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Posts posted by smuvtalker

  1. I guess I am in the minority. I really liked him. He was a baller and played tremendously above his draft status. That sort of production out of a 7th round receiver is rare.


    I suspect he is washed up now, but wish him well.

    Share your sentiments JR. I have to agree with those who also have never gotten over that Pittsburgh TD drop.


    Also agree his time in Buffalo has come and gone, and wish him well...

    Sign a one day contract with the Bills for $1.00.

    That dollar is taxed so Pegula hands him 2 quarters, 2 dimes and 2 pennies.

    😅😅 so wrong but still funny!

  2. _-----------------------

    Even though he had the tools to be a top flight corner Gilmore just never embraced Buffalo. He did not want to be here and played with no heart at all. Just waited out his time for a payday. What makes me upset is when a FA goes for the jackpot he usually lands on a desperate team overpaying for players. Not only did he Rob us of quality years but now he gets rewarded with a monster contract on a monster team. Bums like him don't deserve that kind of good fortune. I've grown to dislike him very much.

    Agree with you about his head and heart never really being here. I think it was obvious to many that he wasn't thrilled with being drafted by the Bills, however, I fully expected his passion and love for the game to help him blossom into the lockdown, island corner we felt he had the potential to be. He is honestly the first Bills player that I can think of that we drafted who never gave it his all, and who always seemed like he had one foot out the door already. It definitely makes me resent him for that...


    I hope his first week of the season he comes down with a horrible case of C-Diff, and maybe one or 12 teammates get it as well....

  3. Great post. Honestly, as much as I love sports, it kinda disgusts me how fans treat athletes. Yes, they have good lives and make a lot of money. But they are human beings too. Dareus has had more people close to him die than anyone I've ever met. Stevie Johnson played the day after his mom died and people complained about his lack of production. EJ Manuel (one of the reasons I really liked him) played a whole season for a national title contender while learning his mom had cancer and didn't say a word to anyone about it.


    Players are treated like pieces of meat. Fans think they can say whatever they want because they want because they make a lot of money. It's a sad reflection of our culture.

    It really is, and sadly too that I am just as guilty as the next man when it comes to the expectations we have of these players, simply because they are millionaires. Like you said, they are human beings first, football players second.


    Again, count me confident that Marcel will have a solid, if not pro-bowl caliber season. If he does, I'm sure many on here welcome him back with open arms. 👍

  4. This is one of the worst posts in the history of this board. I'd say more but I don't want to get banned.





    Guy has had a very tough life. He obviously needs to grow but literally every main adult figure in his life has passed away. If you can't feel any sympathy for him, you're a sad human being.

    Agree with Biscuit 100% on this one. Has Marcel made some questionable choices, in regard to both his football and personal life? Absolutely. But to simply dismiss the fact that this young man has lost MULTIPLE people in his life he was close to is irresponsible and extremely biased. We can all say we would've handled things differently, but until it actually happens to us, we just don't know. Put me in the minority who think he's handled things as good as could be expected.


    Does he know this year that much is expected of him? I believe so. I also believe with a switch back to the 4-3, and allowing him to put his hand in the dirt and do what he does best, which is wreak havoc on the line of scrimmage, obliterate double teams, and be the amazingly disruptive force he has already proven to be. And when he does this, the past will be forgiven, and hopefully Niagara Bill will cut the kid a little slack...

  5. Today when I heard about the passing of Hardy, I immediately came here to read condolences and memories of this man. I've always been impressed how we care for players that have put on our uniform throughout their life. I know we give them a hard time here and there, but I feel we care about what happens to them in life and the majority here wish them the best wherever God takes them. Look at some recent threads: Hardy's passing and JP Losman getting a new job. I'm glad we care- it's something the fans of Buffalo don't get enough credit for. We care for Jim Kelly, one of the all time greats, when he goes through trial after trial, and we celebrate the new job of a player like Losman who never quite lived up to our expectations. I'm proud to be a bills fan and it's an honor to be on the stadium wall with you all. Also, keep caring for each other as we face our own trials in life- like the tread not too long ago where we rallied around a Bills fan that just lost his son. Keep caring Bills nation and Go Bills!

    You spelled thread wrong. If you're going to make such a compassionate, well thought out post the least you could do is treat us to an error free reading.


    That's complete bullsh!t and you know it Major...




    who are you kidding....Sammy is definitely going to get a block buster deal


    were you one of the people saying Gilmore would not get one?

    No I wasn't, but I admit I was shocked to see him get the deal he got, especially from the Patriots.


    I don't profess to be a super knowledgeable poster, like many are on here, which is why I stated more than once that it was just my humble opinion. I have been a member of this Bills message board for over 10 years, and when I do post, I am always respectful of others. I see you've been a member for a couple months and you're the first person to annoy me. I simply stated what I felt in as respectful and informative post as I could. If you can't show the same, then go back to wherever you came from, or at the very least, don't reply to my posts.

  7. If he becomes a free agent, I would assume he is on all 31 teams' radar. Pretty self-explanitory

    With all due respect, is it really self-explanitory?


    I love Sammy as much as the next man, and to be honest I was probably in the minority of those excited about the move up to snag him. He's been far and away our best receiver on the field when he's been out there, it's clear to see he's Tyrod's favorite target, and he's battled through some tough injuries that could've easily shelved other receivers.


    However, the bottom line is he has yet to prove he can stay healthy, stay on the darn field. And to be completely honest, when he's been out there, he has put up respectable, if not impressive numbers. But I struggle to believe that if he were to become a free agent that he would immediately be on all 31 other teams radars. Okay, let me rephrase, he MIGHT be on most teams radars, but do you honestly believe that he is going to command a blockbuster deal? While I'm sure that there might be a team or three that is willing to overpay for his services, I think many teams would probably want to give him a "prove it" type deal, if anything for the simple fact the kid just can't stay healthy.


    I was chatting it up with a Cowboys fan yesterday, and the guy was a football fan yes, but very knowledgeable, not so much. When we were talking about the upcoming season, and I was mentioning that Tyrod would finally have Sammy healthy to start the season, the first thing he said was, "has that guy ever played a full season? He is never healthy." I thought it was funny that a guy who really knows nothing significant about the Bills only reference to Sammy Watkins was that he's never healthy. Again, this is just my humble opinion. But a poster once said, "give me the average receiver who plays a 16 game season over a superstar who is only available 8 games a season 1000 times out of 1000. I hope that Sammy balls out this year, and if so, we franchise him in an effort to hammer out a new contract extension. I'd love to see what his numbers would look like for a full season.

  8. Wow, I'm sorry to hear about this. Best wishes.


    And I can't imagine what Berman is going through. There are some many awful diseases out there but something we take for granted everyday, driving, is sometimes the biggest killer. Awful news.

    I can't imagine either. You bring up a good point about driving that makes me think about a video I saw a few years ago of a man driving in his car with his wife in the passenger seat, and I think a small child in the back seat. He had one of those dashboard cams recording,(I'm guessing they must've been in Europe maybe) and all of a sudden an 18 wheeler going in the opposite direction must've kicked up a pretty large rock, or brick, but it crashed right through the windshield, struck his wife and killed her, instantly. It was all caught on camera, and it was just a freak, one in a million chance occurrence. I mean the brick didn't even destroy the whole windshield, it only made a whole right where it went through, and it didn't hurt anyone else in the car. And it happened so fast that His poor wife didn't even make a sound. The only thing you heard after the impact was a second or two of silence, then the husband screaming frantically. It was downright chilling.

  9. We should figure out how to circle the wagons for him.

    Well said sir.


    Prayers and condolences to the man who always supported our Bills and had no problems doing so. Absolutely loved it every single time I heard him say.....


    "Nobody, circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills!"


    God bless Mr Berman and his family during an undoubtedly horrific and difficult time in their lives.

  10. Here is the deal, and there is no getting around this, it is not JUST and NFL issue. This started in pee wee, then JR High, High School and College. These are cumulative over years, but they go after the NFL blaming them pretty much solely because of the deep pockets.


    If I were the NFL I would now have all Rookies and those getting new contracts, sign an assumption of risk waiver. It is known, you play football, odds are you get CTE. You assume the risk

    Have to agree with you 100% on this. Kinda comes with the territory. Football is a violent sport. Always has been, I would say always will be, but the way the NFL is constantly changing the rules to try and implement as much player protection as possible, I just don't know. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if one day they changed it to two-hand touch.
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