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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. The point spreads on many of the games seem too high this weekend...There were several in the double digit range...
  2. A Christmas Story... "You'll shoot your eye out."
  3. Hi Fez...I knew you would like the show.. TSO will have a PBS special some time in Dec too...
  4. Rose is worse...I'm still pissed that he screwed up Ray Fosse's career in the All-Star game...Ray was never the same after that... Pete in the Hall of Fame ?? sure...let him pay the admission fee like everyone else
  5. I Believe in Father Christmas...ELP.. Silent Night ,,Stevie Nicks on the "Special Christmas Album"
  6. I graduated from Lewiston Porter HS in 1971.... and this seemed a good WNY connection..
  7. Room to Breathe.....Delbert McClinton
  8. Bills 23.......Seahawks 20
  9. I too am at work and am bored...Thank goodness for a T1 line and access to TSW...Whew..That beer will have to wait until 5:00 PM The parking lot is empty like a Sat or Sunday as 1/3 of the workers are in the woods trying to shoot Bambi...Hey,,, it's WV,,hunting is kinda big...
  10. IMHO,,,The greatest QB of All time already wore a Baltimore Colts jersey...#19 John Unitas.... But that is just the 'old school' in me
  11. Ricotta cake sounds great...Can you put the recipe in the TSW cook book???
  12. Hey Fez,,,Thats a good idea...I'll post it.... How many days until you see TSO??? I can see ya having a countdown clock somewhere LOL
  13. HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY !!!
  14. *** Aussiew...Here is the grape pie recipe.... It is a lot of work to skin and de-seed the grapes.. I recommend that you can make a big batch and freeze what you don't use... Enjoy... Make a pastry for a two crust , 9 inch pie. Oven temperatue = 425 Filling Remove and save the skins from 5 1/3 cup concord grapes. Put pulp into a sauce pan wit out water and bring to a rolling boil. While hot, rub the pulp though a strainer to remove the seeds. Mix the pulp with the reserved skins. Mix together (and mix lightly through the grapes) 1 1/3 cup sugar 4 tablespoons flour Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon lemon juice and a dash of salt. Pour the filling into the pie crust. Dot with 1 1/2 tablespoon of butter or margarine. Cover wit top crust, make several slits in the crust. Bake unitl crust is leightly brown and juice begins to bubble through the slits in the top crust this will take 35 to 45 minutes
  15. Thank you Warrick Dunn...
  16. Thats funny Tex,,,,good call...
  17. Mr. Info...I am glad you liked it...When I saw them on the 11th , it was their first show and there were NO glitches....Amazing musicians.... TSO's web site is>>> trans-siberian.com
  18. In Your Eyes...Peter Gabriel...... Upon the recommendations in previous threads, I bought JB,, "Grace" and after 4 listenings I was hooked..."Hallelujah" is breathtaking......
  19. Grape pie.....served warm with vanilla ice cream... Pecan pie
  20. Go U.Conn...Bowl eligible !!! It takes time for tradition to develop... OSU's winning on Sat is incredible.....I bet Columbus OH was rockin' last night...
  21. What is your favorite football tradition ?? A special game, ritual , band ?? Mine is the script writing of "Ohio" by the OSU band....I have seen this three times in person and if you can't get pumped up by this, you don't have a pulse ...(OR are a Michigan fan...) When the sousaphone player 'dots' the "i" the stadium went nuts and I loved it... btw..i am not an OSU alumni , but I love this tradition...
  22. Thanks CL...That made me laugh and I had a stevestojantty day at work
  23. Congrats Scott.....
  24. Great news Scott !!!
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