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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. Dos A Cero 2--0 for the USA 64,000 in the AlamoDome in San Antonio.
  2. Simcoe puts the "V" in villian. Great 2 hour opener
  3. So far, 3 against soccer and 1 for.
  4. ... because the USMNT is playing a 'friendly' match against Mexico. Televised by FoxSports 1. Lots of young guys will play in this match. The matches against Mexico are always interesting.
  5. New episode at 9:00 on AMC network. Monday 4.13 A mini-marathon will be on before the new episode so you can catch up.
  6. Great episode. Only 2 more left. Must see TV IMHO
  7. 30... I'll try the angled thing later. too much Masters on TV right now
  8. All I know is that as the confetti is streaming over the victorious Bills players, Mrs. Lew and I will be packing the car and heading to Buffalo for the greatest victory parade ever.
  9. WotAguy...she is married...and living in Morgantown WV. She indicated the training for this was very rigorous and with her real estate career, her time is diminishing for the training
  10. My youngest daughter finished her first full marathon today. She ran in the Washington DC marathon that was marred by cold and rainy weather. This is the first , and possibly last full marathon, she has attempted. To say that I am proud she finished, goes without saying. This is the same daughter that hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2013. That is all from one proud papa. Time 4:56:12
  11. Turn >> Sons of Liberty
  12. Whose snow was left on the grass ? Dan's or Gary's The plow FINALLY came to our neighborhood this morning after I got stuck (and finally unstuck) from the snow. Then The power steering in my car went bad. Fortunately, the Chevy dealership replaced it for no charge. This was a power steering pump I got in January. It was like the good ole days of driving without power steering
  13. Here in S WV we have enjoyed the following. Valentines Day. 4 inches and 40 MPH winds... Presidents Day. 12 inches of the light fluffy stuff but no wind. Tues-Thurs, just cold Friday Feb 20. It was a balmy -17* while Mrs. Lew and I car pooled to work in the AM. Sat 21. Still cold and 4---8 inches projected. The temps warmed up and the snow became the heavy wet snow, perfect for snowballs. Hard as hell to shovel though. At 7 PM I began the task of using the snow blower to remove the 18 inches we received. This pales by comparison to Mass. but the terrain of WV makes snow a nightmare with the mountains, curved roads and the lack of snow removal equipment. our neighborhood has not yet been cleared and the neighbor across the street is in her 38th week of pregnancy according to hubby. He borrowed my snow blower.
  14. This "30 for 30" was very, very good. I'll still never understand how Tretiak was pulled after the first period.
  15. Already have the DVR set.
  16. The winter has been mild in Southern WV until Monday 16. A foot of snow made driving a challenge. More road clearing equipment is needed, but that is probably true anywhere. Temps in the -10*F range are projected for Wed through Sat. I used the snow-blower this morning for the first time all winter.
  17. I was at home here in WV watching on TV. At half time my daughter asked if we could play the new computer game we got for Christmas. It was Monopoly. The computer was a Tandy Radio Shack computer . We left the TV on but muted the sound. The computer version of Monopoly has some interesting sounds. As the Bills mounted the comeback, we had to find the "Save Game" function so we could play later. One of my neighbors called to ask if we were OK, due to all the shouting, screaming and yelling that occurred. It was that game that my daughter learned the idea of NEVER leaving a game as anything could happen. The following March the local HS hoops team came back from a 20 point third quarter deficit in the WV state hoops semi-final game. We won in OT At the end of the game my daughter and I said "its just like the Bills game." The HS won the state championship the following night..
  18. Relentless I and Relentless II
  19. ** and getting wacked by a 9 iron by, now, ex-wife that Thanksgiving weekend.** Tiger was player of year....now he has to work like heck to be Comeback player of year.
  20. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2014/07/30/jesse-ventura-vs-chris-kyle-a-case-where-no-one-won/ Lawsuit of Jesse Ventura
  21. Grape Pie Make pastry for a two crust 9’ pie. For the filling: Remove and save the skins from 5 1/3 cup of concord grapes. Put pulp into a saucepan, without water and bring to a rolling boil. While hot, rub pulp through a strainer to remove the seeds. Mix the strained pulp with the skins. Mix together: (and mix lightly through the grapes) 1 1/3 cup sugar 4 tablespoons flour 1 1/3 teaspoon lemon juice Dash of salt Pour grape filling into pastry lined pan. Dot with 1 ½ tablespoon butter Cover with top crust, cut vents in the top crust. Bake at 425 degrees for 35 – 40 minutes and crust is lightly browned and juice begins to bubble through slits in top crust.
  22. This is so correct. Mom made great crust. She would make 4 crusts for two pies and we would enjoy just eating the crust. Nostalgia indeed !!
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