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Everything posted by smokinandjokin

  1. Give JP one more game on the sidelines. He does not need to get trounced on national TV. That can wait till December against Denver. But seriously, why didn't MM pull KH when he had 75 yards passing in the 4th quarter? Didn't he think the team needed a spark? How come JP gets the yank?
  2. Whoa big guy, take it easy. I'm not pretending to be a GM, or to even have one-tenth the football knowledge that guys like you and TD have. But when you make a mistake, don't you do everything in your power not to make the same mistake again? After 3 seasons with GW, it was clear he didn't have "It" as a head coach (whatever "it" is.) That's not to say that he won't ever have "it," it's just that he was in a situation he had never been in before, and he lost the team. He was not successful in the little things, such as managing veteran players in training camp, or dealing with the media when the team is struggling and everyone wants answers. Those are things he never had to do before, and he was not successful in those areas. The second time around, maybe he will be. So all I'm saying is, why would TD, after admitting hiring GW was a mistake (I think his firing is admission enough) hire another rookie HC? Doesn't that risk making the same mistake twice? Mularkey's 0-4 start may have proven that there is a learning curve for coaches in the NFL as well as players. Point taken that good coaches are usually already employed. I'm not saying picking a good one is easy; all I'm saying is don't make the same mistake twice when picking a bad one. Who should they have hired? I dunno. Perhaps Jim Fassell would have been worth a shot.
  3. The line is bad, but Holcomb sucks. He's a backup. From today's Buffalo News: That's great.
  4. That play could've easily been called interference. Clements had both hands all over Moss before he jumped and swatted the pass away. I'm surprised a receiver of his "stature" did not get that call.
  5. How the heck do you know that? He was the oldest coach in the NFL 9 years ago when he retired. The man is old. I don't think he can log the hours anymore. Eating dinner at 3:30pm and hitting the sack by 7pm is not as easy as it looks. TD obviously made a mistake hiring GW. That was acknowledged by TD firing him. The question is why, after that debacle, would he go out and hire another coordinator with NO EXPERIENCE as a head coach? It is astounding. Trying to prove just how smart he is...
  6. Obviously the players are getting it done on the ice, but some high-fives need to be thrown to Quinn, Darcy, and Ruff for anticipating what the game would be like with the rule changes. When the free agents were signing like crazy, it seemed like the Sabres were being their typical cheap selves. But they were confident with their roster, and now they are well-positioned with a good, fast, young team that is about $12 mil under the cap. Speaks well for the coaching staff that the Sabres are the least penalized team in the NHL right now, especially when the power play is how many teams are making a living. The coaches have obviously worked hard on defensive positioning and discipline.
  7. This team doesn't give itself the chance to win right now. You are lost if you think this is a playoff team. Play the kid. It won't make a lick of difference. QB is not the problem. Blaming the team's issues on the QB (both JP and KH) is like a 350 lb man saying his shirt makes him look fat.
  8. I'm sure you guys saw this- An Aussie freelance filmmaker was imbedded with a group of US soldiers in Afghanistan. Apparently two Taliban fighters had been killed and their bodies were laying around for 24+ hours. The soldiers decided to burn the bodies to prevent stench and disease. However, they apparently laid the bodies facing west (an insult to a Muslim) and they tried to rile up the other Taliban fighters by announcing over loudspeaker what they were doing. My question is, how do you let a freelance, long-haired Australian film this? There are several U.S. soldiers on camera, and none of them seem too worried about showing up on film. Was there ever any doubt this was going to be released eventually? Clearly the U.S. does not want to raid cities and villages and caves looking for insurgents. This was a ploy to draw them out and fight in the open, a bait that obviously the Taliban fighters did not bite. Military officials say the act is repugnant and a full investigation will ensue.
  9. Someone at work just showed it to me, I didn't read the article. It is in the front in the "Players" section where they ask athletes some questions about all different stuff. There's a big picture, and Willis was holding a cake, not a Whopper this time. I'll have to check it out when I get home.
  10. I remember about two days after Katrina happened, a friend sent me an email marked urgent. He said he saw this photo of the tragedy, and it looked a lot like my father, and he just wanted to make sure everything was okay. I clicked on the attachment, and it was the original pic of the guy walking in waist-high water with a bucket of beers and a funny smile on his face. My father being a white man made the pic that much more funny. I sent it around and a lot of people had seen it. Not sure if everyone here did. But then I saw the new website...This guy is a legend... I really cracked up at this one
  11. This just in: Kelly Holcomb declared himself the best QB in the league. And in an interview with WGR, Marty Biron called himself the best goalie in the NHL. Hey, you can't argue, he hasn't let up a goal yet...
  12. Animal style, baby! There was a place in Seattle where I had a great burger; it was called Frisco Freeze or something like that. I was very drunk, but it was VERY good. They have those places anywhere else down the West coast?
  13. You've probably all seen the photo from the Katrina aftermath of the guy who gathered up all of the Heinekens he could find. Well, that photo has taken on a life of its own. Somebody made a website and used photoshop to crop him into a bunch of funny pics. http://www.thebeerlooter.com/ Here's some of my favorites: Abbey Road NFL ref Carl Lootis Tubbs Jack-O-Looter
  14. And you're using the Internet and everything. Good for you, old timer!!!
  15. I'm not the biggest South Park fan, I haven't watched an episode in a few years. But the same dudes made the movie Team America, and I was rolling. One of the most hilarious movies I have seen in a long time. So many gut-busting scenes and lines. "And if there's any trouble, you remember the signal, don't you?" "Matt Day-Mon" "The way I see it, there's Dicks, Pu**ies, and A**holes...."
  16. I believe this stems purely from last year's fight. A direct correlation can be drawn to the Janet Jackson titty scandal. Until then, nobody cared or reported on indecency laws. But Janet's boob popped out when everyone was watching, and that's all anyone was talking about. It was sad to watch in the following months as the FCC clamped down on anything and everything they thought was inappropriate. Now the NBA last season had their "major" incident, and that's all anyone was talking about afterwards. The league was called "out of touch" with its fan base, and the public looked at the players as thugs. So the NBA issued their own "indecency laws," but theirs pertains to dress code. They are tired of their players being perceived as thugs. It's ammusing that Stephan Jackson made this statement, since he was (along with Artest) single-handedly responsible for the escalation of that fight. And I must say, if anybody looked like a thug, it was him. Maybe Jackson can invest, or even give to charity, that $10,000 he was going to spend on a new diamond-encrusted Cadillac necklace.
  17. I agree, she's a hottie. "Hey Jill, you need a ride? Well bend over, cause I'm driving!"
  18. With Randy hardly playing in the final 3 quarters this past Sunday against the Chargers, there is reason to believe that even if he does suit up against the Bills, he will be far from 100%. Therefore, the Bills will be able to stick Clements on Jerry Porter, and have the rest of the defense key on Lamont Jordan. I was very excited when the Jets traded him in the offseason. He was a horse when he would spell Curtis Martin, and I think he was the Jets future. But with CM winning the rushing title last year, and being the greatest back in Jets history, there was no way the team could send him packing (even if it may have been the smart thing to do long-term.) Does anyone see the Bills having trouble stopping Jordan? Obviously, they have had trouble stopping every RB this year. Any predictions on Jordan's stats? Like usual, both RB's will be the key. This past Sunday, all 14 teams who won had more rushing attempts than their opponents. When you're winning, you're rushing...
  19. Thanks everyone for the info on Timmy Ho. Sounds like he brought some solid leadership, respectability, and an known name to Buffalo when they were a young franchise looking to find their way. I also did hear that he was the last player to wear #2 for the Sabres, even though he died in the early 70's and his number wasn't retired until 1995. No player wore #2 in that 20+ year span. Also, I heard that the Sabres are retiring #18 in honor of Paul Cyr, not Danny Gare.
  20. AP still conducts their poll, but they requested to be taken out of the BCS formula. Last year, your BCS point total was factored by taking 1/3 AP ranking, 1/3 USAToday Coaches Poll ranking, and 1/3 computer ranking. Now that AP dropped out and continues their own independent poll, it creates the same problem as always: A possible split national championship. To replace the AP, a new poll was created, which includes some former players, coaches, and others who can vote anyway they see fit. Some of these guys don't even watch the games I'm sure. It really is a jumbled mess. I trust the writers and place all the stock in the AP poll. I believe they watch a lot of games and at least follow all relevant teams. Even the coaches poll, we saw what happened last year when Mack Brown lobbied and complained until 4 or 5 coaches (probably in the Big 12) voted them above Cal, even though Cal was ranked above them in every poll all year except the final one. Thus, Texas in the Rose Bowl. I have heard stories where coaches send an intern to vote for them, because they are too busy preparing for the upcoming game. Anyone who thinks these coaches in the ACC are sitting around watching two teams from the Big 10 who they will never play is crazy. No time for that. The BCS is outstanding when 2 teams run the table. In that case, the system ensures that #1 plays #2 in a bowl game, which didn't always happen in the past. But in the two or three years where there were 3 (or more) undefeateds (or 1 undefeated and several 1-loss teams) is when people scream for a playoff. It's obvious the playoff could be done, but there is an awful lot of money currently on the table, and many greedy people are sitting at that table. The ironic part is it seems so much more money could be made. But, if big-time programs continue to schedule each other like Ohio St.-Texas and USC-ND, and those games continue to live up to the hype, I think it will eventually happen. I can't imagine how incredible those 7 games would be if they had an 8 team playoff, and I think those two games from this season illustrated the best of top-flight NCAA football. Lets hope some of the decision makers feel the same way.
  21. Because we are discussing tardes, not trades.
  22. Or just cry like Texas did last year to get moved past Cal in the coaches poll, which bumped them ahead in the BCS and on to the Rose Bowl. Everyone's ranking could be what their coach complains it is...
  23. New Thread: Who is the Greatest of All Time at being overrated?
  24. Oprah said, "I know how you feel. A store in Paris wouldn't let me in to shop after they had already locked up for the night. We all go through these things, Laverneus. Stay strong. I turned out alright."
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