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Posts posted by LewPort71

  1. 1 hour ago, DaBillsFanSince1973 said:

    peanut butter and miracle whip.


    I like chopped green olives mixed with my tuna and miracle whip. 



    Instead of  chopped green olives, I use  dill pickles with the tuna and mayo

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. My daughter who works in health care asked me to reach out and ask the

    good people at Two Bills Drive to donate blood.  There is a national shortage and all types are needed.

    So if you are healthy and are able, please donate.

    Takes about an hour.

    I have donated 21 gallons, but a medicine I currently take is on the Red Cross 'do not donate list",

    so I can not donate.


    • Like (+1) 3
  3. Our 12 year old dog, Calie, had to be put down last night.  She was a puggle and a great dog. Beginning in early August

    she became mopey and less than enthusiastic about eating.  This was a huge red flag as she usually inhaled her food.

    She spent time at the vets and they found a mass on her spleen. She had some other issues with abnormal white

    cell counts.  She was put on antibiotics and steroids.  She had many great days but some bad days.

    A bad day was marked by sleeping and staying in one location all days.  Normal days were spent following Mrs. Lew and I all over the house.

    Friday night I opened the door and she was resting in a very unusual place for her.  I tried to take her out

    but her back legs were non-functional.  Erratic breathing and a tongue that was more grey than pink, told me it was 'time'

    I texted the vet and he told us to bring her there.  A  final good bye with my daughter and grandson occurred.  

    When we got to the vet, I held her with a towel and her breathing was all over the place.  Her eyes were twitching too.

    After an exam, the vet said, "It's time."   We stayed in the room for the end and the tears flowed like Niagara Falls.

    (like they are now)

    This was my daughters dog and she asked if we could have the body cremated and save the ashes.

    This morning was the first days since 1995, I have not walked one or two dogs for their morning 'outside'


    Go hug your critters for us., 

    • Sad 11
  4. 3 minutes ago, Marv's Neighbor said:

    Darryl Talley.

    Most WV Bills fans  are fans because of Darryl Talley.

    I got to meet Jeff Hosteller as his son was in the same dorm as my daughter when she was a freshman.

    When I shook his hand, I asked him, "How did Bruce Smith NOT knock that ball out of your hand in the Super Bowl."




  5. My youngest daughter is a WVU grad and still lives in MoTown.

    Good luck to your son.  Other than the traffic, Morgantown is great.


    Moving in day at WVU is like this ...10000 cars looking for 5000 parking spaces.

    I told a neighbor that once they find a parking space, NEVER  leave it.

    When they came back, he told me I was 100% correct.

    Football game days are crowded and a ton of fun.


  6. 23 hours ago, papazoid said:

    was at rockpile, i was very young, maybe 8 , my two uncles took me.


    what i remember most was we parked in a neighborhood driveway, played the jets, the field was muddy and a pillar blocked my view.


    then i started collecting coca-cola ? bottle caps with player likeness 


    i'm still hooked....+33  year STH


    I did the same collecting of Coke bottle caps.  It was a great contest to fill out the sheets.

    My buddy and I each got footballs after collecting "X" number of sheets.



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