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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. I'm not sure about that statement. I would take Rice over Brown and Dixon in a second. CJ can never stay healthy, and hasn't shown he can make it through a full season as an every down back. I love Fred as much as we all do, but I think it's safe to say he's on the downside of his career, no matter how ageless he proves to be. Rice is still relatively young in that regard. A poster did mention that he's had 800 carries in two seasons, and THAT'S definitely something of concern, but I think he can still be productive in the NFL. Football aside, watching the video is absolutely mind-blowing. To knock out your wife, girlfriend, female friend, heck female period like that is to me, inexcusable. I'm in no way perfect, but damn to see that is one of those things you just can't forget. And then to have complete disregard for her well-being afterward makes him even more of a complete d-bag. To me that is even more disturbing than the fact that he knocked her out!! Guys, can you imagine if that was YOUR sister, YOUR daughter? I couldn't believe my eyes. I think that getting suspended for the season was appropriate. I do think he should be allowed to play in the NFL again, but I would not want him as a Bill, just for the simple fact I know what he did, and no matter what words his publicist types up for him, the bottom line is HE DID NOT CARE one bit for his wife's safety, and probably still doesn't. He's probably just mad that the video got aired. There are people that say, "oh he was forthcoming", but what choice did he have? He knew that he was on video and it was going to get out sooner than later. And to think, people wanted to kill Mike Vick and publicly execute him for what he did to dogs. If he in fact did electrocute dogs, then that is pretty inhumane and effed up, but I don't think it even compares to seeing a guy straight Mayweather his girlfriend and then looks down at her limp, motionless body and doesn't even bat an eyelash.
  2. Man, that jump was pretty horrendous. I didn't know whether to laugh or scream in frustration. He certainly made amends the rest of the game...
  3. Me too, provided we finish 8-8 or better. I would be good with Marrone being given one more season. I would also be happy with a coaching change, because I feel like with the Bills organization, under new leadership, with much more stability in place, will be a much more appealing job, so I think in turn that will land us a much better HC choice.
  4. I'd love to know what good ol Terry is up to. As vastly improved as I believe our defense is, it's hard to argue that we are anything more than average right now. With wins against the Browns and Raiders, and what right now is logical to say would be losses to the Broncos, Pack and Patriots, I think Marrone still sticks around. A two game improvement I think merits him one more season. From everything I've heard about the Pegula's, that would be my guess. I think if we somehow manage to lose out, then I think Marrone is shown the door, but heck I wouldn't be surprised if he was still retained, with the stipulation he fire Hackett.
  5. That is freakish size and athleticism....my God. Unreal could't be a more accurate word. I'm just glad he plays for the Bills.
  6. Got damn that is an intimdating looking man. If he slapped my mom in the face, I'd really have to ask my mom what she did to provoke him. And then I'd apologize for her.
  7. I hate that I agree with you.....but that is usually what the Bills do to us. I don't know why I keep thinking about the year all we had to do was beat the Steelers third stringers to get in, and you know the rest. I firmly believe that the Patriots are dialed in and could very well clinch homefield by the time we play them. If somehow we can get past the Broncos and Packers, man that will shape up to be an unbelievable season finale. In essence, that WILL be our playoff game. I guess let's start with Cleveland on Sunday and go from there....like a previous poster stated, even though our playoff chances at this point are slim, very slim, it will feel good to watch a game in December that means something....
  8. Back home in Ralph Wilson Stadium, coming off of an IMPRESSIVE beatdown of the Jets, the crowd will be absolutely bananas. We're still in the playoff hunt. There is no reason for the Bills to come out and do anything less than give it 100 percent. Falling flat is not an option at this point in the season. I think for the first time in a while, the Bills come out and do EXACTLY what they're supposed to do, with no let downs. If Hoyer can throw three picks against a pretty bad Falcons defense, I completely expect our D to make his life a living hell. I wouldn't be surprised to see Johnny Football in before the game is over. I expect Sammy to bounce back with a monster game, and Fred Jackson to be, well, Fred Jackson. Even Orton throws for over 300 yards. This will be a Bills absolute destruction. Buffalo 7, Cleveland 3
  9. 7 catches for Woods tonight, and I swear not a single one of them seemed easy....
  10. Love to see an opening second half lengthy touchdown drive....that would be beautiful...
  11. Our offense HAS to do something this drive...we can't keep sending the defense out there without putting some points on the board and giving them a half decent blow....
  12. I've watched a bit of football...here and there. No need to try and put people down. Last I checked we were both Bills fans, and I haven't disrespected you. So chill with that.
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