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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. 21 gallons. But that ended 2017 when I had to start some meds that the Red Cross can not filter out I did the double red donation for many years.
  2. My better half works at a hospital and replacing two knees at the same time has become the norm. One knee done on a Monday and second on Wednesday. PT starts right away and the patient goes home on a Friday. OP..Good luck and get ready for golf season. After all, there are priorities
  3. Self ..Mow lawn . less than 1/2 acre. the hilly terrain of WV makes this a challenge. remove snow. snow blower since 1996. laundry. I have done all the laundry since the 1990 bleach incident ( ? Mrs. lew ) that ruined a Sabres and a Bills golf shirt. very minor car repairs. most house repairs that don't involve electricity. painting the house inside and out.
  4. golf. refereeing soccer
  5. One dog ( a puggle) and 2 cats. Thank goodness we don't have restless legs or a critter would end up on the floor.
  6. I'll drink about one liter at work between 7 and 10. Then that's it. Good for the day. Unless we go to a fancy restaurant for dinner.
  7. I have worn my seatbelt every day since 1984. Birth of eldest daughter. Her son (our only grandson) is 6 and can 'click' the seat belt on his booster seat. He'll call out , "Pops, we can leave now, I am 'clicked' in." I'll never understand why peeps wont use a seat belt.
  8. Same here. Although I never got paid as a coach, other than free dinners when we traveled to tournaments.
  9. I'll be at the OU ...WVU game on Fri night. Go Eers !!!
  10. Best... Large venue ELP at Rich Stadium in 1974. Small venue... Moody Blues with Orchestra Worst...Bob Dylan in Charleston WV. sound was horrible and mumbling did not help. Bucket... King Crimson Missed... Genesis with Peter Gabriel. ** Saw original Allman Brothers at Marietta College homecoming the weekend before Duane died.
  11. Purdue can be Bowl eligible with a win over Indiana on 11.24. Game is at Indiana.
  12. Happy Birthday !!! Cheers
  13. The Big Ten Network has condensed replays of football games through out the week.
  14. At Disneyworld and paper straws from the Aardvark company are used in the restaurants Of the Animal Kingdom. BTW my 5 year old grandson had the time of his life and rode several of the big kid rides. Space mountain was his favorite.
  15. Mrs. Lew and I might get this pooch who has set up shop at my daughter's rented house. (No pets per landlord) We have 2 old cats and an old dog. I wanted to end the pet thing but the boss has other ideas.
  16. Same here. Language is toned down where the 5 year old grandson is around.
  17. This cable box brings back memories. Peeps would take their box to cable company late Friday afternoon and claim it did not work. The cable company would give a new one that was fully loaded and you could get a weekend of Premium channels until Monday when they re-loaded the accounts of the 'defective' units. Free weekends were great
  18. Saturday WVU plays Tennessee in Charlotte . First meeting ever between these two schools on the gridiron.
  19. Reggie Oliver was the QB at Marshall University in 1971 after the plane crash. He was the QB that threw the touchdown that beat Xavier 15-13 in the Home opener in Huntington and is remembered forever at Marshall. He started every game from 1971--1973 when he graduated. Go see the movie "We Are Marshall"
  20. Many years ago at the bowling alley somehow a discussion of the deterioration of the Ozone layer occurred. One of the discussion members blamed this on the holes in the atmosphere caused by launching the space shuttle. His idea was that this poked hole allowed the ozone to escape. After a minute or two, I told him that this was twice as bad as he thought since the shuttle poked a hole in the atmosphere on the way back to earth. The look on his face was priceless.
  21. Never had a hole in one playing golf. (came close 2X) Never had or will have a tat. Have never seen any of the Lord of the Rings movies. Love driving a stick shift car. My first car was a '69 VW Beetle
  22. Try gargling with HOT salt water. Make the water as 'salty' as possible. Good luck.
  23. Kicker from Marshall named Kaare Vedvik. He will punt, kickoffs and FG attempts. At Marshall he launched some 60 yard punts.
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