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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. Great read. McNair was truly a class act. I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about him, in relation to his on or off the field conduct.
  2. my wife just said the same thing. i don't know though. i hope that's not the case. so many possibilities right now... so freakin sad...
  3. cnn.com is reporting that the woman found shot to death with him was his girlfriend, not his wife. Were he and his wife separated? still very sad any way you look at it, and the NFL lost a great player and the world lost a great person.
  4. An absolute class act both on and off the field. He was an invaluable member of the NFL. May he rest in peace, and condolences to his family.
  5. I have to agree with you there. Back in college I had an Eric Moulds jersey, and after that, I just started buying the personalized jerseys. However, this year, I did break down and buy a Terrell Owens jersey. I've never worn a jersey from any other team, although I have thought about getting the white Carolina Panthers Steve Smith jersey...
  6. wholeheartedly agree with you on LaNova's. Haven't found wings better to this day. Every year when I come back to Buffalo to visit, it's the VERY first place I go to! My mom is a religious Anchor Bar fan, but I'll take LaNova's any day....for Pizza too. On a side note, I wouldn't recommend having La Nova's wings Fed Ex'ed to you though. I tried that once, and they tasted NOTHING like the ones in the store.
  7. Maybe I've been drinking the kool aid too long as well, but I just don't think we'll get crushed in this game. I really feel, along with many others, that our best shot to beat New England will be in game one. I think the value of having TO in the locker room, not to mention on the field, will get other guys really revved up. You know for a fact he's going to bring his A game, and I do think Brady will be a little rusty. I go into that game with a full heap of faith that Buffalo can pull off the upset...
  8. I gotta agree with you on that one. I honestly can't recall more than one or two plays where he's actually been a difference maker on the field, i mean in a positive way.... we definitely could use some improvement in our linebacking corps...
  9. He doesn't seem to be very friendly or engaging. Luckily for us, he doesn't have to be. I can't really argue with your statement that he might be nearing the end of his rope, but after this season, we should be able to either argue for or against that point. I disagree with you though, I do think he would be a starter on most NFL teams. (when healthy)
  10. I think you make a valid point. 243 is, IMO, a little light in the arse for an every down defensive end. I certainly hope that what you're suggesting is the case rather than what could also be true, and that is just maybe his skills are declining. Let's hope 2009 sees him regain his old form. I'd be happy with 8-10 sacks from Schobel this year...
  11. Personally, I don't think these atheletes realize just how good they have it, and how much of a privilege it is to play in the NFL. Many of them make more in a year than many people will see in their lifetime. Hell, if you told me you'd pay me a million dollars a year, I would avoid ANYTHING you told me to! I don't give a damn WHAT it was!
  12. Absolutely. if you're only going to get to go to one or two games a year, then by all means you should sit exactly where you want to sit. I'm sure if i just be patient I will find some good seats...
  13. lolol i saw that! I check stubhub daily and when i saw that i thought maybe someone was selling season tickets lower level 50 yard line 15th row or something! It's gotta be a typo. No one could be that dumb....
  14. I definitely agree with you. Stubhub certainly isn't the cheapest website out there for buying tickets, but I prefer it because it definitely allows you to get great seats. I live in Atlanta, and every year I go up to Buffalo and take my little cousin who lives up there to a game. Last year we got to go to the Monday night game against the Browns, and we had lower level seats, in section 133, also about 40 rows up, and I got two tickets for about 400 bucks. It was well worth it. Ebay has prices that are lower, but it's tough finding the really great seats on ebay. We're planning on going to the home opener this year, but right now, they only have a couple seats in sections 133 and 134 (which are the only sections I want to sit in), so hopefully as the date gets closer, there will be some better pickings on there....
  15. The funny thing is, I always end up with a pretty decent draft position in my leagues, and for the past 3 years, Brian Westbrook has been available when it comes to my pick...and every year I pass on him. and every year he puts up stellar numbers... sad thing is, this year, i'll probably pass on him again...
  16. that i can't argue with either. There's no doubt he'd be an upgrade to the d-line, and a significant one at that. I would have to put my personal dislike for the mofo aside. Wow, just hearing Stroud and Wilfork next to each other...man that's pretty sick. I still don't like the dirty fat SOB though.
  17. My sentiments exactly. I can't believe he got his wife to put together some bogus DVD to give to the commish, and then on top of that it actually worked!!! unbelievable. yeah, I definitely can't stand Wilfork. Good player or not, I just wouldn't be jumping for joy if we signed him....
  18. I never said he wasn't a good DT, not disputing that at all. All I'm saying is that the guy is a dirty player, and I think you are probably one of the few Bills fans, heck, football fans period who doesn't think that shot he took at JP wasn't intentional. I am as diehard a Bills fan as they come, and want nothing more than to see the Bills succeed. And if by some chance he WERE to come to the Bills, I definitely wouldn't cry about it. I just don't like dirty players, especially ones who play for the Patriots, and ones who intentionally try to seriously hurt our players.
  19. As good of a DT he is, I personally wouldn't want to see him in a Bills uni. I can't stand the fat bastard after the cheap shot he pulled on JP. He's a dirty, dirty player....
  20. I just can't believe that if we finish 7-9 again that Jauron will be back. No way, no how. RW can't be that pressed over money that he refuses to eat a contract of a proven loser. If the Bills finish 7-9 again, and bring back Jauron, there's no way they can count on people renewing season tickets, and continuing to spend money on a sh-- product...
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