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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. Rory has game. But he was on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Golf Plus Masters Preview edition.....Therefore he has no chance. SI Jinx rears it's ugly head again
  2. By the way, Mexico lost to Honduras 3-1. Youch! Sven has to be feeling like one sorry ass gringo in good ol' May-hee-co Addios Sven,,,the Mexican soccer organization fired him as the manager.
  3. 12 years in Ohio,,,22 years in WV,, vote in every election and no JD calls for me or Mrs. Lew. Youngest dau moves to NC in January and got a letter for Federal JD in WV last week.
  4. Prayers and Best wishes !!
  5. true dat... G'Morning DeanO
  6. Hey...I resemble that remark....LOL
  7. I can't believe these kids actually bought the TP...Instead of stealing it from their parent's houses... "What maroons" < to quote Bugs Bunny>
  8. I have two questions. 1. Isn't 15 kinda old for an eighth grader ? 2. Don't buses have windows ?
  9. What I am amazed at, is there were only 2500 in attendance. In NYS one of the more populous states... In WV there were 7000 in attendance at the finals of the boys hoops. Alas, the HS my dau's graduated from were not in the championship game. Since 1950, the local school has won 16 championships amongst the large schools...
  10. http://www.niagara-gazette.com/sports/gnns...eyword=topstory NFHS Wolverines shoot ice cold in the state championship game.
  11. I'll have to ask the computer guy at work about Avira. He connected me with Avast after I said addios to McAfee..
  12. While reading this thread my Avast automatic update pop-up showed up. Avast is very good and I can highly recommend it...
  13. Simple solution..> do away with CNBC...
  14. Thanks guys (and gal)... It was a good day...and night ...woohoo
  15. Thanks guys. TO signing with the Bills on my B-day... WooHoo
  16. Thats my birthday...and I was born @ 2AM.....many many years ago. When I was 6 or 7, I asked my mom what was she doing up so late at night...
  17. Do you live in WV ? (like I do) Sounds like one of MY neighbors... This amounts to abuse IMHO
  18. The 60 Minutes segment was very good. Shows what good teamwork and training can do
  19. Practice players do get rings... A kid from the HS my daus attended is on the Steeler practice squad and the local TV station interviewed him this past week. He verified that he would get a ring if they won. He'll be getting two rings this year.. A Super Bowl ring and a wedding ring...
  20. Fitzgerald is THE best receiver in the NFL... What a catch
  21. Good plan Fezmid. Mrs. Lew and I did that too. I am just glad our house is paid for. The 15 year mortgage ended in May of 2002,,,,,then in July of 2002 my eldest dau started college. So I traded one payment for another...
  22. you forgot the eggs.... When there is a big storm here; bread, eggs and milk fly off the shelf. I guess everyone wants to make French Toast. rev up your snow blower
  23. I just hope the AZ fans enjoy this day as much as we all enjoyed 1.20.1991.
  24. Game time decisions ? Made by FOX, CBS, ESPN.......$$$$$$ Yeah these games should have been flipped but that makes too much sense
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