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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. I used to enjoy Tricuits. But after the diverticulitis issue (summer 2009) I have switched to CheezIt.
  2. Headed to an afternoon matinee and then a dinner at some eatery that just catches our fancy. We received several gift cards for restaurants and that might influence our dining decision. Needless to say NO drinking and driving for me and Mrs. Lew
  3. Merry Christmas to all !! Hopefully we will get a win over NE on Sunday. After Christmas is a time for miracles !!!!
  4. ...and then you woke up from your dream ?
  5. Great pics Fezmid....Looks like you had a great time.
  6. Thats what I was thinking Dean...Breakthrough and condom are two words that should not be in the same sentence....unless there is a 'not' between them
  7. IS God a Brett Favre fan ? Did he cause this storm and roof collapse to give Brett extra recovery time ? Will Brett's streak continue ? Idle questions from an addled mind...
  8. Enjoy the game. Let me add my name to the list of those giving Mead
  9. Don't know about the fascinate, but I have had the Mesmerize Galaxy S since Nov. 1 and it has been great. I guess that is not the long term aspect you were searching for. The camera and video are incredible. WV needs more 3G areas though
  10. RIP Jim Kelley, great writer. I hope the Sabres organization honors him in some fashion.
  11. Browns---Panthers game would have been telecast in Cleveland unless Horseman has DirectTV or goes to a Bills bar in NE Ohio. I was driving from WNY to Southern WV and listened to the game on a Steelers radio station and in the second half I was able to receive 1080 WHAM from Rochester. Alas the signal died one minute into the OT.
  12. Take lots of pictures
  13. Perhaps AWFUL was referring to the Bungles. Not only is the team awful, you should listen to their radio broadcast. XM used the Bungles feed and the Bungles's announcers are worse than bad
  14. You got your wish Clipper... Even though after the first half, you would have never thought the Bills would put the smack down on Bungles like they did. Second best second half since a certain game in Jan 1993
  15. Two nice passes by Sanchez to lead the JETS to victory
  16. Happy Birthday !! Cheers
  17. Should have gotten Trans Siberian Orchestra as half time entertainment for the Super Bowl...
  18. Looking forward to going to Wegmans when we head to WNY for Thanksgiving
  19. I just got a Samsung Galaxy S "Mesermize" There's too much stuff on it.HAHA. First url I added was TBD
  20. Term limits... Senators...2 six year terms House of Reps.. 6 two year terms. end of career politicians. Robert Byrd of my state was classic example of this. as is our congressman, Nick Rahal. 34 years in house of Rep.
  21. Mrs. Lew was the first voter at 6:30 AM and I was #300 at 5:00 PM. Like WVUFootball said, I must be cursed as both guys I wanted to win, lost We had 14 'robo-call' voice mail messages on our phone on Monday night. 7 on Tuesday. I will really miss that nonsense.
  22. Trick or Treat was on Sat night...5:30 until 7:30 here in Southern WV. we had about 200 visitors. Almost ran out of candy, but Mrs. Lew told me about the stash of frozen Snickers that she had hidden. Our neighborhood has 100 houses , so parents truck their kids in from the hills and the hollers to load up. Most of the kids said "Thank You", but fewer chimed in with "TRICK or TREAT !" One lil girl declared, "I want a Snickers" after I had given her a Kit Kat. By 7:00 there were no more trick or treaters. Back in the day we always went to one house LAST as they hosted a big party with cider, donuts and pop-corn balls. Nowadays, there is the focus on 'safe' community events at a Mall or community center.
  23. Trans Siberian Orchestra concert tour begins. Two more days for me... btw...Vote early and often
  24. Belated Happy Birthday !!!
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