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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. HA... we were just going the speed limit on I-79 (70 mph) and I noticed the gauge climb from its normal middle temperature position the the ORANGE warning level. My car knowledge is average at best but I KNOW that when that gauge gets 'pegged' it's 'bad things, man'... The dealership just called and I need a new radiator. This one only has 213,000 miles on it.
  2. By "Butler" you are referring to Da'Sean Butler of the Mountainers, right ?
  3. The Nautical Income Redistributors must not have read Just Jacks previous message that pictured the difference between Naval warships and merchant ships.
  4. http://www.wvfan.com/articles/videos/wvu-s...ally-video.html Getting fired up for the Mountainers...
  5. Mrs. Lew and I are in Lewiston for Easter weekend. Got in the rush hour (Thursday) around Buffalo and I-290 Youngman Highway. Living in WV has spoiled me about driving as 7 cars means a lot of traffic. Had an issue with the car. The engine temperature gauge rose from the middle to HOT and we had to get to a service station. Fortunately this happened near Morgantown and now the car (98 Avalon) is at the Toyota dealership awaiting repairs. An Enterprise rental place was across the street, so now a 2010 Impala will be our means of transporting around WNY ...Headed to Violas and maybe Pizza Junction. Happy Easter and GO 'Eeeers !!!!
  6. I am not in Morgantown,,,BUT if WVU were to win two more games,,, old couches would be an endangered species.
  7. Congrats to WVU for defeating UK on Sat. night. Exciting game and great finish. The peeps in WV are very excited about being in the Final Four......even the citizens of Huntington.
  8. CL...sorry to hear about this. Prayers for you and your family.
  9. http://www.schwettyballs.com/shopnow.shtml
  10. I won't say that I hate Starbuck's coffee, but I think it is over-rated. I have been satisfied with the Gevilia products I get. The best coffee I have had at a restaurant is at the Greenbrier.
  11. +1 Worst commissioner in ALL of sports.
  12. Thanks guys (and gal) It was a good day ...and night.... and that's all I have to say about that.
  13. Thanks Guys,, So far , so good.
  14. The British burned Lewiston to the ground at the same time. Of course that was after the Americans burned Queenstown(sp?). Anyways leave the Canadian Anthem alone. It is great as it is... Esp when Roger Doucet sang it in the Forum before a Habs game as Lori pointed out earlier
  15. Wed at 3PM.on NBC USA vs. Switzerland. The Swiss beat Belarus in a shoot out
  16. WOW. Miller time... The last 5 minutes was exciting as all get out.... USA gets extra day of rest....
  17. USA 4 Canada 2...10 minutes left in the game
  18. NHL Sabres MLB Pirates / Indians NBA Cavs NCAA...Purdue, WVU, Marshall
  19. I don't know much about snow boarding, but when Shaun White performs, I am amazed. He has 'it' like Michael Jordan and Wayne Gretzky had 'it' in their sports. USA vs Norway at 3PM today in Men's hockey.
  20. 70's era hand me down chair ??? How do y'all get ones that are that new.?
  21. That " don't bother me, bother you" concept still works.. Unless you mess with the meth lab or the oxycondone supply. And with all the snow, I still drive 50 miles to and from work. Just takes a bit longer now....
  22. The lil 'burgh in S WV where I reside just set a winter snowfall record at 101.4 inches. Previous record was 100.4 in 1995-1996. Normal snowfall total is 55 inches for a winter. I measure winter by how many times I use the snowblower. This season is it 5,,,so far.... 2008-2009 was 1 2007-2008 was nil. 2006-2007 was 1
  23. In a Sports Illustrated poll published in the November 23, 2009 issue , 296 NFL players were surveyed. They were asked the following question ... "Which team would you most like to play for ?" Cowboys 11 % Chargers 8.5 % Steelers 7 % Dolphins 6.6 % Patriots 6 % The Raiders ranked 26th. Bills were not mentioned. I happened to find this in a pile of un-read magazines that Mrs. Lew has threatened to toss if I don't read them.
  24. Southern WV has received 6- 8 inches of snow. S'posed to continue all day, so I'll gas up the snowblower. and yes the stores were jammed last night as peeps load up on eggs, bread and milk. I guess they will cook a bunch of French Toast.
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