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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. Holy crap Brady is 11/24 for 156 yards??? That doesn't even look right....
  2. I don't see it. I was actually thinking he's still throwing a sharp ball. His passes look crisp and still have some zip on them...at least to me they do. JMO...
  3. A call AGAINST the Patriots??? In Foxboro?? I'm going to buy a lottery ticket at halftime.
  4. It really is. And it's not even halftime of game 1. 🤢🤢
  5. Jeezus listening to Al and Chris heap praise upon Gillislee you'd think he was the 2nd coming of OJ Dickers-Payton. And praising Belichick for plucking Bills players and turning them into All-Pro's, the ball-washing is getting disgusting... I get it, the Patriots are holier than thou... Just STFU already
  6. It would be hard, darn near impossible not to come away impressed if the Bills do all of the above. Personally, to see the Bills dominate in all three phases of the game would be enough to make me come away impressed, and the reason why is: With all of our glaring weaknesses, our depth at certain positions, and the fact we are running a completely new offense, we are STILL favored heavily against the Jets. With that said, I do believe we will win, but I do not think it will be a blowout. In fact, I think we will struggle against the Jets. Even with the loss of Richardson, this is a defense that is still solid. So, to win this game, and win it handily will impress me. But to dominate in all three phases will show me that this team is much more sound, and well-balanced than I imagined, and wouldn't just be a reflection of good play, but just as important, it would be a reflection of good, sound coaching. And that would give me a reason to be hopeful for this season.
  7. I agree! Even though this isn't expected to be a good year for us, and even though ticket prices are kinda high, this is the season opener!! And especially for us out-of-towners, to be in Buffalo for the season opener, you almost HAVE to go! But I do understand those who don't want to endure high ticket costs, expensive parking, overpriced stadium food, and obnoxious drunk fans who could possibly ruin the experience for someone taking their little one to their first game. Either way, I'm still pumped for the game, and will be screaming and cheering with my fellow fans at the Tavern here in Atlanta GA... Let's Go Buffalo!!
  8. No-one can compare to the great Rusty Jones. I swear since he left injuries on this team have been through the roof. Then again it could just be that players nowadays SEEM to be alot more frail than players from previous decades. I could be totally wrong, JMHO.
  9. You get an A for effort. Thanks for taking the time to post, always excited for this time of year..☺
  10. It is nice to dream my friend. I can't even begin to describe the sheer joy and excitement I would feel if this came true. Question: who would our QB be if this scenario panned out? And you would almost HAVE to give Coach of the Year to McDermott. Also, you coul....wait a minute.. Damn you for making me fantasize like that...for nothing. I'd love to share in your optimism, but I just think we have too many obstacles to hurdle to put together a winning season. But if it happens I'll be right there celebrating with the rest of em...
  11. I was feelin you all the way up until you said the 2018 buffalo bills...are you not gonna root for the Bills this year?? I know it's not looking very promising for the upcoming season, and pretty much every football analyst, expert and, well anyone with a brain is predicting a losing season for us. But as the great Chris Berman says..."That's why they play the games!" I'll be rooting for the Bills this year, next year, and every year after that until they lower my lifeless body into the ground. And if they have cable TV in Heaven, then I'll be rooting for the Bills for eternity my friend.
  12. I'm having trouble logging into both of them. For the Pick Em, it says password incorrect and I tried 2017 and 2016. For survivor, once I fill out all the info and click join, it says page you requested isn't here
  13. Gotta agree with you there Mr Dog. That's a pretty disgusting combo for sure...🤢
  14. EXACTLY...you took the words right out of my mouth. I don't know what to even feel right now, let alone say.
  15. Seriously, I just don't see McDermott having that big a pair of cojones to ACTUALLY do that, when the whole world sees how much better Miller's play has been than Ducasse's. It would be like a giant EFF YOU to the entire....well... *sigh* I don't really know what to feel right now.
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