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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. None taken ☺ i do hope he's able to play Sunday though....i don't know why but something in my gut tells me everything that has to happen for us will, and come Sunday night our 17 year drought will be over... That something in my gut could just be all the ham i have consumed this holiday season....
  2. Yes. Thompson took his opportunity when players went down and shined. Not only has he been a legitimate deep threat we've sorely lacked, but he plays physical as well. To me he's earned the clear cut #2 role after Benjamin. I really hope he gets to play Sunday. Lol maybe so, but would you disagree?
  3. Let's hope he's ok and will be good to go Sunday. Thompson has been absolutely clutch when his number is called, and I can see him having a big game Sunday. This guy is a competitor, and in big game situations, he simply rises to the occasion.
  4. I think he'd be crazy to leave that cushy job in the booth gettin paid handsomely to talk football, which I might add he's doing very well at. That said, I wouldn't want him. He's had way too many injuries, and we're building for the future....Romo is definitely in the past.
  5. My apologies for mis-reading....i agree, it is a form of defeat if you havent even laced em up yet and you're already ready to expect the L. And whats even more discouraging is the fact that we as a fan base really don't expect to have a chance to start beating the Pats until Brady retires.... Their dominance over us has definitely gotten into our heads to a level that i pray to never see again in my lifetime...
  6. I'm definitely not trying to call you a liar, however, I must admit I'm kinda surprised to hear you say you've heard NUMEROUS Bills players state that they expect to lose every time they play the Patriots. If that is in fact the case those players need not put on a Buffalo Bills uniform. While it's true we haven't had very much success against the Patriots the past gazillion years, no player should ever feel like they are going to lose a game, against the Patriots, or anybody else for that matter.
  7. Wow, didn't expect that. While he is still playing at a respectable level, he can't have much more in the tank, I would imagine.
  8. While i would love to see a kid coming out declare he only wanted to play for the Bills, i would still take the stance that i don't think kids should be allowed to dictate who they will or won't play for. It would really render the draft pointless, and good teams would continue to get stronger while the poor teams cupboard's would remain bare...one can of french cut green beans in the back corner... But again I would be pretty awesomely stoked to hear a kid coming out saying he'd only play for the Bills...would be great if it were one of the top QB's coming out. Say one Baker Mayfield?? Darnold?
  9. Yes, when I graduated I did get to pick where I worked, and certainly I expect these kids coming out to have preferences. And i certainly don't blame them for having a team that they would PREFER to go to. But to answer your last question, if I had to pick between going 1 to Cleveland or 2 to the Giants, my answer would most definitely be Cleveland. Reason being is, first, I'm of an old school mentality, and I would love to be the QB that finally turned things around for that franchise. I would welcome the opportunity to go in there, and show exactly why i was the number one pick. I do understand what you are saying as far as financials are concerned. Yes, they would stand to make more endorsement money in NY vs Cleveland. However, if you go where you're drafted, play your butt off, when that rookie contract you signed expires, you have set yourself up for your Powerball payday, which in turn also sets up you and your family for the long haul. I have heard others mention that Elway was the first to try and dictate where he went. That may very well be the case, but most think of Eli when it comes to this topic. I may have been a bit harsh coming down on Rosen for publicly stating his desire to not play for the Browns, however I am still very strongly opposed to this issue, if for only one reason, and that's putting the draft in danger of becoming a moot point. The draft was created for several reasons, but one of the biggest was to help the worst teams get better by allowing them to pick first. If we allow this type of behavior to continue, then those teams that stink will continue to struggle because noone will want to be drafted by them.... Just my humble opinion.
  10. I'm sorry but this topic definitely strikes a nerve with me. I'm really getting sick and tired hearing about these college QB's, who've never played a down of pro football, publicly stating what NFL team they DON'T want to play for. And then this kid has the nerve to take it a step further and threaten to stay in school if the Browns do seriously consider drafting him. Are you effing kidding me??? The NFL is an exclusive fraternity, where membership includes millions and millions of dollars, resulting in security for you, your family and children, and possibly generations to come. To play in the NFL is a privilege, not a right, I don't give a shyte what stats you put up in school, nor where "experts" have you projected to go in the draft. Yet here we are today where more and more players are trying to tell people who they aren't going to play for!! It blows my mind. The draft is a rite of passage. I'm sure since the beginning of NFL time, players have dreamed of going to their favorite team, or cities they've always wanted to play in. But you know what? When their name was called, by whatever team it was that decided to draft them, they headed out to that team, and they played NFL football. Why can't these young kids do the same? And by allowing these young sofites to continue to come forward with these audacious demands, and actually honoring their wishes, you are further tainting a product that is already diminishing on an almost week to week basis. And you are ruining a tradition that has always been an exciting part of the NFL. I hate that Eli Manning was allowed to kickstart this trend back when he was drafted. Are we headed to a day when instead of having an NFL draft, we'll have a college "decision day", where the top college players will walk out, sit down at a podium, and then whip out and put on the hat of the NFL team they're decided to play for???? Sad....really sad.
  11. This for me without question. This has really been the year that questionable calls have finally started to turn in the Bills favor, so when a call that, IMHO, was a BLATANT touchdown, was overturned against us, I knew right then and there we weren't winning. Let's be honest, this year in particular has finally been the year that calls have finally started turning our way. This call in itself absolutely destroyed me. I had ZERO doubt that this TD would be overturned. The announcers even talked about keeping your poise/psyche under control after a call like that. I can assure you that had I been a player for the Buffalo Bills today my gameplay would have been severely affected by that call. No, that call in itself may not have won or loss the game for us, but I'm sick and tired seeing games directly affected by officiating. It is happening almost every week it seems, and something is going to have to give.
  12. Damn that would've been a sweet early Christmas present.....smh
  13. But do you know what the funny thing is? Just like you, when the Bills have a 3rd quarter lead, and start trotting out consecutive 3 and out drives, only to have the other team drive down and score, drive down and score....when we start to envision ALL the different scenarios in which the Bills will find to lose the game....no matter how many ways we come up with for them to psychologically damage our brains..... THEY STILL FIGURE OUT A DIFFERENT ONE.
  14. I think with the emergence of a quality defense, the Saints will represent the NFC, and I don't see the Steelers losing another game en route to the title game.....
  15. Personally, I don't think the locker is at all lost. The Saints game was an abomination all-around, and the team just flat out stunk, period. If I might argue anything, I might say that the defense flat out quit because they were frustrated with the offense REPEATEDLY going 3 and out, never getting a blow, and watching Tyrod stink up the joint for 4 quarters. If anything, the D quit due to their frustration with the offense. I don't think McD has lost anyone, and I do believe players truly are buying in to his philosophy. Bringing in Benjamin isn't saying anything to this team except for We want to win now. I don't see how a move like that could in any way upset the players or contradict McD's "process". McDermott hasn't lost anything. Except a very mediocre starting QB.
  16. I'll toast to that my friend. And wouldn't it be awesome if Peterman turns out to be the quarterback we all hoped he'd be? Then come draft time we would be sitting SO pretty, with SO many more options to do other things, if we so desired.
  17. Couldn't agree with you more. I was literally an hour ago telling a co-worker how McDermott was really starting to rub me the wrong way with his stubbornness, refusal to start Peterman, continuing to give Tolbert way too many carries... Hey at least he got the big one right!!!! Great day to be a Bills fan!!
  18. Personally, I don't think he is conceding the season...... I think he just saved it. I could be wrong, but I pray I'm not...
  19. Kirby i LOVE it! Let's be honest we weren't going anywhere with Tyrod this season. The fact that McDermott had the cojones to start Peterman week 9 shows me that 1)he recognizes the limitations we have with Tyrod as a QB, and 2) he is ballsy enough to ride this season out with Peterman win or lose. If Peterman succeeds, we are sitting SO effing pretty next year come draft time, If Peterman struggles, hey we gave him a shot, and come draft time we are major players in the quest to draft the best signal caller to come out. Sadly though, either way I believe this signals the end of Tyrod's career here in Buffalo. I wish him well, I pray he finds success elsewhere in the league, he's a very humble, likeable guy. But a great QB he is not. TODAY IS a GREAT day to be a Bills fan!!!
  20. That's pretty cool, do you like living in New Orleans? I lived there for a few months, the food is absolutely amazing, the people are really great and genuine, but I can never stay there longer than a few days before it's time to go. But God bless their food....mmm. Is the local Bills backers bar there still a place called the Fox and the Hound? I think that might have been the name...but I remember when I went there were a few Bills fans there, but the spot itself was really nice, semi-upscale, lots of pool tables, and I can't really remember anything special about the food. But pretty good beer on tap, laid back atmosphere, LOTS of tvs...
  21. I never, ever thought I'd feel this way.....but I am purely elated. I feel like McDermott really does care about this team and is not the stubborn bullhead I was starting to think he was becoming!! I could be 100% completely wrong, but I'll say this. I believe Sean McDermott JUST saved Buffalo's season by making this move. Be back guys, stripping naked and about to run outside screaming at the top of my lungs. If I'm not back on this msg board in a few hours, please write me at: Atlanta County Jail. TODAY IS AN AWESOME DAY TO BE A BILLS FAN!!!!!!
  22. WHAT????? LINK PLEASE DEAR GOD!!!! dude u better not be gettin me moist for nothin man......
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