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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. USA record in matches AT Costa Rica is 0-8-2. Mexico will be like a wounded animal on Tuesday night Very dangerous.
  2. Tuesday Oct. 10. USA hosts Mexico at 8PM ESPN. Huge match for the boys in Red White and Blue.
  3. great pass EJ. super catch by Stevie and Marrone's smile is priceless
  4. No golf or tailgate this year for me and Mrs. Lew. We are headed to Maine to pick up my daughter and hubby who will be finishing their Appalachian Trail hike. Say HI to Jamie and Ian for me. Nice guys
  5. How soon will Adam Richman and Man vs. Food arrive ? That's gonna be a challenge
  6. I can still remember watching guys carry cases of beer INTO the Rockpile back in the day. And I remember some of those beer cans becoming airborne when 'things' went against the Bills.
  7. Congrats to Jason Dufner winning the PGA championship.
  8. ... if you have ever heard of this engineer. http://www.latimes.c...48173.htmlstory. His impact on your lives can not be calculated.
  9. Logo for the LewPort Lancers.
  10. I hope that Landon D and Eddie Johnson enjoy their trip to Brazil next summer. Good luck to the men's team on Sunday. I wonder if Herr Klinsmann swore at the Ref in auf Deutsch or in English.
  11. Wed July 24.. USA vs. Honduras at 7:00 followed by Mexico vs. Panama at 10:00. The Mexican fan base will be the largest....
  12. I am uncertain about Heisenberg
  13. A bit off topic but somewhat interesting. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/sns-rt-uk-soccer-africa-nigeria-20130709,0,977367.story
  14. EdinKC and I collected these bottle caps also. We had a ton of them and got the footballs as the prize. Wore that football out as it was a very good one. We did the same thing with the magnet and fishing out of the machine. As far as becoming a Bills fan...My dad and a couple of co-workers shared seasons tickets. First game at the Rockpile was in 1962. Been following ever since. There are several Bills fans here in WV and Darryl Talley is the reason for that
  15. In 1975 I started working for company U in SE Ohio, then was transferred to NE Ohio and company E bought the division of company U that I worked for. Stayed there until 1988 when company E decided to send me to WV. Which in the long run was a good deal since the plant in NE Ohio has been closed for several years. Been in WV since 1988. In 2005 company G bought the WV plant and I have continued with them until now. I am in the lab and test materials in the ferroalloy industry. It is kinda funny that I am in the lab for 10 hours a day, since I generally disliked labs in college. So I have been working in the same field for 38 years.
  16. Cheers and Happy Birthday Aussiew !!!
  17. Thanks. The recent loss of appetite was a large indicator that the end was near.
  18. Yesterday Mrs. Lew and I had to put down our 18 year old dog, Kibbles. She was a yellow lab / cocker spaniel mix. The vet was very compassionate. She had had two seizures in recent weeks and her appetite was reduced.
  19. 185 Km/h on the Autobahn in Germany in a Buick Century (or at least the European version of it.) I was in the 'slow' lane and got passed by two Mercedes like I was standing still.
  20. Thanks for the time correction. I mis-read the time in the paper. Either way, the match will be over at 11:00 and one can flip over to ABC to watch the last minute or two of the NBA finals
  21. USA hosts Honduras tonight, June 18,on ESPN. Match time at 8:00.
  22. Tuesday night June 11 . USA vs Panama. Not sure if the match is on ESPN or ESPN2. 10:00
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