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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. NHL >>>>>> NBA finals by Avagadro's Number. The only (-) factors about the Stanley Cup Finals are 1. The Sabres are not playing. and 2. That moment when Gary Bettmann (the worst leader of professional sports) hands Lord Stanley's Cup to the captain of the winning team. GB is terrible and he looks out of place on the ice. Let some hockey legend (Gordie Howe for example) give the Cup to the winning captain. At least he knows what the Cup means to the winning players.
  2. Congrats to Barcelona. That was an entertaing match and Barca dominated.
  3. I concur... Caddyshack II ..ugh.
  4. Same is true for Trans Siberian Orchestra
  5. Have a great day young fella !!!
  6. Instead of turning off the radio, what is a song that you crank up the volume ...? Meatloaf's "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights" will cause the volume control to go to 11 on my radio. Much to the annoyance of Mrs. Lew.
  7. My youngest daughter lives in Birmingham and is OK. She says the destruction is unbelievable. She is volunteering on the cleanup. In Feb she moved from Tuscaloosa
  8. Rest assured I hate the Phlyers (see 1975 Cup finals) But they are the better team.
  9. OK Versus...please change to the Montreal---Boston game. I have seen enough of the Sabres, Phlyers debacle
  10. Congrats to the Phlyers. MUCH better team.
  11. I turned off NBC when the pre-game show was over. Rick J on the radio
  12. When the girls wereyoung we always had Easter eggs hunts in the house. One year we were surprised when we found a bag of candy that was leftover/hidden from the previous Halloween.
  13. On the few occassions the Sabres were on Versus during the regular season I would listen on XM radio and mute the TV sound. Yes Rick is a gem and we should treasure his broadcasts
  14. Already have the radio ready to go. Just 21 more hours. The sales of Sabres stuff is off the charts in the stores I have been in this weekend in N F
  15. I am at MIL's for Easter weekend. She has basic cable..(Channels 2--23) so we listened to the first period on the radio. The desire to watch the game struck and we headed to Apple Granny's in Lewiston to watch. No sooner than we got there, the Phlyers scored. After the Phlyers tied the game, I figured we had jinxed the Sabres so drove home. As we arrived in the driveway, Ennis scored the OT winner. Listening to Rick Jenneret call an OT game winning goal for the Sabres is a joy. Mrs. Lew says that when I watch the Sabres, they do poorly but when we listen on the radio, they do well. So for the rest of the playoffs I will listen. But that won't be hard as when we get back to WV we have to rely on Versus for hockey viewing. Thank goodness for XM radio.
  16. Good to hear you are OK. We are headed to Lewiston on Thursday
  17. I hear ya about the reclining seats. Several years ago, about two months after knee surgery, we flew to Las Vegas. My leg wanted to rest in a certain position and I knew that the reclining seat would be an issue. After explaining the situation to the guy in front of me I asked him to keep his seat up-right. He did for about 5 minutes then the seat came back in full force. Alas the person in front of Mrs. Lew did the same so I could not switch with her. And the flight was full, so no empty seats were available. After the flight was over, I noticed the knothead had a Patriots shirt on...Shudda figured
  18. Isn't 'temporary tax' an oxymoron ? In WV several years ago the govt. placed a 6% tax on food to alleviate a huge financial crisis and promised to reduce it as times got better. After 10 years of 6%, the govt. actually came through and made reductions by 1% increments. Today it is 3%.
  19. Another vote for Samoas
  20. Off to google and Amazon land. brb After a Google search , there was a mention that Charles Chips can be purchased at Cracker Barrel
  21. 2) Chevy Volt. Hate to tell you Chevy but Jimi Hendrix would drain those batties in 30 seconds. That was funny as all get out. Mrs. Lew is asking, "what's so funny ?"
  22. Some chips I recently bought are as advertised. Ruffles Molten Hot Wings. a) They are Ruffles and b) They ARE HOT. enjoy. I have not had these in a long time, but Charles Chips in the steel can were pretty good
  23. Worth the wait also !! Hopefully the NFL won't strike and we can enjoy the stomboli in 2011 not 2012.
  24. What are you looking for ? Fiction Non fiction Sci Fi Political Sports
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