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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. I've watched a bit of football...here and there. No need to try and put people down. Last I checked we were both Bills fans, and I haven't disrespected you. So chill with that.
  2. Defense looking crisp so far!!!!
  3. I'm stoked we just scored!!!! But just once I'd love to have Orton throw a ball RIGHT ON MONEY....
  4. Here's where we get predictable....
  5. Not a great pass from Orton....
  6. Let's go Buffalo! Line em up and lay the wood to em!!!
  7. Well said sir. Well said. This is put up or shut up time. No excuses... and if they can go out there tonight and put up a W, it will go a LONG way to showing this team is different than years past..
  8. I saw their body language, and their reaction to several of those throws. It's hard to blame both of them for some of those balls thrown their way. I know it would be hard for me to beat my man, get open CONTINUALLY, only to see a ball thrown at my feet or way above my head. Woods body language had more of the immature, frustrated I wanna throw a tantrum type of feel, whereas Sammy just seemed to be like, "eff it." Again, hard to blame those guys.
  9. I picked up Blount off waivers in my fantasy league. I had a choice to start him or Desean Jackson as my flex. I started Jackson. I will now go and kill myself. that is all.
  10. I guess I'm missing the OP's point here because I don't see anything Marrone said that wasn't true. Nor do I think he worded it in a way that shows he's trying to play the "whoa is us" card, or trying to garner some sympathy points.
  11. Unbelievable. That is a damn shame. And the sad thing is, some poor soul will pay for them.
  12. I remember one year at summer camp, one of the campers went out of his mind and started killing and eating the other campers. We later found out that the camper was a bear.
  13. This 100%. Having a franchise QB masks SOOO many other shortcomings and basically will get you into the playoffs every year. He will win you games on his own arm. I think Sean Payton is a heckuva coach, but one could argue he didn't become who he was until he had one Drew Brees as his QB. We get ourselves a franchise QB and we WILL see this franchise turned around.....
  14. that was definitely the hardest loss of the bunch to swallow. To give a game away to them two years in a row doesn't sit well in my stomach. If in fact we don't make the playoffs, I think most of us will look back at that game as the one that for all intents and purposes knocked us out of contention. Something has to, and eventually will change....we just have to keep being patient. And again, we're still not out of it just yet....
  15. Can i have some of that "coffee" you're snorting drinking?
  16. That's what has me the most disheartened. I penciled in all three of those games as losses when the schedule came out, and based on the Bills play thus far, I don't feel any differently. Actually, I can see all three of those games being blowouts now, let alone a Bills victory. I'm expecting the worst, and hoping for the best. I'd love to know how many Bills fans on here actually think that we will win any of those games. The Green Bay game is at home, so there's always the hope that some home cooking, and a poorly played game by the Pack allows us to win that one. Going to Denver could be an absolute nightmare, I could see that game being a horrible blowout. The only hope I have with the New England game is that they have already secured homefield advantage and have absolutely nothing to play for. As Chris Berman says...."that's why they play the game". We can hope!
  17. While I wasn't happy with what we gave up to get him, I was indeed very happy with the player we got. Sammy is a heckuva talent at WR, and I think he will play in this league a long time. I am frustrated that he does not get the luxury of maturing and developing with a solid QB, or heck even just consistent play at the WR position. I have zero doubt that if Watkins was playing with a decent QB his numbers would lead all rookie WRs right now, and if he was playing with a top-tier QB, I wouldn't be surprised if his numbers led all receivers. He's that good in my opinion. I really pray that something happens SOON to get our QB situation solved or I fear that Sammy's growth will be stunted. This kid is dynamite, we just have to give get him the damn ball!
  18. I don't see why we shouldn't be ready to rock and roll next Sunday. Seems like things are going smoothly so far....let's hope that continues. What could be the possible reason that the Bills wouldn't be able to play in Ralph Wilson stadium next week?
  19. Oh okay. I didn't know it was offered for free back then too. Let's just hope the Bills can take care of business and get this W.
  20. Indeed. Heck even 5-1 and they could still be on the outside looking in because of being on the wrong end of all the tiebreakers. But it's still possible!
  21. I am VERY interested to see how this is going to turn out. I've never in all my life heard of an NFL game being offered completely free. Those who have purchased tickets will get preferred seating between the 20s, so that's cool. But I do wonder if it's going to be an absolute circus Monday night. I can see some crazy things happening. I think it's very admirable that the Bills are still offering full refunds to those who purchased tickets and still allowing them to use them to go to the game. That was something I wasn't expecting. Monday night is going to be very, very interesting.....
  22. I agree. As bleak as the picture looks, as much help as the Bills are going to need in addition to winning out, I still refuse to believe that we are officially done. With that said, let's go ahead and get this W tomorrow night so we can begin to have fun again...
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