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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. After submitting this poll, I realized I probably should have added more options, as with the number one pick there are a plethora of options that can be done. Please forgive me.
  2. This is only my second topic started, I do hope it opens up some good dialogue and that people don't feel it's redundant. I looked through the last 4 pages, and didn't see a topic exactly like this one, so hoping I haven't created this for nothing. I got to thinking about having the 1st overall pick in the draft, and how it can be an awesome gift, or a nasty curse. It's the position that the team drafting is supposed to 100% of the time nail a homerun. The player selected is projected to be a starter from day one, that is expected to impact the game immediately, and also expected to have a long NFL career. So with that said, you're now the GM of the Bills. And you own the number one overall pick in the draft. For arguments sake, you do not own the stockpile of picks that the Bills currently possess. You own the traditional 7 picks and that's it. So, as the GM and architect of this draft, knowing the franchise is desperate need of a QB, but also with several other areas of need to address, what do you do?
  3. Damn Leslie Nielsen was hilarious!! Hated that he had to pass....loved Airplane but the Naked Gun movies had me darn near pissing my pants!! ???
  4. Wishful thinking and hoping!! Git r done McBeane!!! I wanted to throw in Peerless Price under honorable mention...he was like Don Beebe, unbelievable speed, great hands, minus the fragility of Beebe... Remember when Beebe caught that pass and literally bounced off his own head? That was crazy...
  5. I'll bite. These are my top 10, in no particular order. More or less when they pop into my head besides my obvious top 4 or 5.... Fred Smerlas Cornelius Bennett James Lofton Andre Reed Bruuuuce Kent Hull Orenthal James Simpson Bryce Paup Thurman Thomas Jim Kelly Baker Mayfield Hon. mention: Eric Moulds, Pete Metzelars, Don Beebe, Nate Odomes, Nate Clements, Antoine Winfield, "House Ballard, Doug Flutie, Daryl Talley, Kenneth Davis, Frank Reich, Jerry Butler, Steve Tasker
  6. Here's my two cents on this, and if you feel it's only worth a penny, I will gladly refund your cent... If Incognito did in fact call the Jags player a racist slur, on a football field, with 21 other men either in the immediate vicinity, or at least a few yards away, why has no other Jags player come forth and said that they too in fact heard it? I find it very difficult to believe that Richie grabbed the guy and pulled him close, and softly, yet lovingly whispered in his ear, "f**k you, you African Booty Scratcher". All jokes aside, I just feel like throwing out a a racist slur on the football field, in a sport where there are usually more black men on the field than white, would have hit at least ONE other Jags players eardrum. So from that perspective, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. But the fact that he refuses to come forward and say SOMETHING, like "No I didn't ", is equally troubling....
  7. Dangerous choice of words....hope you didn't just jinx the kid ☺
  8. Count me as one who would be absolutely satisfied with this scenario... And we already have one piece of the equation done....Mike Tice has accepted our offer and is already penciled in as our OL coach! Some guy named Donkirk Bay Chadwick posted this several days ago, per his insider source.... So let's go get Chud and Dorsey!!!
  9. Hilarious!!! Darn near choked on my Raisin Bran!!! ??
  10. Would be happy to see Glenn return. That's the most important spot on the O-line solidified, and then allows Dawkins to shift to RT, two spots solidified, and allows Mills to shift to his natural position washing cars at Enterprise....
  11. I definitely agree with you regarding Tolbert, but I wonder how much of that is McDermott force feeding Tolbert down Dennison's throat.
  12. Spot on Major. Yes, it's true, Taylor doesn't throw INTs. Well, he also doesn't throw touchdowns either. Too many times this year our opportunistic secondary came away with picks, only to see us squander scoring opportunities with a field goal, or even worse a 3 and out only to give the ball right back to our opponent, with maybe a slight change in field position. To me, THAT was one of the most vital statistics of the year, being points scored off of turnovers, and the lack of points being scored off of turnovers has to fall directly on Tyrod. Think about this for a second. Taylor is not oblivious to what the media, "experts", coaches and fans are saying about him. He knows that he is perceived as mediocre passer, who only throws to receivers if they are blatantly open. He rarely ever throws to receivers hitting them in stride, and is flat out incapable of "throwing receivers open". These attributes are just not in his arsenal, and if he hasnt learned them in his seven years in the league, and 3 as a starter, he probably never will. Rewind to yesterday morning. Tyrod knew all too well that for the Bills to beat the Jaguars, he was going to have to play the game of his life. Not only that, but I'm quite certain he saw the writing on the wall that this was probably his last game playing for the Bills. So in essence, this was his audition tape for the rest of the league. So much on the line for this young man, playing in the biggest game of his career. This was absolutely his time to play out of his gourd, to go balls out. What does he do? Goes out and plays EXACTLY how he always has. Safe, conservative, mistake-free football. Not seeing receivers who were butt-naked open, waiting to throw to a receiver until there wasnt an opposing player within 5 yards of him in any direction, and overthrowing receivers at least 4 times yesterday when every single one of them had at least a step or two on their man. And I know this one isn't Taylor's fault, but his counterpart, Blake Bortles, looked like the second coming of John Riggins, rushing for damn near 100 yards!! This day, this game, was Taylor's biggest game of his career, a chance to prove ALL his naysayers wrong, and to let it all hang on the line. And what does he do? He figuratively sh!ts the bed. He didn't even TRY to stick some passes into some tight windows. He didn't even attempt to throw it to a receiver running a pattern and try to hit him in stride, and when the receivers were covered, and it was legitimately time to take off, he continued to sit in the pocket, looking downfield waiting for a receiver to come open. He displayed ALL of the traits that made fans and coaches alike so furious with him. It's like, I would have rather have seen 2 or three picks from him, knowing that he TRIED to stick some throws, or tried to go deep on some long bombs. But he did exactly what he's done his entire starting career. Played it extra safe, hoping to keep his semi-impressive stat line safe. And it is for that reason, and that reason alone that under no circumstances should he return to the field as a member of the Buffalo Bills.
  13. Agree wholeheartedly. He was thrown into an impossible situation today, 4th down, one chance to keep the drive alive, after being on the bench all day. I give him credit for the first down run (even though he didn't protect the ball very well and could've lost it). Yes he took a bad intentional grounding penalty but that Jags pass rush pinned their ears back and were RELENTLESS...debatable on that last throw whether it was on Thompson for not coming back to the ball or Peterman's throw. Either way, there's no way at this time am I ready to label him a bust. Let's see what an off-season of training does for the kid before we write him off....
  14. I didn't think Major's response was snarky at all. Heck the way I feel about Tyrod's play today I have to keep my comments to myself, because momma said, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. I want Tyrod's time here to be over. We know what he can and can't do. Even if we have to endure growing pains with a rookie QB at the helm, even if we have to suffer through another 9-7 or 8-8 season with a bridge QB, both of those options I will gladly take vs watching Tyrod pass for 134, 56, 171 yards in a complete game, refusing to throw to any receiver that isn't open by 10 yards. God bless him wherever he goes, and I hope he's okay. But his time here must be done.
  15. Excellent point regarding Allen and Jackson. You know every year some team panics and takes a QB earlier then they should, and then it starts a rash of QBs getting picked. My biggest fear is that Darnold and Rosen go 1 and 2, and then it opens the floodgates and Mayfield goes top 5, which I fear would be too rich a spot for the Bills to move up, considering how many other holes we have to fill. I'll be rooting for Allen and Jackson to absolutely light it up at the combine and/or their pro-day workouts. Let's get Mayfield!!
  16. Now this is a scenario I feel is very plausible, and one that I would absolutely love Beane and McDermott for pulling off. I am all in on the Baker Mayfield to Bills train. I ask one question of you Alpha, do you think Mayfield's performance against Georgia will vault him into the top 5, and if so, do we mortgage the farm to go get him?
  17. I was a sophomore in college(Hail to Pitt!), and watched the game from my dorm room. When the Titans ran that forward lateral back for a touchdown, my roommate was jumping up and down, yelling and laughing. He was a Steelers fan, so he had no dog in the fight. Because of his laughing and yelling, I literally didn't speak to him for two weeks. That's how much I lived and died with the Bills. I'm 43 years old now, and marriage, children, and life have taken priority over my once unhealthy obsession with the Bills. I'm still as diehard as ever, a true Bills fan in every sense of the phrase, I just don't have the emotional connection to where when the Bills lose, it takes a few days to recover. But dammit if I'm not amped as a 7 year old after eating a whole sleeve of Oreo cookies!!! Today has been a long time coming, and it has re-awakened the 26 year old me, and I can't sit still, I can't find enough things to do to pass the time, which is most certainly going by entirely too slow!! I'm predicting a Bills victory, but win or lose today, damn it feels good to be where we are right now!! Hope to be on here after the game to celebrate our victory, and talk about playing MORE meaningful football in January!! Let's go Buffalo!!
  18. Wouldn't mind that one bit! And after the season that Zay has had, with all his issues with the dropsies, and getting inside his own head, I would be SO happy for him, and it would be well deserved, especially for his mental makeup. To haul in the game winning touchdown pass, in the playoffs, on the road no less, that's gotta do WONDERS for your psyche. Here's to hoping it happens. But if not, I'd be just as happy with a Bills victory any way we could get it. Let's go Buffalo!!!! My goodness!! It could almost pass for a tailgate lot at New Era! Ok maybe I stretched it a bit with that last comment, but nonetheless, it's looking like there's gonna be a SERIOUS turnout in that stadium in just a few hours!!! Let's go Buffalo!!!
  19. Did I mention I AM EFFING PUMPED UP??? Sorry, not sure if I did already. But in case I didn't, I AM EFF WITH A CAPITAL F-ING PUMPED UP!! Now, the big story will be the two road teams coming away with victories yesterday, and can the Bills continue the streak. I'm thinking doggone right they can.. But let me humble myself for a moment. By no means do I think Buffalo rolls into Jacksonville, Tyrod morphs into the love child of Tom Brady and Payton Manning, with a little Randall Cunningham love juice thrown in for good measure, throws for 400+ yards and 6 TDs, Shady runs for a buck 50, and our defense registers 11 sacks and 5 interceptions, and holds Fournette to 7 yards on 26 carries. I think Tyrod is going to have to be better than his usual self, make plays with his legs, our Oline is going to have to open up some holes for Murphy, Shady, and I'm praying, to a lesser degree, Tolbert. Zay will have to step up in the event the corners try to shut down Benjamin and Thompson, and our defense HAS to make stopping Fournette the priority, while pilfering at least two picks from Bortles. I think we can do it, and I can't wait to get back on here and celebrate the victory with all of you! Okay, most of you... ☺ Let's Go Buffalo!!!
  20. Playoff football in January everybody!!!!!! To quote some guy, can't remember his name, I think it was Bart Pevy, "where would you rather be, than right here, right now?" I'm pumped!!! Let's Go Buffalo!!!!!!
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