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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. Yes I did graduate from LP in 1971... The guard you are thinking about is Tom Moody... Tom was a good friend of mine in HS and could flat out shoot the rock... His dad was my dentist..LOL Did you go to Williamsville South or Iroquois ?
  2. Cool... Go Purple Eagles !! Wasn't Manny Leaks one of the key players along with Calvin ?
  3. Thanks !!! A great present could be a victory for the local HS in regional basketball playoffs... My daus came home from college this weekend and we went out to dinner at a Southern WV place that is similar to John's Flaming Hearth in Niagara Falls... Thanks goodness they can drive as the bar bill equaled the dinner bill...
  4. Happy Birthday,,, Cable kid !!! Good luck with the driving lessons..
  5. Sienna,,,Odessy... Can't go wrong with either of those... We have a 1999 Sienna,,,200,000 miles and doing great... We had a Chrysler before that and had some problems....Dealer was not the greatest
  6. The highlights from Super Bowl 27 are on right now on ESPN Classic.... Having JJ narrate this film is pitiful..He puts the "O" in obnoxious...
  7. The highlights from Super Bowl 27 are on right now on ESPN Classic.... Having JJ narrate this film is pitiful..He puts the "O" in obnoxious...
  8. Bills hat on today and every day...I got 3 for Christmas..
  9. Bills hat on today and every day...I got 3 for Christmas..
  10. I have been to approx 10 games at the RockPile.... and the same number at the Ralph.... The Sunday night game against the Titans (after the playoff loss) was pretty memorable... Looking forward to the 2005 Home opener and the TBD party !!
  11. Correct! You answered 7 items out of 10 correctly. Your score is 70%. Good job. You can suit up in this year's Super Bowl but you'll have to sit on the bench.
  12. Hopefully LOTS of APPLE turnovers,,,TXBillsJunkie will be happy
  13. Ralph needs more cowbell !!!
  14. Wal Mart in Niagara Falls had several copies.....
  15. Make that two >>> YA YA !!!
  16. Clicking on the tab at top of page worked for me too... Fez is doing an A+ job on the play by play
  17. I am working today, so the family is waiting until 5:00 when I get home...I told the girls to go ahead, but they don't listen to me anyway... On Christmas Eve we have a tradition to open one gift.... A new Bills hat......YAY Now there are 12...
  18. Hi Rockpile.I wonder about that also...He never 'franchised' / licensed' the C & H stuff so he's not raking in those residuals..I, too, have all the comic compilations, until my dau gets ahold of 'em...
  19. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Nancy and I..It was great talking with you at the home opener....
  20. Currently >>> Bing Crosby Christmas CD..... Earlier version of this thread made me aware of Jeff Buckley...He was amazing...
  21. That was funny...Thanks... MORE Cowbell !!
  22. Bills 31,,,,Browns 20........
  23. Too cool..... Sure would like to have the Jacksonville and Raiders games over...UGH
  24. If you want to get your dad a great Christmas present,,,,Buy either volumes of "Relentless".. Both volumes are excellent and a 'must' for Bills' fans,,young and old..
  25. My $0.02.... I had a 91 Camry 275,000 miles on it with the same clutch... Currently the 99 Toyota Sienna van has 198,000 on it and it rides great... I drive a lot LOL A neighbor has a 89 Corolla>>> 300,000...Runs great.. My suggestion>>Toyota...Camry, Solora, Corolla Then Honda..Accord or Civic....either are great.... Nissan Altimas are popular and very dependable..
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