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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. Using his hands and elbows, Alex performs targeted, deep-force muscle work to lengthen and soften every muscle of my body, as I rhythmically contract and relax that muscle,” Brady writes in his book. Uhhhh, sounds pretty intimate there, Tommy....?
  2. I have the Falcons taking this one. They have the playoff experience fresh from a year ago, the Rams are new to the dance. I think it will be a good game, but I've got Ryan and the birds coming away with the W.
  3. Yeah I don't see a problem with this.....matter of fact I might go as far as to give him two thumbs up for the quality of that ass in WHATEVER club he was at...
  4. This. I couldn't agree more. People keep referring to it as "The Peterman Fiasco", and I simply don't understand. McDermott made a change at a time when our STARTING QUARTERBACK threw for 65 yards in a complete game. Combine that with multiple other piss-poor showings, and he made a change at a time when all of us were frustrated and not satisfied with our QB play. Many of you were in agreement with his decision at the time. Who could forsee Peterman throwing 5 picks in one half? And let's not ignore the fact his first pic was a perfect pass that should've been a routine catch by DiMarco. There's no telling how different of an outcome it could have been had he made that simple catch. And that half of football and subsequent benching could have really ruined the psyche of many a rookie QB, but he took it in stride, and returned to the field, in a blizzard, and looked sharp, even throwing a perfect pass to Benjamin for a touchdown before getting hurt. I'm simply not ready to write him off for one abortion of a half of football, and do hope he can be our qb of the future. But I would need to see him in action at least a full game or two before labeling him one way or the other.
  5. I wouldn't be at all upset if we drafted Rudolph. He has real upside and there's no telling what he might be able to do. But I still gotta stick to my guns and say I really do think Peterman can be the guy one day. I am really disheartened to see so many of my fellow Bills fans so quick to write off Peterman. Yes, his 1st half against the Chargers was pretty terrible, but this a rookie QB, going against a top 10 pass rush, with little to no offensive line help, and debatably, playing with an offense that would've preferred Tyrod behind center. And again, he rebounded from that abortion of a half to come back and look pretty impressive in blizzard conditions, even tossing a nice looking TD pass to Benjamin. I REALLY need to see what he can do, starting and playing at least a game or two before I could even make the assumption he's a bust, or yes, he's the guy.
  6. Goddamn he was a beast!!! This pic took me back for a spell, thank you....
  7. I'm sorry, I just do not want Alex Smith as our QB, and I CERTAINLY don't want to give up one of our 1st rounders for him. I feel like he'd only be a slight upgrade over Tyrod. Might as well just keep Tyrod for one more year and hope we get our guy in 2019. Also still holding out hope Peterman can be our guy. He rebounded nicely from his 5 INT debacle at SD and was looking good in the blizzard until he got hurt. No way am I throwing in the towel on him, and still believe he could be our franchise QB one day.
  8. How does the old saying go? I believe it's "run, and stop the run." If we can do that, win this game going away. IMHO
  9. This. One thing we can pretty much count on is that Tyrod's not gonna turn the ball over. IF we can contain Fournette, and force the Jags to have to throw, Bortles is good for at least two picks. Not only that, but McDermott will have this team prepared to play. This game won't be a blowout by any stretch of the imagination. I see a Bills victory in fact.
  10. How in THE HELL do you not see a big a$$ RAT in a little bitty salad? That worker needs to be fired...
  11. I will agree, in my opinion it was indeed his best game as a pro. (Even though he threw for over 300 yards in the Dolphins game last year, and needed overtime to do it.) However, this is a "what have you done for me lately" league, and his brilliant performances have been far and few between. Here's to hoping that he has saved his best for this Sunday....
  12. I have to say I throughly enjoy these "Why your team sucks" articles. Some of them are absolutely side-splitting funny.
  13. Wow, I didn't realize we only had TWO whole home games in the last 8 years. That is terrible! I remember reading a while back that Ralph didn't like primetime games due to the Canada market travelers, but didn't know that the stadium itself caused such nightmares logistically for the primetime crews. It makes alot of sense, thanks for explaining that in such good detail. That said, I hope that Terry and Kim are willing to open their wallets to getting these conditions upgraded so that we are better equipped to handle primetime games at the Ralph, er excuse me, New Era Field. (Sorry, I'm old school. It will always be Rich Stadium to me.) The fans deserve to see their team play in one or two home primetime games a year.
  14. This is what scares me the most heading into next year. Our draft position has us most certainly missing out on pretty much on all the top tier QB's coming out, and to move up from our current position into the top 5 I fear would cost "the farm". Both 1st's, a 2nd, and probably next year's 1st as well. And if we break the bank to sign Cousins, that leaves us with not much to sign a DT, or LB, or OT, or whatever other positions we need to shore up that we weren't able to via the draft. I'm ready to part ways with Tyrod. He is maddeningly frustrating to watch at times, and I just feel like it's time to move on. I'm still not ready to give up on Peterman as our possible starting QB one day, but we definitely need a veteran presence to hold the fort together until we find "our guy".
  15. We are definitely due for a return to Monday Night Football, and I would love for us to get a Sunday night game, one that's scheduled and not flexed. We've for sure earned at least one. I swear every year the last several years the only primetime games we got were Thursday night, and it was ALWAYS on the road. Next year I expect to see a home primetime game that's not Thursday night. I wouldn't be upset with two.
  16. I have a feeling that those numbers are about to change, starting next season. What McDermott is doing, and between he and Beane, if they can hit a homerun in the upcoming draft, and make just a few key additions in free agency, this team won't just be gunning for a WC spot. They'll be aiming for a championship. And attendance, I do believe, will reflect it.
  17. As elated as i am to be back in the playoffs, and as I'm happy to give Tyrod credit in helping us to get there, I really feel it's time to part ways with #5. I appreciate all he's done here, but we know what we get with him, and it simply isn't enough at the quarterback position. Whether it's finding our guy via the draft (cough, Mayfield, cough), or taking a chance in free agency, this is the year to start fresh at QB. Unless Tyrod morphs into some All-World qb, and takes, no excuse me, LEADS us to the AFC Championship or the Super Bowl, then I don't see them paying him that roster bonus. Even a win in Jacksonville on Sunday I don't see being enough to bring him back next year.
  18. Jeez, who peed in this guy's cornflakes? And we're supposed to want to pay for that kind of content?
  19. Honestly, I believe with just this upcoming solid draft and FA period this team can be a serious contender. With the draft capital we have, plus with a decent amount of cap room, we can make some SERIOUS noise this off-season, and be primed for a deep playoff run next year....
  20. Agree 100%. If we landed both of those two I would literally change my prayers to end in, "In McDermott's name. Amen"
  21. I love it. More validation for what McDermott is doing here in Buffalo, and the fact that he really has changed the culture at One Bills Drive. Also the fact that players are not only buying in, but that they enjoy playing for him. I'm truly excited about this upcoming season, and to see what he and Beane do in the draft with so much draft capital. I may be in the minority, but I really hope that they DON'T reach for one of the QB's coming out, or give up the farm, seeing as though we have several key holes to fill, and have the stockpile of picks to address many of our needs. With first round picks probably in the 20s, I feel like we would have to give up WAY too much to move up, especially with so many teams needing a QB. My dream would be to have Mayfield fall to us, but that's becoming more and more doubtful.
  22. Stopping Fournette. If we can limit his production we have an EXCELLENT chance of leaving Jacksonville with a victory. If the Jags have to rely on a heavy dose of Blake Bortles, they are in trouble. The main reason Bortles has had the success he has this year is because they have been able to lean on Fournette. Shut down Fournette, shut down the Jags offense. Between Bortles propensity to turn the ball over, and our ball-hawking, opportunistic secondary, I can forsee 3 INT's including a pick-6 from White.
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