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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. That is one of my favorite movies. Alan Arkin was great in this and so many other flicks. RIP
  2. What would possess this knothead to throw a $1200 phone ? Absolute stupidity. Hopefully the judge will throw the book at this clown at the trial.
  3. While working our company had a Cadillac dental plan. The health care plan was a Chevy Chevette.
  4. Mrs. Lew and I are retired 3 years now. We dont miss work at all. Hobbies ..I golf and Mrs Lew reads Volunteering. We both volunteer at a soup kitchen once a week. There are 20 churches and organizations that rotate the other days. Church. We are both on committees and I am a camera operator for the live streaming of the service. But the best thing we do is watch the two grandkids. Best job ever. my only advice is before you retire , get all your dental work done. i.e. crown, root canal, etc Let the companies dental insurance pay for that.
  5. RIP Commander Tom !
  6. I remember seeing the "Original Shiek" rasslin' at the the Aud. While he was praying to Mecca, someone threw a donut and hit him square in the face. He went nuts and bloodied the heck out of his opponent, (Who I cant remember). The Aud had some great wrestling shows back in the day.
  7. A & E Network has a series of shows on Sundays about WWE WCW and other wrestling stories. June 4 had a 2 hour segment about the Iron Shiek. He was a great "heel'
  8. I do the laundry once a week. Friday mornings. 3 loads Dark colors, light colors, whites. There was an incident with bleach and my favorite Sabres shirt (Black Red and White) became somewhat black, a lot of pink and white. Mrs. Lew was relegated to put the clothes away duty after that.
  9. We saw Chicago a few years ago and the main part of the concert was to play Chicago II straight thru. a short break and then several other songs as the encore. It was a fun concert.
  10. In October, Ringo Starr and his All Star band here in WV. My grandson loves the Beatles, so this will be a treat for him.
  11. 1969 VW Beetle 1976 Firebird 1978 Ford Fairmont (hated by Mrs. Lew) 1982 Buick Century 1986 Ford Aerostar (2 kids ) 1991 Toyota Camry (stick shift) ???? Saturn L200 2009 Chevy Impala 2018 Subaru Outback Is Abc123 a strong password?
  12. Joe Kapp was tough as nails. I am glad I was able to see him play on TV when he led the Vikings
  13. Add me to the "Wishing there was a Wegmans Near me club" Alas I highly doubt there will be a Wegmans in WV as Krogers rules the roost. I have flown twice to MCO and both times were a pain.
  14. "Say Anything"
  15. Many years ago, I had a manual transmission car and visited Atlanta for a convention. The convention was downtown and my left leg got a great workout. Took the shuttle the second day.
  16. "This is your opportunity....to rise from the ashes...and grab glory"
  17. My Mount Rushmore list is shows that were broadcast in B & W. The Honeymooners Beverly Hillbillies (went south when they went to color) Dick van "*****" show Andy Griffith show ( B & W episodes only) yes, I'm an old codger.
  18. In no order Annie Haslam Pat Benatar Patsy Cline Diana Ross Tina Turner
  19. Montserrat singing with Freddie Mercury the song Barcelona was epic.
  20. WVU alumni does well. Hope he studied finance
  21. My kids shake their heads when I still buy CDs. Frontier Co. is offering fiber optic connection here in WV and I am getting ready to kick cable to the curb.
  22. I saw L S one time in concert. Aug 1974 at Rich Stadium. L S was the first band followed by The James Gang , ending with ELP. L S created super music
  23. No specific play, but "Lookie, Lookie, there goes Cookie" is a factor for me. Also getting to meet Ernie Warlick in person made quite the impression on me
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