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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. I gotta admit, I do greatly admire the creativity and sense of humor on a great many posters on here, you included JR... Come on, throw one out there! I know you have one in ya...here I'll start it out... "Mikey" ...... just Mikey! From that commercial, you Millenials are way too young to remember it...its a cereal commercial, and these kids are staring at a bowl of cereal, but no-one will eat it. So one of the kids says, give it to Mikey, he'll eat anything...so they give it to Mikey, and he starts eating it, and they're all like, heyyy he likes it!!! Mikey! What do yall think?
  2. Marcel's big payday is over. I hope he was able to take care of his family, buy his mom a nice home, purchase a few big time things that can appreciate with time, and had someone help him invest his money wisely.... Because I see ZERO chance another team is blind to what he's doing here at One Bills Drive, and that's mailing it in, week to week, with the occasional, no, scratch that, RARE appearance where he gives 100% effort. Money means more to Marcel than the game does, and once he cashed in on his 100 million dollar payday, game was over. No one, I repeat NO-ONE is going to offer Marcel any fat contract once he's done with the Bills. He may get a one or two year deal, loaded with incentives...at least that's my humble opinion.
  3. Gotta say I disagree with you, being down 6-0 at halftime, to me in no way signifies the game being over. Quite the contrary actually. I will say we were quite fortunate to ONLY be down 6-0, but the game was far from over.
  4. What really bothers me about this game, about this Loss, is that too many things happened IN OUR FAVOR for us to lose this game, to not take advantage of..Olsen, Cam's favorite target and one helluva TE, gets injured. Benjamin gets blasted by Poyer and is not his normal self..Cam, already rusty gets banged up even worse..our defense sacks Newton six times, and plays even better than last week, against a MUCH better opponent, on the road no less!!! And we still manage to lose this game...its all those things happening yet us still losing that not just bothers me, but has me downright worried...
  5. Football is a team sport. However, it's GOTTA be discouraging, dis-heartening to play your A$$ off as a defense, only to see your effort completely nullified by a piss-poor offensive showing. The defense manhandled Cam Newton and the Panthers offense, sacking him 6 times, shutting down McCaffrey and the run game, playing physical and punishing the receivers... I know they'll SAY all the right things, but inside they've gotta be peeved. I can't imagine they'll put up with too many more offensive stinkers like that.
  6. Okay, two quick throws to get it started...this is doable... Tyrod has a chance to truly show us all that he can lead this team to a thrilling come-from-behind victory that actually means something!!
  7. Okay Let's Go Buffalo!! Tyrod can do this...make believers out of all of us!!! I have faith!!
  8. Was thinking the same thing...guess Schmidt felt like he wanted to contribute to the sh!t show we're putting on...why let everyone else get the glory
  9. Wow, in New England, refs threw a flag against the Patriots for a pick play on a touchdown, Brady got in the refs huddle and argued....flag picked up, no penalty, touchdown Pats...3 tds for Brady already
  10. Meanwhile Brady has two touchdown passes already....smh
  11. Every Sunday during football season my uncle would send me a text that said "Let's line em up and lay the wood! Go Bills!" Today's victory is gonna be for you Uncle Reg! I feel it! Let's go Buffalo!
  12. Saints beat the Patriots. I stand by my prediction!
  13. I don't remember his name. I was 13 at the time, so it would've been 1987. If my memory serves me correctly, he was kinda tall, lanky white guy with long blonde hair. Judging from the paraphernalia he gave me, the band seemed to be just getting started. I don't listen to heavy metal, but I was a teenager who was happy to get free(there's that word again) t-shirts, hats, buttons and stickers from a really cool guy who was my best tipper! Side bar: I also delivered the Post to NBA Hall of Famer David Robinson's grandmother...
  14. I certainly do. My very first "real" job was delivering papers, yep, I was a bonafide paperboy! I delivered The Washington Post, 7 days a week, doorstep service. The days it would rain I would roll the paper up and put it in a nice clear plastic sleeve. At the end of the month I would go door-to-door, collecting my fees. I remember, I earned 136 dollars a month (not including tips. I remember one guy, even though his monthly subscription was 7 dollars, he always gave me a 20 every month. He was the leader of an up and coming rock band. The name of his group was The Misfits. He was really nice, and even gave me some Misfit t-shirts, hats and stickers.) To me, that 136 dollars a month was a fortune! Don't really know where I was going with that one, completely lost my train of thought....sorry guys.
  15. For me, the reason I listed Tasker as most deserving is because it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that TO gets in; whereas Tasker SHOULD get in, but I don't think too many people outside the city of Buffalo and football "experts" feel the same... But TO is most definitely deserving... +100. Absolutely agree with you 100%.
  16. Damn, I just get the warm fuzzies seein this pic...
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