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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. Yolo, you are one of the most respected members on this board. You contribute a TON to this place, you provide alot of information, insight and humor, and for the most part I agree with much of what you say. I have never thought of you as a liar, until now. How DARE you try and compare a monthly subscription to the Buffalo News to a cup of coffee??? Where in the Lord's name do you get a quality cup of coffee for 3 dollars? You disgust me, you dishonest, deceitful heathen! You, you...oh wait. You said LESS than a cup of coffee... My bad. Disregard the above post. You're still a great guy.
  2. I do see that you put "substantial vocal portion", but just felt the need to clarify, I do not think that the quality of the articles has decreased due to ANY criticism of our team. Having the longest playoff drought in professional sports history is reason enough for most, if not all of the criticism this team has received. When I say that I feel the quality of the articles has decreased over the years, I mean that in the most general sense of the word.
  3. You make valid points. Well, looks like I'll be paying 3 dollars a month from here on out! The more I think about it,(and listen to rational, logical posters) 3 bucks really isn't very much at all. Lord knows how much I spend a month on this WGT golf game app.
  4. Most Deserving - Steve Tasker first and foremost without a doubt. TO also deserves to be in, looking at his body of work and in the amount of time he did it in. Most Likely - TO I respectfully disagree with you all who think Biscuit isn't deserving...i think he was a freak of nature and and absolute beast on the field. I do believe that if his intensity matched his talent level, he probably would've posted even higher numbers all around...
  5. SDS, I agree with you in the sense that "you get what you pay for". When I go to Wal-Mart to do our family's weekly shopping, there are certain things I buy for value. If I want to get some headache relief, I buy Great Value headache relief, because it's 3 dollars a bottle for 50 tablets, vs Tylenol which is double that for the same amount. Then there are some things I buy for the quality. I will gladly spend 20 dollars a bottle for Tide laundry detergent vs 6 dollars for a bottle of bargain laundry detergent, because I know it's going to get our clothes clean, be less harsh on the fabric, plus make our clothes smell great. Now these are just my opinions, and I'm sure others may disagree, but you get my point. I don't think that 3 dollars a month is alot to ask, in fact it's actually pretty affordable. I've been reading Buffalo News articles for over 15 years now, and in my opinion the article quality has decreased over time. There used to be a time when I was reading informative, un-biased, thorough, and concise journalism. Nowadays it's the same opinionated, boring, re-washed, negative reading that is more or less saying the same thing I read yesterday, just with a different "i" dotted or a different "t" crossed. Don't get me wrong, I still prefer the Buffalo News articles vs the lower grade competitors, but I find the reading increasingly more difficult to digest. Couple that with the fact that we are used to getting this content for free, and now you are downgrading the quality of the product, yet asking us to now pay for what we are used to getting for free. I get it, times are changing, everything in this world costs, and nothing is free. Someone has to pay the writers salaries, and I understand that. But you also can't blame people for coming on here and voicing their displeasure at being asked to pay for a product that they are used to getting for free, especially when that product is seemingly more and more watered down by the day. Personally, I prefer the Buffalo News to all of the other sites on Two Bills Drive, and if I have no choice, I will pay for the monthly membership. If I'm given a choice, obviously I'd rather get it for free.
  6. Usually when I tell people I'm a Bills fan, they offer their condolences... 😟
  7. Spot on. I know it's alot easier said than done, but if they can do this, and get him in a funk, combined with that rusty shoulder, I see not just a victory, but a decisive one.
  8. 17-29, 212 yards, 1TD, 1 Rush TD, 1 int 34 yards rushing 3 sacks, 1 fumble 1 LOSS
  9. I definitely share your sentiments xsoldier. I don't have any plans to start paying for The Buffalo News's articles, not because I don't like reading them, I just don't want to pay for a subscription. I just think it's poppycock to charge people for your online content when so much of it is the same stuff over and over, or writers who are so negative all they do is spew their opinions on why we will continue to suck. Don't get me wrong, some of their stuff is a good read here and there, but hardly worth charging for a monthly subscription. At one point they were giving us like ten free articles per month, but I would just clear my cache and cookies, but I guess they finally caught up.. I hope that this is not the beginning of a trend, where other papers will follow suit, like Rochester D & C, Syracuse, Batavia, etc., and we'll get to a point where every article we click is pay-to-read. That would really suck.
  10. Damn you took the words right out of my mouth!
  11. Maybe I'm old fashioned, or too narrow-minded, but I can't see myself dating a porn star, no matter how smokin hot she is. And Mia Khalifa is NOT smokin, at least not to me. Come on Deshaun, you can do better!
  12. 😅😅 For me it was Home Run Throwback. I was a sophomore in college, and when it happened, my roommate, who was a Steelers fan, was laughing and yelling, which incensed me even more. When the refs announced it was a touchdown, I went in the bathroom and a tear or two ran down my face. I didn't speak to my roommate for two whole weeks for laughing....
  13. Seriously, if the Patriots somehow manage to secure the number one pick, be it by way of their record, via a trade, or however... As soon as the pick is announced, I will quietly turn off the tv, go upstairs and kiss my wife and little girl goodbye, get in my car, drive the 12 hour drive from Atlanta to Buffalo, stop at La Nova's for an order of bbq wings, stop at Leonardi's for a piece of pepperoni pizza, stop at Shy's for a Steak and Sausage sub, head to Niagara Falls, and then plunge myself over the edge in a Buffalo Bills covered barrel, all while screaming the Bills Shout song...
  14. I came away highly impressed. I was very concerned about whether the two would be an upgrade over our previous pair. Even though they appeared to be better, on paper at least, I wondered if it would translate on the field. For one game at least, it surely did. I was particularly impressed with Poyer's run support. I would love to think we've found our safety pairing for the next several years to come...
  15. True, true. Could be a win-win scenario for both of them. While having a solid TE definitely helps out the rookie, Barnidge alone is far from the answer to the Texans problems. Seems like they have a plethora of issues surrounding their team. I know it's just one game, but the beatdown the Jags put on them has got to set off all kinds of sirens in their front office. Doesn't get much better if you ask me!
  16. I did see the game vs Minnesota...and I'm still stickin with my prediction. A Saints victory. ☺
  17. Buy - Poyer/Hyde. The safety duo quickly erased any concerns I had as to whether we had upgraded those positions. Sell - Tolbert. I'm hoping McD's love of this guy doesn't get us in trouble. Tolbert is a great short yardage back, north/south bulldozer. Seeing him run east/west, trying to bounce runs outside is kinda embarrassing. I still don't understand dumping JWill, but alas. Hold - Tyrod. I was among those who wanted to see Peterman given the starting nod, but Tyrod showed me some things in game one that I was impressed with, utilizing the TE, throwing over the middle, staying longer in the pocket. Perhaps he's finally started to get "it". Time will tell. Thank you for asking, I was wondering the same thing.
  18. Excellent post. "This week they get the Saints." The Saints, with Drew Brees, off of a shellacking from the Vikings, at the Superdome for the team's home opener. I don't agree that they "get the Saints", like it's an automatic W already penciled in.
  19. Thank you cover1! Man, your breakdowns are thorough, informative, and as BringBackFergy said, you explain things in layman's terms so everyone can comprehend. I appreciate your hard work, and please keep the good stuff coming!
  20. I agree with you, winning CAN be infectious, and players respond to winners, leaders....that field general, if you will. But I'm sorry, Drew Brees is a proven winner, an elite quarterback STILL, at age 40. And he has the hardware to back it up. He is a super bowl champion AND MVP. I don't think you can ask for more...except multiple trophies.. Wow, if both Amendola AND Hightower are out, those would be HUGE blows to the Pats! The leader of your defense, plus the receiver Brady trusts more than any other, and your main 3rd down go-to-guy. If both of them are out I don't think the game will be as close as I originally predicted...
  21. I don't necessarily agree with you that the Saints are "terrible". I think for whatever reason, no matter who they plug in at DC, the Saints are plagued by a poor defense. Brees' best days may be behind him, but he's still an elite QB. I think that the Saints are gonna shock alot of people Sunday. However, when they win, the focus won't be on how great the Saints played, but the demise of the unbeatable, already crowned 2017 super bowl champion New England Patriots. One so called "expert", picked the Pats to go 16-0. As I said, I firmly stand by my prediction, and am happy to wager on the game with any of my fellow TBD'ers. Anyone feel confident enough to wager their avatar for 6 weeks? And as I sit here and explain why I feel the Saints will win, I have no problem coming back to eat my crow should they lose.
  22. And it appears that more than 90% of the country would agree with you. However, I stand by my prediction. The Saints, coming off of a beatdown by the Vikings, will be looking to rebound. Nothing better than coming home to the confines of the Superdome. And while we all know what USUALLY happens to the opponents of the Pats following a loss, this isn't the same Pats. Their defense has some real issues, and if they didn't have their hands full with Alex Smith and Kareem Hunt, now they get Drew Brees, Mark Ingram, AND Adrian Peterson. And let me tell you, the Superdome is gonna be ROCKIN..it is still one of the more difficult venues to play, and Drew Brees WILL have that team pumped and ready to play. He's still a top 5 QB in this league, and after last week's embarrassing performance, I think Adrian Peterson has something to prove. I still think Brady will put up near perfect numbers, but it won't be enough to stop the Pats from an 0-2 start.....and I'll be enjoying every moment of it. Saints 38 Pats 35
  23. I think Barnidge could be a nice safety valve for young Watson. The two of them could develop a nice chemistry for years to come..
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