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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. I hear ya Corp85... Her HS teachers were not very good... If we could go back in time, we would have probably done the private school 'thing'.
  2. When my dau moved into the dorm freshman year, my comment was "Dwight Eisenhower conducted the Normandy Beach invasion with less 'stuff' than this." She asked if Normandy Beach has good sand and I signed her up for a History class.
  3. When we saw TSO in previous years, there was a "No Camera" disclaimer printed on the tickets. Not so this year. So I brought my digital camera and fired away. There was a sign on the front door, saying "No Professional Photography Allowed" I am glad I am an amateur.
  4. Sounds like you had a great time Fezmid. Our tickets we back farther than I thought and we were right next to the back end 'floating' stage. I got some great up close pics..
  5. Seeing Pat White play 4 years at WVU, nothing he does will surprize me. Good person, great player whose number will be retired at WVU one day.
  6. http://miamiherald.typepad.com/rollout/200...hould-hear.html
  7. http://www.amazon.com/Home-Owners-Manual-I...g/dp/1594741034
  8. In the future, make sure you keep everything that moves lubricated properly. Having good lubrication is always important
  9. My daughter has a Puggle...What a great dog...!! We have "dog-sat" her on several ocassions. She gets along with our dog....Kibbles But the cats (3) are another matter.
  10. Mutt...named Kibbles. 14.5 years old. She and I both get glucosamine condroitin in the AM for our weary joints. She chews hers like a Skittles candy. Yellow Lab / cocker spaniel.
  11. add Michigan to that loss column and it was a great weekend. All WVU fans are pleased when UM and Coach Fraudriguez add another loss to their record. Great weekend. TSO on Friday night, WV HS state soccer championships on Sat. Sunday...golf in the AM, enjoyed the great outdoors in the afternoon with leaf raking and yard cleanup. Dinner with friends in the evening. Watched maybe 15 seconds of NFL.
  12. I don't know who officiated more ineptly...The soccer referees in this match or the MLB clowns who made so many errors in the recent MLB playoffs. The coach HAD to see what she was doing on the field. For the coach to miss the player's actions is unexcusable.
  13. Tonight begins the great experiment in Cleveland as the Cavs host the Celtics. I generally do not follow the NBA until late May or June , but the combination of LeBron and Shaq is interesting. On WTAM this morning, the DJ's brought up Shaq's new nickname, "Witness Protection". I thought that was amusing.
  14. 10 more days until TSO...... I ordered the CD which was $7.99 on Amazon I don't do the mp3 or digital download thing...but will one day..
  15. Niagara Falls....add a Bills game on Sunday. Tailgating at Kenny's Pinto.. perfect.
  16. there are approx 40 schools in each of the three classifications. So almost one half of the schools make it to the playoffs. WV is small. There are only 1.8 Million residents and 1.75 million of them can be found at any WalMart at any time of day
  17. How many times in the history of the NFL has a team rushed for 300+ yards and lost...? Has to be a record of some sort.
  18. Amen Jester,,,Monday will be a little better
  19. Question...Why do High school football teams play only 7 regular season games in WNY. When reading the Buffalo News, I saw the phrase "Season ending game" in many of the articles. Is this a new policy for 2009 or has 7 games been in use for a couple of seasons now. In WV, the HS teams play 9 or 10 games...Then the 16 top rated teams in each class begin a playoff process.
  20. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/soccer/worl...osta-Rica_N.htm Exciting finish. Costa Rica's coach and assistant coach were ejected in the last few minutes. Costa Rica plays Uruguay and the US wins their qualifying group
  21. 22 days,,,TSO in WV. Since there is no good football to talk about we might as well talk about good concerts.
  22. Now make his record 26--12 as a starter. I'd take him any day.
  23. I agree Jack... I can not remember the first Bills game I attended at the Rockpile, but I can remember the first big time football game I attended as a young lad.... Harvard at Princeton...
  24. This team could use a player with the ONE HALF the heart he played with.
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