Last couple of days I have been away..
In my wife's hospital to be exact... (she doesn't own it LOL,,,,but is a key manager there)
Anyways,,,,on wed AM I had severe abdominal pain that continued through the day. I had done a LOT of yard and house work on Tues and thought I pulled a stomach muscle... Took two Tylemol PMs before bed, but did not sleep at all.
Thurs AM was my work "Monday" First day of my four day schedule...Getting in and out of the car was painful... Any time I moved my trunk,,it hurt...The transition from sitting to standing hurt,,,and so did the reverse of that...Once seated it was OK... Although typing at the work computers was even painful....
I got a couple of phone calls from friends and they could tell I was hurting. So I called co-workers and they were able to cover for me....My relief came in 3 hours early. Mrs. Lew made an appt with our family Doc ,whose office is next to the building where Mrs. Lew works...So that is real convenient. Saw the Doc and when she pressed on the lower abdomen, I was in pain,,,big time....
She made some calls and came back with the news that I was to be admitted to the hosp for tests and observation. Possible appendicitis...So at 4:30 on Thursday I was a patient...Had some blood work done and an IV with a saline / sucrose solution attached to a vein in my wrist. I asked for a Jack and Coke solution, but the hosp was fresh out of that...Damn docs took all of that....
Had two CT scans after drinking a horrid solution and tried to rest. No appendicitis..I was diagnosed with acute diverticulitis...Anti-biotics, rest and a low residue diet is the treatment.
So I was home late Friday night and it was good to get home to Mrs. Lew, the critters and my 45 year old pillow....Can't sleep without it...
And yes I am working on Sunday...I feel fine as I type this on Sat around noon...