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Everything posted by smokinandjokin

  1. I heard Belicheck is sick of squeaking out the Super Bowl by only 3 points with that bum Brady, and he wants Rivers NOW!!! At least that's what AKC told me...
  2. Do you think the Fins got their second-rounder back?
  3. I believe I have voted in that election several times already. I respect McCain and would back him in a second, Pataki can get lost, and Newt=Hillary. If NG/HC were the final choices, while the temptation is always there to go Green Party, I'd might have to choke back the vomit and take Hillary. Wild Bill as the first lady is an opportunity I would have a hard time passing up.
  4. I have always liked Mike Golic on ESPN and his Mike & Mike In the Morning show. He is intelligent, funny, informed, and not afraid to take a ribbing or laugh at himself. I think he could be a very good color man doing games on TV or radio (maybe he does, I'm not sure.) I don't think I've ever heard him...
  5. I'm sure you know this, but there were four last year, USC, OK, Auburn, and Utah. But I know what you meant: 4 undefeated from the BCS conferences. I thought it sucked that Utah didn't play Auburn last year. Let the undefeateds battle it out. Pittsburgh got the free bid out of the WHACK Big East, and I knew Utah would pound 'em. Sure enough, they did...
  6. Make this horrible, worthless thread stop. Can we all agree that Brady sucks just enough to own 3 Super Bowl titles? And AKC, you better watch out for your excuse that Brady rides a good defense...cause theirs isnt too good this year. There's a lot of teams who would be 1-5 after that 6 game stretch. That debate about who is better, Brady or Vinatieri, made this thread extra retarded.
  7. NBA players always seem to wear suits when they go to legal courts; now they just have to wear them to basketball courts. I like the rule; however, I think flights should be a different story. I would not want to play a 7:30pm game in Orlando, and then have to wear a suit that night on a flight to Seattle. I think as long as they look like a team, that is what counts. If 12 guys get off a plane, sure they will look nice in suits, but I think gray NBA team-issued sweatshirts and sweatpants is more practical.
  8. Southern Cal vs. 49ers for the title
  9. Cool. Thank God you are much more civilized than those other fans fawning over him.
  10. I will confess to not knowing much about Tim Horton's career, especially as a Sabre. I know he was not here long, maybe one or two seasons? I know that he died tragically, but reckless driving on his part was the reason. Does he deserve to be up there with Sabre legends? Did the emotions involved with his untimely death cloud the memories of the fans/organization? I guess what I'm asking is, if the accident never occured, and he played five seasons here, would his number be hanging in the rafters? Like I said, I really don't know much about him as a player....I heard the Sabres had a young team, and he came in as a veteran leader...that's about it. Also, I think Hasek single-handedly lifted the Sabres to a level they had only been once in their history. As Sabre fans, we would get mad when the national media would say they had a mediocre team in front of the best goalie in the world. As much as you didn't want to believe it, it was true. Hasek was THE REASON those teams in the late-90's were successful. As strange as he was, and despite the terms under which he was traded, I say he goes up there. The franchise is not exactly loaded with two-time NHL MVP's.
  11. Hey Puhonix, you and the other Fins fans in Miami know what a line is, don't you?
  12. I got 2 days of in-school suspension for dusting off this old joke: We had a passbook that the teacher had to sign when we wanted to go to the bathroom or just cruise the halls. I put that under my chair, and then raised my hand and asked if I could go to the bathroom. My teacher (about a 35 yr old woman) said, "Where's your hall pass?" I said, "Blow me!" Gasps and giggles from the class followed. She said, "What!?!" I repeated, "Blow me." She was furious and told me to go right to the office. I reached down and grabbed the passbook and held it up and said, "What, it's below me!" She didn't buy it and neither did the vice-principal. The class was rolling, though.
  13. Agreed. This is a non-issue. Feeding them answers would have been shady, but just allowing them to plan for the questions the Prez was going to ask them is standard. They were able to give their own answer. Brian Williams on NBC made it out like the Admin hired actors and dressed them up as soldiers... Now those "impartial American citizens" lobbing the scripted softball questions at the "town meetings" are another story...
  14. Marty is probably more tradeable and the Sabres can get more value for him, seeing as he has been a fairly successful starter in the league. I am not worried about the time it's taking. Some team's goalie will get hurt, and Darcy will be able to pull the trigger for maximum value. I'd prefer to have Biron, but Noronen is an adequate backup...Besides, from the look of things early on, Miller will be the horse- the backup will probably only get 12 games or so. I can see Miller playing 70. I heard Rick Jenarrett (sp?) on the radio yesterday, and he was talking about the way Darcy handled the Chris Gratton trade. The trade deadline was approaching, and there had been rumors for months that Gratton was going to be dumped...Darcy waited it out, until the Coyotes finally bucked up with Daniel Briere and a draft pick. Pretty well handled by DR. Everyone was crying about TD not moving Travis in a timely fashion, but in the end, when the info about Travis' possible drug suspension came to light, it seems Donahoe did pretty well playing the Titans against the Jags and getting a 3rd rounder. Three goalies on the roster is not comfortable, but as long as the Sabres can eventually get fair value, it will pan out.
  15. I believe Friday night will be the opening of my autumn beaver hunting season. My weapon of choice: I usually prefer to slay them with my pork sword.
  16. I believe the test to get your license involves the 3-point turn, parallel parking, and driving a truck of fake explosives into a building.
  17. You've outdone yourself JSP. Best one yet IMO.
  18. I was thinking that too. The first penalty in OT made it a 4 on 3 advantage. The second penalty, the Sabres brought a 5th out to make it a 5 on 3. Then there was a third penalty, which was a moot point. You can't have less than 3 skaters on the ice. I don't imagine it will be a problem, but if the NHL notices a trend of teams taking penalties on OT when they know the penalty will not be served (i.e. tackling a guy in front of the net when you are already at a 5-on-3 disadvantage) they could start doing something about it. For example, in last night's game, when the 3rd penalty in OT occured, perhaps then the Sabres get to choose one of Tampa's shooters if it goes to a shootout. Or, even more drastic, perhaps Tampa only gets 2 shooters vs. Buffalo's 3. Like I said, I can't imagine this becomes an issue, but those are some ideas if the NHL notices the rules being taken advantage of when no more penalties can be assessed.
  19. WOOOFAH! Thanks JSP, all better now.
  20. I need a fix... Where is the Babe of the Day?
  21. Is that when the unicorns died?
  22. I wouldn't say he's doing a good job. I would say between bad picks and unlucky events, Cleveland's has to be the worst 7-year stretch of draft picks ever. TD's #1's are decent: 01- Nate Clements 02- Mike Williams 03- Willis McGahee 04- Lee Evans/JP Losman 05- No #1 Factor in the trades to get Bledsoe and get rid of Peerless Price, and it's looks alright. Better than the Browns- WOOOHOOOO!!!!!
  23. Cleveland Browns 1st Round draft picks, 1999-2005 (overall selection in parenthesis) 05 (3) WR Braylon Edwards Elbow infection, out 6 weeks 04 (6) TE Kellen Winslow On Injured Reserve for both his NFL seasons 03 (21) C Jeff Faine Starter, played in 26 of 36 games, no threat to be seen in Canton, OH 02 (16) RB William Green Backup, 7 carries for 12 yards this season 01 (3) DT Gerard Warren Currently with Denver Broncos 00 (1) DE Courtney Brown Currently with Denver Broncos 99 (1) QB Tim Couch Out of football Man, this really looks bad when you group them all together. These are bigger busts than the Babe of the Day!
  24. I agree with you here, but at the expense of what else? I assume you mean TD should have drafted a few young OL's, as well as sign one or maybe two through FA. What would this have cost the Bills, or, what do we have now that we wouldn't be able to have if we had 2-3 superb linemen? Maybe not drafting Willis or Lee Evans? Or a FA pickup like Milloy? I agree with you about the line, but you can't just say give me the team we have now plus 4 in-demand lineman. There has to be a tradeoff somewhere. And remember the team TD took over. The OL was a problem, but consider who/what they were blocking for. Trading a #1 to get Bledsoe made the team relevant again. He addressed the OL with the #4 overall on Mike Williams, who seemed like a "can't miss" coming out of college. I wouldn't disagree that Big Mike has underperformed and is overpaid, but he is still young enough to make himself worthy of that pick and that contract. Hopefully he does...
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