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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. Take me out to the ball game..... ....just bring your own peanuts, popcorn and Cracker Jacks...
  2. PGA tour is playing at the Greenbrier Resort. This is my neck of the woods. I was on the fence about going, but Mrs. Lew's workplace gave her of FREE tickets for each of the four days. Included in the gift pack is vouchers to play at the Greenbrier after Sept.1.. Best part of the whole deal. On TV look for the guy wearing Bills gear. Some of the players include Furyk, Daly, Garcia, Janzen, Boo Weekley, Rocco, Snedeker, DL3, Applelby.....$1.08M to the winner. Only downside will be the traffic. Parking at the State Fair grounds and shuttle buses are the order of the day. Alas, no Hammer's Parking Lot
  3. A tackle eligible play...element of surprise
  4. Now that watching soccer is reduced, I can recommend a good read. "How Soccer Explains the World" by Franklin Foer. Just a thought until the MLS All-Star match against Manchester United
  5. Another vote for Jeff Buckley. Career was WAY too short
  6. One XXL for me One Ladies L for Mrs. Lew. Check is in the mail
  7. maybe some one got free tickets...and went to see the warmup band
  8. 37 posts and no mention of Nickelback ? Wasn't there a thread that bashed them ?
  9. Congrats to Spain... A team the USA beat last year in the Confederations Cup. We can play with the best... 2014...USA !!!
  10. Sure are a lot of Yellow Cards in this match... The "kung-fu" kick by the Dutch player should have been Red
  11. Me and the future( and current) Mrs. Lew were at that concert...Was very un-memorable.
  12. I've attended many concerts over the years.. Never saw the Stones or Peter Gabriel. Judging from comments in the thread, these two have been seen by many members of TSW. Most memorable concert was in 1974 at Rich Stadium. Lynryd Skynrd (sp?) , James Gang and ELP. Great night. Another memorable concert was at Kleinhans Music Hall in Buffalo. 1964,,,The Dave Clark Five... my first concert
  13. Sports Illustrated WC preview issue predicted Spain (over England)... and the octopus predicted Spain to defeat Germany. Anyways, Sunday should be a great day...golf in the AM, WC on TV... Then dining out with good friends...
  14. 18th minute Netherlands 1 Uruaguay 0
  15. Several years ago I was working with a programmer from the Netherlands. 1998 during the World Cup to be exact. I asked him. "As a fan of Dutch football, what would you rather see...The Dutch winning the World Cup OR beating Germany in any type of match? " Without ANY hesitation, he would have rather see a win by the Dutch over Germany...The WC trophy was secondary. I was amused by the lack of hesitation in his response.
  16. Final Four time. Who will advance and why ????? Germany Spain Uruaguay or Netherlands ? I say Netherlands and Germany meet in the Finals
  17. I hear ya Lv Bills...Last month we travelled on I-81 north through Staunton VA ,,and it was a mess.... I guess I am really spoiled by the lack of traffic in S WV
  18. If Dick Vitale were announcing the match, would he refer to the young German team as "Deutschland's Diaper Dandies" ? Dang-gone they are quick to the ball.
  19. Thanks Ray. Next year we'll leave in June for the Fourth of July..HAHA. Also in the Buffalo paper this AM, there is an article about the long lines at the Lewiston-Queenston bridge. There is a construction project on the Canadien side, upgrading the toll plaza...
  20. We came to WNY for the fourth of July weekend. I guess I am spoiled by the lack of traffic in WV. Traffic on I-90 to Buffalo was insane. This all occurred after 2PM. Waited 25 minutes to clear the Lackawana NYS Thruway toll plaza. Then waited 30 minutes to get onto the exit for the Grand Island Bridge. More time to get to the G I Bridge toll plaza. And finally the merging of 8 lanes into two to cross the South GI Bridge really was the capper. From now on, its gonna be Niagara Falls Blvd...I can deal with all the stop lights. I need a Molsons ...or two...or three.
  21. +1.... Not that no African teams remain, can FIFA ban those stupid vuvuzelas ? Incredible ending to the extra time.
  22. Can you imagine the hype and excitement IF the USA had defeated Ghana last Sat. ?? It would have been unreal. Germany ...Argentina is THE match I want to watch... and will be the game I can watch since I'll be at MIL's house. She has BASIC cable, which means no ESPN... Channels 2--22,,3 are shopping channels and 3 are local access channels...Nothing is more exciting than watching the Lockport town council meetings...
  23. belated Happy Birthday !!!
  24. Sad day this Wednesday June 30.. No vuvzelas to listen to over the XM radio...
  25. I have a Samsung flat screen and it is very good. I got the extended warranty also. Two years later the store is out of business
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