I think you Pats fans are digging too deep to defend Brady. I could've written off 2 outta 3 as lucky, flukey, good d, etc., especially cause they missed the playoffs in between. But 3 outta 4 seems like the real deal, especially when you factor in a 20-something game winning streak in there somewhere. I am the biggest Brady hater out there but even I must admit that it is getting harder to trash him. He might not be a "great" QB (Marino, Elway, etc.) but whatever it is he's doing or not doing, it usually equals victories.
We Bills fans are pissed because they have a good system, a good team, and they constantly get (or make) all the breaks. But even more so, we are pissed because they have what we want. Hopefully dumping Bledsoe is a common pre-cursor for winning titles.
But you don't need to get all in depth defending Brady and calling him the best ever, blah, blah, blah. Letting his play and wins speak for themselves stings the worst. Let us Bills fans trash him on our board. It's fun for us. In the end, we know we have to beat him on the field, which has been MUCH easier said than done.