Trick or Treat was on Sat night...5:30 until 7:30 here in Southern WV.
we had about 200 visitors. Almost ran out of candy, but Mrs. Lew told
me about the stash of frozen Snickers that she had hidden.
Our neighborhood has 100 houses , so parents truck their kids in from
the hills and the hollers to load up. Most of the kids said "Thank You",
but fewer chimed in with "TRICK or TREAT !"
One lil girl declared, "I want a Snickers" after I had given her a Kit Kat.
By 7:00 there were no more trick or treaters.
Back in the day we always went to one house LAST as they
hosted a big party with cider, donuts and pop-corn balls.
Nowadays, there is the focus on 'safe' community events at a Mall
or community center.