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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. No,,,There is now way I can root for the CowPukes...Nor the Pats, Nor the Dolfelons....... The only CowPuke worth a grain of salt was Darryl Johnston..LP class of 1983...
  2. Danny's is VERY doubtful for me... See ya Sunday !!!
  3. Mrs. Lew and I will be at Hammers bright and early... Now where did I put the tickets that Jay mailed me....?? It's h*ll to get old and forgetful...
  4. Tuesday AM..$2.56 Tuesday PM...$2.75 Yup, driving from WV to Western NY for the next two weekends is gonna put a dent in the wallet...
  5. That was quick !!
  6. Hammers and RWS... Best place on earth on Sept. 11.
  7. Congrats Lefty !!! What a great pitch out of the tall grass on 18 !!!
  8. Happy Birthday CL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. As always,,Thanks for your efforts... Alas I am at work now and Chat rooms are blocked ... AAARRGGHHH
  10. Thank you Cindy....
  11. Favorite Bills Moment(s) >> For those of us old enough to remember when gas was $0.50 per gallon... Mike Stratton,,, The Hit,,,,, Keith Lincoln....... 'nuf said.. Final game against the Jets 1973,,OJ gains the yardage to achieve 2003 yards and is hoisted on the shoulders of the Electric Company... New era Bills,,,,,Beebe knocking the ball out of Leon Lett's hand...
  12. Me...2002 Saturn L100...Gold....98,000 miles Wife...1999 Sienna Van Champagne....217,000 miles Dau 1... 1997 Saturn SC2 ...Blue...78,000 miles Dau 2 .... 2002 Saturn SC 2 ..... White....38,000 miles.... Next vehicle will probably be a Corolla XSR....or SRX...whatever the letters are...It has a 6 speed and driving a stick is fun here in the mountains
  13. I was wondering how long it was gonna take for My Mother the Car to make this list..... I can still remember that...all 3 or 4 episodes
  14. I would have loved to see the reaction of them stuffed shirts at Augusta IF MW had won the Publinx...Too bad she did not...Again, like you said this would have been an 'earned' invite...Not a special exemption.... One day,, Michelle and Annika will tee it up at Augusta....
  15. Just think of all that overtime pay and the extra $$ you get for working weekends... Tha'ts what I do when I work my 4AM to 4 PM shift...Yeehaw
  16. Yes THAT was the game (1995) I attended....Myself and EDinKC and better halves...So now I know 5 of the 12 wearing Bills attire !!!
  17. Hurricane Dennis might further alter the launch schedule...
  18. I have been to two away games,,, At Cincy....there were more Bills fans there than Bungles fans....No problem.. At K C..at a SOLD out pre-season game....Mostly took grief from drunk teenage girls...There were probably 12 of us Blue wearing Bills fans amongst 76,000 Red and Yellow wearing Chiefs fans...Damn they were loud....
  19. Happy Birthday to my good friend EDinKC... alas,,,He is not in KC,,,Moved to N. Carolina.. Have a great day,,,AND SAVE ME SOME CAKE... Ed's wife is a great cook !!!!
  20. 1- XL 1 -L Thanks !!
  21. The mention of Melody Fair sure brings back memories...My parents took us kids there a lot... OK,,,Dead musician,,,,, How about Jimi Hendrix ??? at RWS though,,big venue,
  22. DMB in Hershey....Get there early..We went last year and it took forever to park...Very congested... The concert was great....
  23. You have to rent GF 2...or see it on HBO or other premium cable channel..Robert DeNiro as young Vito Corleone is excellent... I have yet to see ANY of the Lord of the Rings trilogy..
  24. Stadium Mustard from Cleveland and Sahlen's Hot Dogs....Heaven.... Stadium Mustard can also be found at Krogers....
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