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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened, but for some reason, I think the Bills will win today. My guess is they play hard for coach fewell, and try to get him a victory. I'm going Buffalo 24, Jacksonville 17.
  2. very well said. i couldn't agree more. i can think of at least once every game where T.O. has beaten his defender by at least a step or two....
  3. Well said sir. Well said. I have absolutely no problem with people booing him. None. And the fact that all of a sudden now that we've won two in a row he decides it's safe to have the ceremony??? LAME...
  4. i didn't say i'd be envious of the same end result, all i was saying is that i was envious of the Redskins having an owner who wasn't afraid to go after big name free agents with the thought of trying to improve the team. While his free agent acquisitions haven't lived up to their paychecks(how many in the NFL actually do), I do applaud him for at least trying to improve the team, which is more than I can say for our owner.
  5. outstanding question. and while i don't have the answer, i will say that even though the redskins suck, i'm envious that they have an owner who's AT LEAST willing to shell out big bucks for big time free agents and coaches.
  6. 6-4? not gonna happen. It's hard to win in the NFL..... dammit Jauron is rubbing off on me too now!!!
  7. We absolutely have a shot vs the Texans. Whether or not that translates to a victory, you got me on that one. I will say this. Matt Schaub is DEFINITELY better than Derek Anderson, Mark Sanchez, and Jake Delhomme. I highly doubt he will giftwrap a victory for us the way Sanchez, Delhomme, and Derek Anderson tried to do for us. He is much more polished and lethal when given the time. BUT, we also limited Drew Brees, arguably the best QB in the game now, to 172 yards passing. I really feel like our secondary is playing better than 30 other teams in the league right now, and if we can force a few more schaub picks, and our offense can just generate two or three touchdowns, we have a real shot at winning.. It's a home game, Bills fans will be rockin, and I personally feel like TO is due for a breakout game.
  8. that was an interesting article. I will say this though, Snyder may be responsible for the debacle that the redskins have become, but many of the moves he makes, at least it gives off the impression that he's trying to win, and trying to add talent to the team. I never get that feeling from Ralph....
  9. definitely 1pm. i enjoy waking up, and by the time i'm up, ready to get my day started, i only have to wait an hour or two to enjoy some bills football...
  10. The biggest difference, IMHO, between us and the Redskins is... at least they have an owner who is willing to pony up the money to bring big name free agents to play for them, and who seemingly has a sincere desire to win games and improve the team.
  11. unbelievable. ok, i'm gonna be optimistic here. We win the coin toss....
  12. I agree with many of your thoughts, but I totally disagree that McKelvin is a gadget player. This guy is already proving to be a great corner, and think I will be for years to come.
  13. Excellent point on his high arc deep passes. I have yet to see Trent throw a deep ball with any serious zip on it. Sad thing is, yesterday, i was watching the Lions Steelers game, and Daunte Culpepper, while I'm not saying I'd rather have him here than Trent, was straight ZIPPING the ball twenty to thirty yards down the field, ON A ROPE. And damn those passes looked good. I found myself getting jealous that our QB doesn't even attempt more than 1 to 2 deep passes per game, heck 1 to 2 intermediate passes per game. I can't believe I'm saying this. I'd rather have Daunte Culpepper here than Trent Edwards. Heck I'd rather see Fitz behind center.
  14. There's no way this team wins 7 games. @ Jets - We get rolled up and smoked like a blunt at snoop dogg's house. 1-5 @ Panthers - Deangelo Williams and J Stewart rush for 200 yards combined. 1-6 Texans - Somehow, we pull this one out. The sun shines on a dogs arse every now and again. 2-6 BYE - Dick will still be the head coach. @ Titans - Need that elusive first win? Play the Bills!! Titans beat the hell out of us. 2-7 @ Jaguars - Bills lose a close one in Jacksonville, but lose nonetheless. 2-8 Dolphins - Bills offense explodes for two touchdowns, we win. 3-8 Jets(Toronto) - another embarrassment in Toronto. 3-9 @Chiefs - no repeat performance of last year. another loss. 3-10 New England - another patriot blowout. 3-11 Indianapolis - colts, having already secured a bye, beat us with 2nd and 3rd stringers. 3-12 @Atlanta - Bills barely bother to show up. 3-13
  15. i think anyone can alter wikipedia if i'm not mistaken.... I don't think Jauron will be fired at all, at least not during the season.
  16. Yet another player for the Bills playing out of position....sheesh when does it stop.. I'm thinking it's a pretty big transition to go from outside to middle linebacker isn't it? And Mitchell wasn't exactly lighting it up...
  17. They gave great effort. If I was there I'd rush the podium and hit jauron in the head with a sock full of nickels...
  18. i heard that...and was speechless. and he has confidence in all the guys. he really likes this group of guys. someone please kill me.
  19. Hats off to their defense, they confused the heck out of me...
  20. Great assessment. You make a very good point about the o-line. Hopefully by season's end, (or even better within a game or two, they can really jel and give trent some more time. I couldn't imagine anything more absurd than him being benched. Let's hope today is the day Trent lets a few fly.....
  21. Like I said, i was agreeing with you that noone should give a crap about trent not watching the vikings game or tape of favre. but i do think, and it's only my opinion, that there are very few people on this board who are "trent haters". I think we are all frustrated. While that frustration should not ALL fall on Trent's shoulders, I think it's only fair some of the blame can go to him. When you have two receivers named Lee Evans and Terrell Owens, to not take more attempts to get them the ball has got to fall on the QB. Maybe you could care less about Trent checking down every other play, but I myself, and I'm sure other fans as well would LOVE to see him take some shots. And I am a Bills fan, I pull for EVERY player on our team to succeed. But I also call a spade a spade. He checks it down too often. It's a fact.
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