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Everything posted by smokinandjokin

  1. Look at the first line of the first reply in the thread: Hahahahaha!!! It's not worth it to bother emailing this clown. Who's responding? Many of the posts since then have actually agreed with the author, it is a bit drab down in the arena district. And I can't imagine one Buffalo/WNY resident having and inferiority complex in the shadow of Philadelphia, of all places. At least this author was actually in Buffalo, and wrote his opinion about it. I'm fine with that. I tend to get frustrated with those who clearly just enjoy badmouthing the place without ever having visited.
  2. No doubt...I'm either at Swannie or the Mute no matter what before the game, I always park there. I'm good friends with Richie, the big guy who owns the Mute. And more often than not I will hit up the Wobblestone afterwards... You're right though, maybe post-game we should head to Amherst for some wine...
  3. No, not tonight...I only have a minipack, my next game isn't until Feb. Sometimes I latch on with a pal of mine who has seasons though.
  4. Devils, and the most recent Canes game was another one. I think the Canes beat him with a minute-and-change left.
  5. Definitely true for an out-of-towner...Overall, most of the buildings are abandoned and ratty. However, there are a few good spots to catch a postgame drink, you just have to know where they are. If you were wandering around aimlessly just looking for a pub, they are definitely few and far between, I suppose you would think it's a dump. You most certainly don't have to drive 20 minutes, like the article mentions...
  6. Saw an overhead on the postgame- the original shot hit the post, came out and went through Miller's legs, then hit his stick and went back through his legs and into the net. Definitely crossed the line by about a foot before the defender swept it back underneath Miller.
  7. Is he a B because we were all expecting a D or an F??? Is he a B because he's compared to Mularkey, who was a D-? I'd give him a C. Unprepared to play against Chicago, Detroit, New England game @ home. End of the Tennessee game seemed awkward- not the hail mary/no FG, moreso the 4 plays before that 4th down. It took the offense too long to adjust to the weak line and shorten JP's drops to 3 and 5 steps, instead of 7 steps. I give them credit for eventually adjusting, though. The Peerless Price no-catch against San Diego, where the Bills called a timeout to decide whether or not to challenge, and then challenged and lost another timeout, was a debacle. So...I grade a D for the first 7 games, a B for the next 7 games, and a C for the final two. A C overall, which is good. Overall, no panic from the coaching staff when things weren't going well. They have a nice first year to build off of.
  8. Never found an electric that was close enough for the full-time morning shave. Like someone else mentioned, I do have the battery powered electric in the desk drawer at work, in case I need to be proper for a late meeting or business dinner or a nice event out with the lady friend.
  9. NFL PRODUCTIONS MEDIA MARKETING DIVISION NEW YORK, NY JANUARY 10, 2007 The NFL regretfully announces that their original choice for the inaugural Super Bowl commercial submitted by fans has come to a halt in mid-production. The original commercial concept, submitted by Gino Bona, will not air during next month's Super Bowl. Instead, the second-place concept will now represent the league during the championship game. An NFL spokesman declined comment, but a source familiar with the contest cited "a retraction of votes by many of those people who had previously supported Gino's submission."
  10. I don't think the good people of the state of Nebraska would appreciate your tags. And frankly, as a resident of the Northeast, I take an offense to them as well. And Neil Everett from SportsCenter isn't THAT bad...
  11. I read in Hustler that Willis was trying to be a good father, and was making his daughter lunch. She asked for a grilled cheese sandwich, and Willis said, "What's in that?" That's not all. I read an interview with Willis in Car & Driver where they asked what his favorite car was. He said a Range Rover. THAT'S AN SUV YOU MORON! Get this idiot out of town NOW!!!
  12. This is a toughie... If the students rented a house and are one of the few college houses in the neighborhood, they need to use their better judgement with parties and expect some pushback. If the Oswego residents are living in the middle of apartment houses traditionally set aside for student rental, they need to expect some louder and later-than-usual activities. I'm not sure how Oswego is set up, if students and adults are all living intermingled... Bottom line, no matter where I've been, I've always had a good relationship with the neighbors. Step 1 is to personally walk over the day before a party and let them know there will be a shindig going down, and they are more then welcome to attend. However, things could get noisy...If it gets too loud, please come and find me, and let me know, and I'll try to work it out. That works better for everyone instead of calling the police. That gesture alone seems to go a long way, and I've never had any issues.
  13. What are Willis' thoughts on a Leafs-Sabres game at the Ralph? That NEEDS to happen...
  14. Miami's policy with recent hires has been to give the head coach final say in all personell and GM-type decisions. Basically, total control of football operations. Martz would be a disaster in this capacity, IMO.
  15. Hahahahaha!!! It's not worth it to bother emailing this clown. I don't want to wait behind a B word like that at Cobblestone, or the Swannie House, or Pearl Street Grill, or any bar on Chippewa or Elmwood while he scratches his head and wonders whether to order just one mini bottle of White Zinfandel, or if he wants to get REAL CRAZY tonight and order two. Briere and Campbell don't deserve to start??? The leading scorer and playmaker on the best team in the league, and a +17 'offensive' defenseman from the best team in the league don't deserve to start? Okay pal. Let's put Kaberle or McCabe in there. He does have a point with Miller, several goalies in the East (including Brodeur and Huet) have played a little better this year. Miller may not have the stats, but he has the wins. Regardless, he deserves to be there playing a period. This time, it just so happens that it will be the 1st period. A Philly writer getting his panties in a knot over the guys who will play the first 40 seconds of a scrimmage, and wondering where he can get a Sutter Home Chardonay in downtown Buffalo. What a stroke.
  16. I don't think you'll ever have to worry about the NCAA and its member institutions choosing money at the risk of alienating their fan base...
  17. How did Ripken avoid the steroid/supplement questions? I'm not saying he did anything, but how come he's never been suspected? Playing 2500 games in a row at shortstop is not easy to do. Sore knee, sore shoulder, sore everything...If there's a little rub you can put on your sore body to help rejuvenate, why wouldn't you do it when everyone else is? Steroids aren't just for bulking up and becoming a 55-HR hitter. They are prescribed all of the time by doctors for people recovering from surgeries and injuries. He seemed awfully shifty when asked about McGwire and tried to jump off the topic immediately. He just wants to fly under the radar of that issue. But hey, McGwire never tested positive either...
  18. It was an era that changed the game and needs to be recognized. The era's best players need to be included, along with all of the conversation and footnotes that go along with their suspected transgressions. Drugs were used, but the league knew it. The ball was juiced. The strike zone was downsized. The league expanded, which diluted the quality of pitching. All of those factors led to more home runs. And yet we are going to punish great players who would've been great hitters regardless, because they were on steroids? Ten years' worth of players don't get in? Where do you draw the line? The league rode those players to get itself out of one of it's darkest periods. To take a holier-than-thou approach when it comes time to remember their legacy, both good and bad, is pathetic.
  19. !@#$in-A, relax guys, he got into the Hall. We're debating why 8 people used their right NOT to vote for a guy? Who cares!!! Would you really sleep better tonight knowing that Cal was unanimously voted in? Are you going to go to Cooperstown and shake your head in shame when you get to his plaque, wondering what might have been had those 8 guys only voted for him? Maybe it'd be polished to a more perfect shine? Just because somebody doesn't vote the way you want him to doesn't mean he's a retard. Personally, Ripken would've been on my ballot, along with Gwynn and McGwire. But I don't really give a schit if somebody else didn't vote for them. Was Cal slamming the phone on the desk after the greatest call of his life, because 8 baseball writers decided there were other players they wanted to vote for? Good God, just look at the title of the thread. Who are the 15 retards who get all worked up over HOF voting?
  20. I thought it was 100% clear it was coke?
  21. I don't have expendable income pouring out my ears, but I have been in many different cities of various size, status, and quality, and I have always been able to find a good time. Throw in a $2 million per year salary, and I'm pretty goddam sure I would tear it up no matter where I was...
  22. Should the mod's move this to the 'Early Entry' thread?
  23. The dude is putting together quite a flow chart for himself. And the best is he deflowered Britney when she was young and rediculously hot, not the trashy Springer guest that she is now. Cameron Diaz is a very sexy girl who seems easy to chill with, and cool to party with. And Scarlett...Just...Wow...
  24. I play a lot of basketball, league games twice a week in fall, winter, and spring. Softball in the summer is an absolute blast. I have played alto sax since I was 8 and still play regularly. I am dabbling currently in the guitar. I also drink heavily.
  25. And two of the conference's three losses were to who? Arkansas lost to Wisconsin of the Big Ten, and Tennessee lost to unranked Penn State of the Big Ten.
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