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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. God bless you and your family, please accept my condolences during this difficult time.
  2. Ditto....made me bust out laughing! dirk dirk ala moohamed jihad
  3. "I know they're excited about 8-8 and we're excited they got us in." Sorry, but that line kinda got under my skin a bit. He thinks we're excited about our record this year?? I understand he's not a Buffalo Bill, and probably not a fan, but my goodness, is that how we're viewed throughout the league?? What NFL team for the love of beans and rice would be excited about 8-8, unless it got them into the playoffs? When the Steelers come to the Ralph next year, I hope we beat the livin fecal matter out of them... Sorry, that statement just really irked me..
  4. Thanks for all your great posts, Bill. I enjoy reading them every week, and they've certainly become a "must read" for me after the game. Have a great off-season, and already looking forward to more great posts for the 2016 season! 2016, the drought ends!
  5. Definitely not. Ready to see what Tyrod can do with a full season under his belt and a full grasp of the system.
  6. Spot on. Look at the momentum Carolina carried into this year following how they finished the season out last year....to win the final three games of the season would be absolutely wonderful. It would set the tone for a productive offseason, build confidence among players, re-ignite optimism amongst the fan base, and I think most of us on this board would be as pumped for a season as we've been in over a decade. When is the last time the Buffalo Bills had a 3 game winning streak?
  7. Holee crap that's a brutal away schedule!!!! Heck even the Bal and Stl games could be L's.....damn that schedule looks tough right now...
  8. I like your optimism, and I too, am hoping for this to happen. Both scenarios are realistic. Let's just hope Buffalo takes care of business against a Redskins team that has looked pretty good at FedEx Field...
  9. I don't think we're DEFINITELY gonna lose this one, but count me among those who don't think our chances are very good. I'll be watching along with the rest of us who still believe, and who still have hope for the playoffs this year. Do I have confidence in our team? Yep! Just not much, not against the Pats, not on Monday night in Foxboro, not with the refs in their back pocket, and not during a year when they have this "Us Against The World" mentality because of Deflategate. As much as it hurts to say it, the Pats have a greater chance of going undefeated the rest of the whole season than we do of winning Monday night. I hope like hell we shock the world, and if we win Monday night, Tuesday is most certainly going to be a sick day for me(ie alcohol poisoning). However, I just think the deck is stacked wayyyyy too far in their favor for us to win Monday night. Heck, Rex couldn't have put it better when he said that for us to win, we're going to have to play a darn near perfect game, and Brady and the Pats are going to have to have an off night. With that said.... Buffalo 37, New England 20
  10. I remember learning in a psych class in college about the "Total Marriage". They said it was the type of marriage where both partners live pretty much as one, do everything together, have the same friends, basically are like one person. They said when one dies, the other usually follows quickly after. That is CRAZY to both die of heart attacks, an hour apart from each other. Just wow. Condolences to a Buffalo Bill that is beloved in practically all of our hearts...
  11. I really wish he was still a Buffalo Bill. He just doesn't look right in that uniform. Get well Freddy!!
  12. Even if it's a designed run, if the QB is the one with the ball and he's tackled behind the LOS, it's still a sack correct?
  13. Can't say that I have a problem with that article. Inconsistency couldn't be a better word to describe us so far. The thing this year that has put more gray hairs on my head than anything is the Bills followed BOTH decisive beatdowns with complete mental meltdowns, AT HOME nonetheless...It seems that every time Buffalo starts getting a little national love, it goes right to their head and they come out that next Sunday and put up stinkers. Rex needs to get that trend fixed in a hurry. IMO, the inconsistency is the ONLY thing I can say that reminds me of the Bills teams of the past...
  14. I think Tyrod plays like Tyrod. Jeff Blake really doesn't come to mind when I watch him. The more I sit and think who he reminds me of, the more of a blank I draw.
  15. Seems to be the blueprint for success against us....it's a very hard offense to shut down, and Brady and co are by far the masters of it....sad to say...and Eli has two Super Bowl rings. I think we fared a little better vs Eli, especially in that 2nd half, but the first half of the game he was utilizing it to perfection.
  16. I agree. We do have a TON of talent all around. Although the numbers and statistics so far this year would disagree, this team is definitely more talented than last years roster. With that said, anything less than a playoff birth would be unacceptable IMO. So many posters have pointed out what I truly believe, and that is this team still needs time to gel and learn to play together. New ownership, new HC, OC, and DC, we are bound to experience some growing pains. I'm very optimistic about what I'm seeing so far from the team, and I have no doubt that things are headed in the right direction. This is not your father's (aka Same Old Bills) team anymore. I do think we can get everything together in time to make a postseason run, but it's got to start with Rex. He has got to get these guys to not only learn to play together, but to play SMART...leading the league in penalties is not something to be proud of. The team often takes on the image and demeanor of their head coach, and that's exactly what Buffalo is doing right now. I'm good with the Bills being considered "A Big Bad Bully", but I'm not good with them being considered a dumb, undisciplined bully. Coughlin's remark that we would beat ourselves really struck a nerve with me, and probably because it was nothing but the truth. Losing both home games to start the season was not something I expected. A 2-2 mark at the quarter isn't great, but I've seen enough of this team to know we have the talent to put up 11-12 wins. Once the Bills start playing smarter football, and Rex eats a few slices of humble pie, and passes them out to the team when they start believing their own hype, we'll be fine. I think the thing that's most encouraging to me is that in the Giants game, no matter how poorly we played in the first half, no matter how many times we shot ourselves in the foot with dumb(or phantom) penalties, we were never out of the game until the final minutes. If you think of seasons past, if we played that poorly of a game for 35 minutes, there's no way we'd still be in it. This team IS different. So I do agree with the OP, on all points, with the exception that we aren't ready to be a playoff team just yet. We already are a playoff team. We just have to learn to play like one.
  17. I had no freakin idea that the goal posts had been narrowed from 18 feet to 14 feet, IN ADDITION to moving the line of scrimmage back 13 yards....holy crap!!!
  18. Agreed. Those two in particular were head-scratchers. He puts those two on the money and both of them are TD's.
  19. I don't think cutting Carpenter is the answer. I agree with some other posters, he is just in a bit of a funk right now, and he has been dealing with an injury. His 51 yarder split the uprights. I think we need to let him work this thing out...I really hope Rex doesn't cut him, it would be a real knee jerk reaction, and in my opinion, looking for a scapegoat(albeit an inappropriate one). Carpenter is NOT the reason we lost this game today. 17 penalties, the refs, missing a tackle that ends up turning into a 50 yard touchdown run, those are much more valid reasons to chalk today's loss to.
  20. I have to disagree a bit with you. While I'm not as sold on Tyrod as others on here, I do think he can show nice touch on some of his balls, and honestly, I think that when he finally does throw it, he throws it as decisively as I could hope for. Maybe because he's newly annointed to the starting QB position, he has yet to really become a vocal, take-charge type leader just yet, but perhaps that will happen with time. I do agree that late in the 4th quarter, I did not see any real urgency in getting back to the LOS, especially when good clock management was absolutely vital, but I don't know if I'd pin that on Tyrod as much as the coaching staff... While I didn't think he was impressive today, I don't think that too much blame can be pinned on him for today's loss. I still have hope he's our guy of the future...
  21. I would say McCoy simply because of his ability to run as well as catch passes. Watkins is definitely going to be missed as well, but I would give the edge to McCoy
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