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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. I was just wondering if the stadium was half empty or if there was just ALOT of red t-shirts.
  2. Damn it looked like Alexander's head slammed hard against the turf on that tackle
  3. Just finished watching all four of them. Thought they were all nice, loved his doggie with the Bills jersey on! Hope he does one for every game, my favorite so far is the Falcons one...
  4. 1. Continued smart, disciplined football. Under McDermott this team has really cut down on penalties, especially the dumb, unnecessary varieties.(minus Richie's now customary two holding penalties per game) 2. Pressure from the front four. If they can get consistent penetration and push up the middle and keep Ryan uncomfortable, I fully expect two picks from the secondary. 3. Tyrod being.....Tyrod. Doing one of the things he does best, and that is protecting the football, and not turning it over and giving Matt Ryan extra drives. A nice cold Marty Ice is great way to keep the Falcons from getting into an offensive rhythm. 4. Getting Zay Jones involved early - and often. Once this kid starts catching a few passes, his confidence level is gonna spring back up, and next thing you know he'll be our number 1 receiver, and Tyrod's go-to-guy. 5. A Buffalo victory. That's right, I said it, I'm EXPECTING a Bills victory Sunday. I fully believe that McDermott has this team headed in the right direction. I've finally bought in. With that said, and the way he has this team playing, I expect the Bills to win Sunday. 6. To sit with smug satisfaction tomorrow afternoon around 4pm, knowing that my confidence in this team, and belief that they would win, was justified. Go Bills!
  5. I agree. Jones is ready, they just need to unleash him, and watch him do his magic. Pardon my choice of words. Carolina does seem like it was long, long ago.
  6. I hope you're right. I posted in another thread that I feared his drop in the Carolina game really got into his head. Ever since that game he's seemed to struggle even more. That pass he missed in the end zone that Holmes ended up catching was another that one would've expected him to catch. I'm hoping for a good game from him tomorrow. I'd be happy with 4 or 5 receptions for 80 yards...just something to start building his confidence back up. This is the NCAA all-time leader in receptions that we're talking about. Once he finally gets going, I'm confident we'll see the WR we were all hoping for...
  7. My condolences on your wife being a Pats fan. I couldn't imagine that. No such issues in my household, my wife is a Saints fan, and I like the Saints as well. The only time we have issues is when she occasionally likes to bring up "at least we have a ring" line. When our 7 year old daughter is in the room, I let the comment slide...
  8. Well said, I agree wholeheartedly. And kudos to you, Deshaun Watson. You are truly a class act, a young man deserving of all the praise coming your way. My hats off to you, I pray you keep your admirable ways, and that the seduction of the power, fame and riches of the NFL does not corrupt you... (And I will pretend that I'm not aware you're dating a porn star lol.) 😜
  9. I'm here in Atlanta so I FINALLY get to sit at home and watch the Bills on regular tv! I'm getting too old to go to the bar every Sunday!!
  10. Fantastic write-up, and thank you Shaw! But let me ask you a question regarding your worry for young Zay. While I share some of your fear regarding the rookie, I am more inclined to believe the NCAA all-time receptions leader is still destined for great things. However... Do you feel that the drop vs Carolina(I'm personally in the camp that more blame goes on TT), has somehow affected his psyche to the point it has set him back even further in his developmental process? I mean, this is the guy with arguably the surest hands in the draft, and now routine catches are glancing off his hands. I'm just saying that sometimes things happen to us that permanently change us either for better, or sometimes they permanently ruin us...i know that may seem a bit extreme, but I've seen it happen before...what do you think?
  11. Agree. Thomas is a big, physical receiver...one of the most physical if you ask me. White is gonna be just fine...
  12. I'm not one for making excuses, but dammit I'm really concerned with this biased officiating by these refs! Even McDermott went and said something to the refs... My God something's gotta give..this is getting ridiculous. Whoever said referees don't win or lose games is full of doody..
  13. I live in Atlanta, and quite enjoy the morning sports show, The Rude Awakening. Maybe it's because I've been living in Atlanta for the past 11 years, but I would say it's just as good as Buffalo's sports radio programming as a whole. I've also lived in the DC Metro area (Alexandria Virginia), Charlotte NC, Pittsburgh, and New Orleans. I would rate Buffalo's sports radio higher than all of them...
  14. Love it! Yeah that commercial was right in my wheelhouse..."Hello, mom?" 😅😅 On a serious note though, do you believe ANY team out there is going to be willing to sign Dareus, er, Mikey to a multi-year contract? Me thinks if they do, it's gonna be peanuts compared to his last one, and I don't see Dareus sitting down to a slice of humble pie and agreeing to a contract that's laughable compared to his original fat payday...i can see him pricing himself out of the league...
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