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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog...
  2. He did run well the few times he was given the rock last Sunday, I can't argue with you there. That one play where he absolutely demolished Timmons was a sportscenter top 10 play no doubt. But I hate when the coaches get to thinking he's Marshall Faulk back there and start using him on toss sweeps, and plays he has no business running....
  3. I agree that if Shady does in fact play, (which personally I highly doubt) he won't be close to 100%. I think Murphy has a big game. If they split carries equally between Murphy and Tolbert I will projectile vomit onto my tv screen. I am bewildered by the coaching staff's insistence on making Tolbert a close to every down back!!
  4. Being a Bills fan my choice is obviously a bit biased, as McDermott would receive my vote, but I do think Mcvay will win it. The Bills sneaked into the playoffs as the number 6 seed, whereas the Rams won their division and also had a better record. But who knows? I'd love to see McDermott take home that honor. He has completely changed the culture on that team, and the players fully bought in and learned to "trust the process".
  5. I've stated this in other threads and I'm happy to state it again, I think we will be okay without Shady in the lineup Sunday. I was extremely impressed with Marcus Murphy, and think he will surprise alot of people Sunday and have a big game. I think Tyrod's mobility and ability to escape the rush, and extend plays will be a huge factor in the Bills success. I don't think I would ever go as far as to say that Shady being out is a GOOD thing, because he accounts for a huge percentage of our offensive production, but I do think we can win Sunday without him.
  6. My wife is from New Orleans, so the Saints have become my 2nd favorite team by default. But I did love Drew Brees and what he did at Purdue so adopting the Saints was easy. I remember being down in New Orleans for the Saints Super Bowl victory vs Indy. During halftime everyone in the house was doing a second line, with their umbrellas and rags, and when the Saints scored on the pick 6 to win the game, everyone (including me) went nuts. On the drive back to my in-laws house on the Westbank, cars were honking, people in the streets hugging complete strangers, it was simply amazing. And through all of that, a big part of me was jealous. All i could think was, "I want this feeling for my Bills." My fellow Bills fans, this may not end up being the year that we have that Super Bowl victory celebration, but when the Bengals scored that go ahead touchdown to send us into the post-season, I got to experience that overwhelming feeling of joy, excitement, and energy that I haven't felt since the glory years. And let me just say, I want some more. And I do believe it can happen Sunday in Jacksonville... Let's go Buffalo!!
  7. Indeed they do. As good as the Jags D is, i do believe we can score on them. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Tyrod's mobility, escapability, and ability to extend plays with his legs will be what allows us to score points Sunday.... Am I the only one who was extremely impressed by what I saw in Murphy? I'll say it again, I think the Bills can win without Shady on Sunday. (Just as long as they don't make Tolbert the featured back)
  8. Very well said sir, and i concur 150%. Personally, i think the Bills can beat the Jags with OR without McCoy. I was highly impressed with what i saw out of Murphy, and i think he can have a big game for us Sunday. I just REALLY, REALLY hope that Dennison does not try and split carries between Murphy and Tolbert. I can't begin to express my frustration over the coaching staff thinking Tolbert is a viable RB2 option. I'm okay with the every now and then carry, but giving it to Tolbert as much as they do infuriates me to my core. The only person on that Jags team that worries me is Fournette. That guy scares the crap out of me. He is a threat to take it to the house every time he touches the ball, and i can see him breaking one or two going straight up the middle....if we can contain Fournette, i can see a comfortable Bills victory....
  9. Hey guys, just letting you all know I had a heart attack and died. Bright side is they have Wi-Fi in heaven. Go Bills! Go Bengals!!!
  10. My stomach is in multiple knots......omg this is the worst most awesome feeling....lets go Buffalo! Let's go Cincy!!
  11. My guess is he'll be released, and someone will sign him to be a backup. He'll have a job in this league without out a doubt, I just hope it's not in Buffalo. I appreciate all you've done here in Buffalo Tyrod, and I wish you the best in your future endeavors. But your time here is done.
  12. I think every year there will be questions surrounding every QB prospect. So rarely does there come a prospect who is touted as being the next Manning, or Brady, etc. I think this upcoming draft is the time for Beane/McDermott to pull the trigger and go get "the guy" that they believe will be our first franchise QB since JK....and who that guy is, I have no idea. Personally, I'd love to see us nab Baker Mayfield. I love his passion for the game, his intensity, and his skill set. He's a leader, and i would love to know our franchise QB was someone we drafted vs someone we signed via free agency. As much as I love Cousins and what he would bring to the table as far as being a proven QB with an undeniable skill set, I don't like to think what it would cost to get him. We have an absolute stockpile of draft picks, and my ideal scenario would have us drafting Mayfield at our current draft slot, or at worst having to give up only one or a few picks to move up to get him, and still having the picks to address some key areas, ie LB, DL, OL.
  13. Going back and forth between staring at a blank tv screen and reading posts on here. I've never in my life seen time go by SO slowly. I looked at the clock and it said 2:55pm. I SWEAR at least two hours had gone by and I looked at the clock and it said 3:06pm. The anxiety is killing me. Something in my gut tells me this is the year the drought ends. We go down and take care of business in Miami, and the Bengals beat the Ravens....either way this year has been one helluva ride, and I'm pumped to see what we do next year. And it's been great going through this year with all of you, so thank you. And Let's go Buffalo!!
  14. How do you propose that they break their fall? I would think the natural thing to do would be to use one arm to break their fall. I am interested to hear what you think is the proper way to fall after the catch. Assuming they do not have the opportunity to keep running.
  15. While I'm certainly no fan of Taylor, I do think Benjamin is a top tier WR.
  16. Someone's going to have a VERY nice weekend....ooh wee. Man it must be nice to make millions to play a game that you love...
  17. LOLOL thank you for pointing that out, completely didn't think that answer all the way through!! Yes, i think the Bills make the playoffs, and I believe Tyrod will be the starter. I meant to say I believe this is his last year as a Buffalo Bill, barring some mind-blowing performance in the playoffs where he wins more than one game and plays out of his gourd.....
  18. I think they'll be ready. I'd be surprised to know that the players would rather play in 20 degree weather vs 80 degrees. Personally I'd take playing in hot temps vs freezing my buns off....but that's me. Either way I don't think they'll be fazed one bit by the heat. They need to worry about Kenyan Drake....shut him down and they should be able to win, and relatively easily I would even go as far as to say...
  19. Ok I'll throw a few nominations out there... For Most Important Poster I will say.... 26CornerBlitz. He does so much for this site, and supplies us with so many things that i think we take for granted. I am very grateful that he's a member of TBD, and this site is better because of him. I would also say YolofromOhio. He is also always posting hot new information, breaking news, and contributes to this site to a point that i also forget that he is doing this for all our benefit, and just because he loves the Bills. He too, makes this site better. So thank you 26CornerBlitz and YolofromOhio!! I appreciate all that you do, and thank you sincerely. Please keep up the excellent work!!
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