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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. Our 12 year old dog, Calie, had to be put down last night. She was a puggle and a great dog. Beginning in early August she became mopey and less than enthusiastic about eating. This was a huge red flag as she usually inhaled her food. She spent time at the vets and they found a mass on her spleen. She had some other issues with abnormal white cell counts. She was put on antibiotics and steroids. She had many great days but some bad days. A bad day was marked by sleeping and staying in one location all days. Normal days were spent following Mrs. Lew and I all over the house. Friday night I opened the door and she was resting in a very unusual place for her. I tried to take her out but her back legs were non-functional. Erratic breathing and a tongue that was more grey than pink, told me it was 'time' I texted the vet and he told us to bring her there. A final good bye with my daughter and grandson occurred. When we got to the vet, I held her with a towel and her breathing was all over the place. Her eyes were twitching too. After an exam, the vet said, "It's time." We stayed in the room for the end and the tears flowed like Niagara Falls. (like they are now) This was my daughters dog and she asked if we could have the body cremated and save the ashes. This morning was the first days since 1995, I have not walked one or two dogs for their morning 'outside' Go hug your critters for us.,
  2. This ^^ and add American Graffiti
  3. Most WV Bills fans are fans because of Darryl Talley. I got to meet Jeff Hosteller as his son was in the same dorm as my daughter when she was a freshman. When I shook his hand, I asked him, "How did Bruce Smith NOT knock that ball out of your hand in the Super Bowl."
  4. There is a LOT of alcohol consumed on game days. Wait until he sees the RV lot on a game day.
  5. My youngest daughter is a WVU grad and still lives in MoTown. Good luck to your son. Other than the traffic, Morgantown is great. Moving in day at WVU is like this ...10000 cars looking for 5000 parking spaces. I told a neighbor that once they find a parking space, NEVER leave it. When they came back, he told me I was 100% correct. Football game days are crowded and a ton of fun.
  6. AB is screwed up from head to toe. Good deal by the Bills to pass on him.
  7. I did the same collecting of Coke bottle caps. It was a great contest to fill out the sheets. My buddy and I each got footballs after collecting "X" number of sheets.
  8. Flip flops in public..... Must have good looking feet ( I am disqualified) Under age of 40 (I am double disqualified)
  9. Unfrosted Brown Cinnamon sugar.
  10. Two pages of a discussion of Tacos and no one has mentioned MIGHTY TACO.? C'mon man.
  11. The Happiest place on Earth ?? dude in pink shirt , hitting a woman ? C'mon man
  12. Our house in the mountains of S WV had no A/C until 3 years ago. That's when our grandson and daughter moved in with us. We got a heat pump and it has been a blessing. The biggest savings is in the winter since the electric baseboard heaters were replaced. We had an attic fan that helped cool the house in the summer. NO A/C growing up in Lewiston either.
  13. We took my 6 year old grandson to Toy Story 4 on the Fourth. It was a thoroughly enjoyable movie and he loved it. What I did not enjoy was the other screaming kids in the theatre... We are just spoiled by how good the grandson behaves in ALL situations.
  14. A+ on these 3 selections. I'll add ELP. "Welcome Back my friends to the show that never ends" 1974
  15. Players have tendencies on penalty kicks. This data is charted and discussed in GK meetings. "Reading" the kicker is also factored into the decision to go left or right.
  16. A very good book about "Prog Rock" is "The Show That Never Ends" by David Weigel.
  17. Yes in FIFA matches. 3 minutes of extra time will be added. In a HS match we stop the clock.
  18. PBS is broadcasting many shows throughout July about the Apollo program and the landing on the Moon. Check your local PBS station for days and times.
  19. Water ..hydration.. breaks are mandated in FIFA matches when the Wet Bulb Globe temperature exceeds 32*C. (89.6*F) The breaks occur at the 30th and 75th minutes of the match. This was approved by the FIFA executive committee and came into play at the 2014 WC in Brazil. Just wait until 2020 and Qatar. Water breaks on turf pitches are even more important (MLS) as the temp on the field will be approx. 20*F hotter than at chest level. At the High school level we'll take a break at roughly the 20 minute mark of the 40 minute half. 80*F is our break temperature. This is discussed with the coaches and I have never heard one say NO to a water break. The safety of the players is the number one concern for all officials at all levels of play.
  20. Some of you had it rough.. 8 miles , 10 miles. I was lucky the school was only 5 miles away. whew.
  21. US Men's National Team plays Panama tonight at 9:00 East Coast time. Fox Sports 1 network.
  22. Genesis of the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway Lineup..
  23. Games I have attended. 2000 Home opener vs Tennessee. First game after Home Run Throw Up 2001 Vs Seahawks on a warm day in November. Kelly's jersey retired. 1994 hosting the Vikings. It was the first NFL game for my daughters 2007 Home Opener vs Denver...Kevin Everett. 2012 Home Opener versus Chiefs. Home openers always are enjoyed with the good peeps at TBD at Hammer's lot.
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