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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. She had breast cancer; and she had a double mastectomy. It was crazy because I had no idea until she calls me ALREADY here in Atlanta! I had no clue. But she said they took great care of her from start to finish. I took her to the airport following her surgery, and put her on a plane back to Buffalo. That was seven years ago, and she is doing well, as far as I can tell.
  2. Here's to hoping for a smoother, less painful, less stressful year or so for your dad. He will be in my prayers. And I pray for your strength through this as well; I can tell just by your words that you endure every bit of pain, that everything he goes through you go through as well....
  3. I have to say that Cancer Treatment Centers of America, specifically the Atlanta location, was also able to save my aunt. Happy to hear they were able to do the same for your dad. I also live in Atlanta, and my aunt flew down here from Buffalo for her surgery. I encourage anyone who is considering CCTA for themselves or a loved one to give them serious consideration. Prayers up for Jimbo....and any of our fellow Bills family members or their loved ones.
  4. Man, if the Saints aren't handcuffed by Brees deal, and Watkins ends up there, ooh wee that's a FORMIDABLE offense!! I'd go as far as to predict them in the NFC championship game....
  5. I agree 100%. "Kinda." And that's as much as I can muster up for Clay and O'Leary. Last year Clay seemed to be as much of a liability as he was an asset, with a TD bouncing right off his hands leading to an int, and what seemed to be too many crucial drops. I do like O'Leary...did you guys know he doesn't wear gloves?? And that 3rd TE that converted from a QB....u know who I'm talkin about... I mean if we could get Ebron for a 6th or 7th him and Clay would make a VICIOUS 2 TE pairing. Provided they catch the ball...
  6. If Mayfield gets into the late teens and we don't have a QB on our roster with the last name Rosen, I'll vomit. Violently.
  7. As always Alpha, well-stated and excellent points regarding % of batted down balls vs hundreds of throws, and about passes zipping PAST DL arms and not above them. The closer we get to the draft, I honestly feel the only two QBs worth trading up to get are Mayfield and Rosen, and staying put at 21 I have fully warmed to the idea of Jackson. This is shaping up to be the most exciting draft in easily 30+ years....
  8. I think Barkley is absolutely a first round talent, and with Shady getting long in the tooth, particularly for a running back, and the plethora of other needs, I certainly agree with you relating to the Bills. Very well-explained post, like your logic. F***ing hate your avatar though, as Pennywise damaged me back in the 90s. Your clown isn't much less disturbing...
  9. Now you've got me sitting here questioning myself....and I enjoy posts that get my Bills improvement juices flowing, so I have to ask you two questions concerning your post.... 1) You said the only QBs you'd be okay trading up to get would be Mayfield and Allen. Agree with you on Mayfield, but you'd prefer Allen over Rosen and Darnold? What is it that has u in love with him to the tune of taking him over Rosen/Darnold? 2) How do you feel about Charles Clay? I like your topic though...
  10. I too am MORE in favor of going up to get Rosen(or Mayfield or Darnold). But would you say Foles instead of Jackson is still intriguing?
  11. If we trade up and take Jackson, I will Woody Harrelson in 3 Billboards myself..... I've warmed up to taking Jackson @ 22, but not in the Lord's name am I prepared to see the Bills trade up for him.... The only three QBs we should be trading up for are Rosen, Mayfield or Darnold. IMHO.
  12. Jimmy Graham would cost way too much IMO, but the guy is the biggest freak of nature at the TE position, even moreso than Gronk, and that's sayin somethin... Also maybe not use all caps for your topic, this time of year it scares me ☺
  13. Hard for me personally to fathom, as I am a CB fan and he always showed his love for the Bills......but anythings possible.
  14. This thread is pure gold!!!! Maybe not the level of Dunkirkbay Chadonwick, but effin damn hilarious nonetheless!!! ?
  15. Dammit why did I fall for this???? And now this $%##*%*%* is reborn in purple??
  16. Its funny because after watching yesterday's clip, it was hard not to like about a great many things he does physically. Maybe I'm in the minority in this one, he has a throwing style very similar to one Michael Vick. Not saying thats a knock on him at all, just wondering if anyone else felt the same....
  17. I'm definitely not knocking you for feeling this way, but honestly I don't even think I'd want Jackson at 22. I think he's an outstanding athlete, but his accuracy, decision-making, and ability to read NFL defenses concerns remind me too much of someone. At this point, count me in the all-or-nothing camp who want either Rosen or Mayfield. If we can't get either of those guys I'm perfectly happy staying put and addressing the plethora of other holes we have to fill. JMHO ☺
  18. Very, very well stated sir. I wish I'd read this post 4 relationships ago.... Spot on my friend. ????
  19. I didn't think you did lol...that was me referring to an SNL reference when Andy Samberg was ribbing Nicholas Cage....
  20. Yeah, Groy definitely earned his contract extension and his value much more from his versatility. WRT our pass protection this year, I kept asking myself, has Tyrod forgotten how to take off running? Are the coaches forcing him to stay in the pocket?? Or did we take a SERIOUS step backwards in our pass protection??
  21. Wow. In a span of 4 plays, he goes from Russell Wilson, to Big Ben, to Aaron Rodgers, to Brett Favre.... That's high praise man....high praise.
  22. While the selfish fan in me almost wishes that the Bills would have a desperate mentality going into the draft, I'm also able to admit that in desperation often times poor decisions are made. A very thorough breakdown and supporting facts backing up your point of view. Well stated. I wonder if Wood's unexpected retirement will have significant bearing on this year's draft strategy as well? I know that my first reaction was "Groy will be his more than capable replacement. They didn't give him all that money for nothing." However, I didn't think about depth, or the possibility of drafting a starter to replace Wood. I know it seems simple at first but wanted your thoughts on if this is a little bit bigger monkey wrench than first thought.
  23. Agree wholeheartedly. Every year one or two QBs sneak up into the top half of the 1st, where a few manage to play their way out of the 1st. However, this year hasn't really seen anyone make a significant drop down. Some could argue that Darnold has had a less than stellar year, but he's still a lock for top 3 if not overall 1. THIS is our year. McDermott and Beane have made it known they are ready to go after a QB, and aside from a Ricky Williams draft scenario, I'm excited to see everything unfold. I had a dream a few nights ago that i got a text that Buffalo had moved up to the 2nd spot in the draft. Didn't see what we gave up in exchange for it though ?.
  24. I think you and BigBuff423 both make very valid points. Mayfield did have quite a few instances where his competitiveness got the best of him and he made some gestures, did a few immature things that he ended up having to publicly apologize for. It's certainly a concern of mine that he reel in that fiery competitive spirit JUST enough to keep whatever issues he has to deal with ON the field and not off it. You bring up a great point in that Mayfield did start his collegiate football career as a WALK-ON at the University of Okla-freakin-homa. To walk on to and make it onto the roster is a testament to hard work in itself. I played college ball for the University of Pittsburgh, and the walk-ons got treated the roughest by the players, mostly ignored by the coaches unless they really messed up, made a spectacular play, or jeapordized the health of a scholarship player or blue chipper. To walk on to the U of O, as a freakin QB no less, and make it, is a rarity. But to walk on, make it, and be named the starter as a true freshman???? Like you said, IT JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN!! So that in itself tells me the kid is no stranger to hard work, and is willing to put in the time to improve himself and his image. I fully expect him to succeed in the NFL as the quarterback of the Buffalo Bills, however, if he goes to another team, he's nothing more than an arrogant, brash, POS quarterback with a serious attitude problem and he can take a flying f..... I did too regarding Manziel, but the only similarities I can see between Mayfield and Manziel are both possess the swagger and moxie to go along with their talent, and that's it. Mayfield, to me, is willing to put in the work to refine his craft, improve his image and the public's perception that he is over the top with some of his antics. Manziel was hardly interested in putting in work of any kind that didn't consist of liquor and coochie.
  25. I really could've been much more detailed in my poll, I left SO much to be pondered. I'll definitely do better on my next one. It's hard to find fault with either one of those scenarios. I probably go with option number 2, because Rosen, IMHO, is hands down the most talented QB in this draft, and second, I am both terrified AND curious to see the actual salary that Cousins is going to command. He is the number 1 QB free agent next year (Saints have ZERO interest in letting Brees walk), and as always, teams will continue to overpay for the QB position, so I can't wait to see what he gets...i pray it's not the Bills.
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