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    The West Coast of New York State

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  1. A more thoughtful answer from our friend the Chinaman might have been: "How about a 68? You blow me, and I owe you one."
  2. Whenever my father berated us, we knew it was just the liquor talking, and he'd be asleep in a half-hour. No biggie....
  4. Blue, one of my boys from college is shooting a film in Austin right now....I will tell him to look for the raucous shot drinking at the bar...HBD man!
  5. You will have to contact Calvin Johnson for some greenleaf before you start delving into those numbers...
  6. One of my best friends from Buffalo went to U of Wisconsin...I smoked the grass with Ron Dayne on three occasions in my visits there, including once during his Heisman season.... All I can say is that I would not want the five years I spent in college from ages 18-23 reported in the public spectrum. Crazy, crazy, crazy schit....
  7. Put it in front of me and I guarantee I'll drink it. There's very few beers that aren't fantastic. I am not a big fan of the Ralph Wilsion Stadium drafts, though. I always go to the booths where they have the plastic bottles. The drafts always are flat and the beer tastes like it's been sitting in the keg lines since it was called Rich Stadium.
  8. Time to start rounding up all of the Asian students at UB to solve this mystery once and for all.
  9. I think the whole point in the original post was a commentary on how Bush will show a tender heart for innocent lives lost because of unjustified violence....Which depending on your political leanings could strike you as funny/sad/contradictory.
  10. I hope he pats the Chief of campus police on the back and tells him he's doin a hell of a job.
  11. I just hope the poor Prince is able to pick himself up after the devastating breakup. It's possible he could go five, maybe even ten minutes without a hot female throwing herself at him...
  12. hahaha, don't worry, I know Steely Dan isn't a "he," I did insert as a joke.....As for my parents, I tried my best...They can figure it out from here.... A lot of the big summer tour announcements should be popping up pretty soon....Anybody heard of some other good shows on the way?
  13. My parents were out of the country when those tickets went on sale, and they asked me to pick them up a pair. I even went to Ticketmaster weeks in advance and set up a text message reminder for the tickets. At 4:50pm, I got the text message saying tickets would be for sale in 10 minutes, at 5pm. I wasn't at home, but logged on at probably 5:30pm...Zero tickets to be had. I know Steely Dan and while I'm not a HUGE fan, I know he has a following...The venue is small, but I was not expecting a sellout like that...
  14. Terrorists, huh? I had a conversation with my dad on the phone and he brought up the VT mess...He said, "It was probably Marcus Vick."
  15. Here's a partial shot of Knightly's titty, with a nude Scarlett Johansson laying in front. You can't really see anything graphic...It WAS a national magazine cover....But nonetheless, some of you may find it NSFW. Vanity Fair cover
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