaker, consistently played his worst games when he was needed most? The 4 and 5 TD games are great against Air Force and North Carolina; but how does a 64% passer suddenly drop below 50% whenever he plays a good team? How does a guy who throws 5 TD's for every pick suddenly start staring down the cornerbacks for multiple INT's?
  21. Rex Hobert Apparently Rex didn't feel the need to prepare for the game against the Pack, where he put on a glistening 2-12, 33 yds, 3 INT performance. He shouldn't even bother admitting this, IMO.
  22. I would think that if any coach has instant cred in the NFL coaches/GM circle in terms of cheeseburger opinion, it would be Charlie Weis. Between his gut and his ass, its hard to argue with that kind of success in terms of crushing burgers.
  23. The SEC is 5-3 in Bowl games, while the Big Ten is 3-4. In head-to-head, the Big Ten has definitely faired better, with Penn State knocking off Tennessee, and Wisconsin beating overrated Arkansas. Michigan was supremely disappointing, while LSU was impressive. I think these teams might be more evenly matched then a lot of people give them credit for, but Ohio State's coaching and experience in BCS bowl games will win out. Ohio State 30 Florida 24
  24. Agreed, the city shot their load from the beginning, saying Bass Pro would be the centerpiece of a revitalized downtown commercial district. The Bass Pro folks know they have been negotiating from a position of strength since then. I was actually happy when Buffalo nutted up and gave them a 30-day deadline...and !@#$ the extension... The only true reason I want Bass Pro to become a reality is that I heard this Bass Pro will sell boats. I also heard that boats can be taken out into the inner harbor for a "test drive." My dream is to walk into Bass Pro with six friends, several coolers, a radio, and some sunscreen and tell them that I'm looking to buy a boat and would like to take it out. Load it up, head down to Sunset Bay, we'll have her back by midnight!!!
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