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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. Congrats NICK !! Erin Grace is a great name....
  2. It is going to be embarrassing when Jay's son kicks our butt
  3. Thanks Jack. The three videos are great. I am pumped !
  4. If the group tees off at 1:00 or so,,, and Jack arrives at ~ 2:30, he could join for the back nine.
  5. We went to Arrowhead in 1995 for a pre-season game. Full house. 87,000 in red white and gold and I think there were about 30 of us in the Red , White and Blue. Mostly everyone was friendly and we had a great time. Only heard some grief from some drunk 20something females. Arrowhead was a great place to watch a game. A+ tailgating also
  6. I am in for 18...!
  7. Do any of you young whipper-snappers remember John Ferguson of the Habs ?
  8. As bad as Randy Cross and Tasker are, I offer Joe Theismann as THE worst ever.
  9. 7th row in Charleston. I had to actually do some work and was away from the computer when the pre-sales began at 10 AM Taking friends for their first TSO concert. Two months from tomorrow...
  10. I played the course in early August... It is nice...and yes,,,just down the road from the alma mater. Go Lancers
  11. I'll play golf anywhere...Economy,,$$$,,either is good for me.
  12. 35 years ago Mrs. Lew and I said "I do." Her sainthood (for putting up with me lo these many years) is assured.
  13. I'd like to tee it up with fellow TBDers. The new course in Lewiston.. Seneca Hickory Stick has been recenlty opened. Cost is approx $80. The course is awesome and worth the price. I'd better check with Mrs. Lew first.
  14. IE 6 here at work also. Everything looks OK...
  15. Thanks for the info Hammer. I am placing a request for ONE general spot. Me and Mrs. Lew will be there early . Go Bills
  16. No one has played Bushwood ???
  17. Thanks Fez....I gotta go check my email now...
  18. Tiger needs a coach. Won't be Hank or Butch, but he needs some top level coach to get him 'back in the game'.
  19. I'll concur with the Love Course at Barefoot Landing in Myrtle Beach. TPC in Myrtle Beach was pretty good also. I played the Seneca Hickory Stick Golf Course in Lewiston on Sunday.. Nice course. It just opened in July and is in very nice shape. I am going to play at the Greenbrier this fall as I have a half off coupon after attending the Greenbrier Classic that Stuart Appleby won. Alas, my 59 will be achieved after the front nine.
  20. It was GREEN and there was a lot of water put on the course and esp. the greens. "They" did not want the greens to burn out like several lawns have in S WV. Attendance figures. Thur 26,200 Fri 30,000 Sat 41,300 Sun 41,800 17,200 for Wednesdays Pro-Am
  21. I did not stick around after getting hit. I should have, but we were headed to see other players. The Bunker is no longer an active gov't site. The Greenbrier gives guided tours of the Bunker.
  22. That would be a great day. lots and lots of WVU apparel on golf fans. I'd say the ratio was 85 % WVU,,, 12 % VATech and 3 % Marshall. There will be more 'name' players next year as the word gets around how nice everything was. I am already planning to attend next year
  23. Well the golf tournament is over and congrats to Stuart Appleby. 59 wow. Tournament was fun and the shuttle bus service was actually well done. I was apprehensive about that. Ever watch a golf tournament as see an errant shot clip a spectator ? On Friday AM I was that guy. Mrs. Lew and I were walking along the left side of #1 and **thwack** I got hit on the back of the leg. Stung like heck, but I was OK. If the ball had not hit me , the ball would have gone deep in the 'stuff'. The player did make a great recovery shot, then missed the birdie putt. I was going to claim an assist if he had made it. By Sunday the back of my leg is black and blue. Two of the volunteers are lawyer friends of mine and they offered their 'services' LOL It was a lot of fun. Can't wait until next year
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