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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. Happy Birthday.. HAve a great day !!!!
  2. Deer Hunter. great cast
  3. Happy Birthday Ed. !! Hope ya have a great day...........
  4. "No one...I repeat, no one Circles the Wagons like the USA men's soccer team" with apologies to Chris Berman.
  5. Wed 6.24 ESPN2 at 11PM East Coast time will show a replay...So go set that DVR
  6. You are correct PTR, The guys were tired. They get an extra day to rest before Sunday's CHAMPIONSHIP match. After the first two matches can you believe the USA will be in the finals ? And FIFA has to get rid of those damn horns... esp before 2010
  7. The referee made the call on his view of spikes up and the foot above the ball. The challenge might have been late, also. I did notice that only ONE replay of the foul was shown.
  8. And the three stars are 3...Jozy Altidore 2...Landon Donovan and the #1 Star >>>Tim Howard... (yes I know its a hockey thing, but these three played outstanding.) The ref in me says the RED card was bogus...Maybe a yellow. I hope Demarcus B. is not allergic to pine.
  9. I was able to watch the second half...And then switched back and forth with the Italy--Brazil match. Advancing is great, but playing Spain will be a 'challenge'..... When Heyduk (sp?) , Ching , Bocanegra get healthy and the US adds the kid from Germany to the squad, I think their level of competiveness will be much higher. Still gotta get rid of those effen horns though. Mrs. Lew asked "What's wrong with the sound (of the TV)?"
  10. Happy Birthday Gringo !!!
  11. and you did that quite well. Recent play by the US soccer men's team is enough to put a frown on anyone's face.
  12. OK Lana,,,quit hijacking the thread,,,LOL Back to soccer....US has to beat Egypt by three goals and the Brazillians have to beat Italy by 4 or something like that for the US to advance. (yeah right ) Question...Will the referee award the US 3 penalty kicks, so LD can score three ??? Maybe the US team will play the whole match with 11 players. That would be a change.... those effen horns have to be addressed before WC 2010.
  13. With Egypt's victory over Italy, the US still has a mathematical chance of advancing. Those damn horns HAVE to go....effen obnoxious
  14. I sure hope you are correct Gringo (the amazing part). I'll be home and watch live... YAY. It is the ONLY good thing about my stupid work schedule. In that I am home for three more days after today. 4 days on,,,4 days off... Since it is raining, no playing golf Might as well watch soccer in the AM, Then US Open after that
  15. Unbelievable,,,to think that an Italian team is judged to have a poor defense. Goes counter to their history. Kinda like calling a Brazillian team dull and unimaginative..HAHA. Back to the match... The RED card was bull as others have said. A YELLOW would have been more appropriate. Donovan got creamed in the box late in the match and another PK should have been awarded. The Italian defender made NO effort to play the ball. Jozy is a stud, 'nuf said....He and Bradley and LD make a nice offensive threat. The US played well, given they played 10 vs 11 for 58 minutes. DeMarcus should stay as a midfielder and not as a defender. That is all,,,on to the Brazillians !!!
  16. jamocha milkshake....: sigh : so damn good
  17. No problem Sage. I knew that would be their response. Their HS 'education' was a joke. They have done well in college though...
  18. First car I learned to drive was a '68 LeSabre. First car we ever had with AC. But MY first car was a '69 Beetle. Great car for college. I could pack everything I needed for school in it. Including stereo speakers that were 3 feet tall and weighed a ton. When my daughters packed for college, I commented that they took more stuff than Dwight Eisenhower took when the US stormed Normandy on D-Day. They both asked, "What's Normandy Beach...and what is D-Day?" I still shake my head at that...
  19. That (elbow to the chin ) had to hurt. I wonder if Nelson has a dentist appt. this AM to check his chompers. The foul on Gasol as the game ended was pretty bush league. I expect a fine as that was blatant as all heck
  20. The Roadfood crew should go to the TBD's Tailgate party at Hammer's that day. Great chow and great fans of the Buffalo Bills
  21. Well said Jay. The only "Reality" show I have ever watched was "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance" on ABC a couple years ago. Now, when is the "T O In Buffalo Show" to be broadcast ?
  22. Favorite Bond movie.... No question about it...Goldfinger although both the newer ones with Daniel Craig were pretty good.
  23. Happy Birthday to a great Bills fan !!
  24. Gringo...ajzepp...Who were those guys wearing the USA national team uniforms ? Was that some junior high team ? I watched the first half, then TiVOed the second, hoping that to watch a turnaround early Thurs AM.... I nearly puked my coffee at the second half. That defensive effort last night was offensive. Frankie Heyduk (sp?) can't get healthy fast enough. and Freddy needs to be playing more. Kid makes stuff happen.
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