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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. I have no true favorites in this final match...At least the cry-baby, whiney Portugese are out... If Italy wins,,,then its good for the US, who can say that we tied the champs... If France wins, then it would be a nice final curtain call for Zidane who is one of the best to ever play the game..... or should the choice be made by wine...Do I like French wine OR Italian...???
  2. The heck with thinking about redemption,,,,Think about VICTORY... This match has Penalty shootout written all over it...
  3. My memory has been failing me lately...
  4. the Buffon ..Barthez question was asked tongue in cheek... Italy will be favored, but I think the match will be a lot tighter than peeps believe.
  5. Barthez must be heavily invested in heart attack meds, cuz every time he touched the ball today, the French fans had to be having heart attacks.... Buffon or Barthez,,,who would you rather have in goal??? I love how the fans booed Christian Ronaldo every time he touched the ball... The Portugese continued the crybaby mode and I was glad to see France win... It will be a great match on Sunday..
  6. Why can't the kids ride the bus??? or walk..Geesh in my day I walked to school 5 miles up hill every day...and in WNY that includes knee deep snow from Oct---Apr...
  7. Frings's suspension hurt the German team far more than they will acknowledge...His absense caused Ballack and Klose to be invisible...< along with the tremendous defense of the Azzurri.... I too concur that France would be a stronger opponent...As I watch the Portugese play all I can think is that Greg Louganis must be a national hero....that and the 'crybaby' attitude of the Portugese makes me say "viva la Bleu..." (AT least for today)...
  8. Congrats meazza..... I heard you yell all the way here in WV when that first goal was scored... That was a brilliant shot and no goalie in the world would have saved it. I hope France smashes Portugal...I am listening to XM radio now and they are blasting the tactics used by Portugal...... And today I was glad to see good refereeing....
  9. WVU... If they get past Marshall in their first game....
  10. When Michael Owen hurt his knee...England was done... so its Germany vs. Italy and Portugal vs France. Good matches,,I can't wait to watch
  11. Don't blame Rooney for this loss... Blame the coach who stuck with the 4--5--1 formation... Sven blew this and is probably packing his bags for a trip back to Scandanavia
  12. Happy Birthday Pooj !!
  13. Ugh,,,That match was terrible,,,,and the ref lost control...The language issue HAS to be a factor...I have refereed for several years now and I always talk to the players to calm them down,,,,The parents are another matter :: ugh :: I have not given out that many cards in my refereeing career... Although I have tossed spectators and assistant coaches... Figo's headbutting and theatrics deserve the RED card....
  14. Very entertaining match..And the second goal was SICK...It is THE highlight goal of the tournament < so far >
  15. I find this story hard to believe
  16. Now Ghana gets to play Brazil...... Good luck... and congrats to Italy and their fans for winning the Group of Death...
  17. Totti and the hat trick ? I hope your prediction is correct..... Think about this.....IF Reyna's shot against Czech is two inches to the right and goes in,,,THAT match on Monday is entirely different.......But is is too hard to play the "what IF" game.... GO USA !!! GO Italy !!
  18. Ghana's depth will be challenged as two of their key strikers are not eligible for Thursday's match...
  19. Rockpile > The only thing you need to add to your post is that your wife had a Corona ready for you also... Great song by Talking Heads, too.
  20. Rule 11 in the FIFA rule book...Offside A player in an offside position is only penalized if, at the monent the ball touches or is played by one of his team, he is, in the opinion of the the referee, involved in active play by : interfering with play or interfering with an opponent or gaining an advantage by being in that position. McBride was in violation of the second part....Had he been two or three steps to his left, it should have been OK....But with the knothead from Uragaury, who knows what would have been called...
  21. I hope Totti scores 3 goals on Thursday.... He has been 'absent' in the first two matches...
  22. That opening IS awesome...
  23. US has never beaten Italy US has not won a World Cup match in Europe..... We are DUE..... Today is THE day
  24. U S A HAS to win today...No friggin tie...
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