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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. I don't want to take away from this being Zay's thread, but thank you Mead for being so thoughtful as to start this thread. I'm the least bit surprised you started this, because you truly are a thoughtful, genuine individual. I've been a member of TBD since 2005...really for the first 7 or 8 years of my membership, I rarely ever posted. It wasnt until the last two or three years that I really starting posting and contributing. However, since day ONE of being a TBD member, every single year I got an email in my inbox wishing me a Happy Birthday....from a Mr Mead107. ☺☺☺ it's little things like those that make me proud and happy to be a TBD member, and threads like this that make me admire you as a person. Thank you again.... Get better Zay! This is nothing but a blip on your radar...sometimes when we start to stray too far away from Him, God has a way of giving us just a little tug to bring us back closer. ☺ Rearview mirror Zay....you got a big season in front of you!!! Go Bills!
  2. Indeed my friend, indeed. You had to watch your father get murdered, which would mess up anybody, let alone a young child.... Then you yourself committed murder....good to see you've put that all behind you! Go Bills!
  3. Anyone got a link.......on how to commit seppuku?
  4. Jesus, I didn't even realize they still MADE frickin PCP.... Seriously to this day I still don't know what a qualuude is, angel dust, poppers, whiz bangers, flippy sticks or jenkem are...
  5. I respect your opinion. Go f**k yourself. Lol just messin with you. But all jokes aside, I do believe it means something. To play at the next level, you have to do SOMETHING in college to separate you from your peers. Zay Jones caught THE MOST passes in NCAA history. A big difference from "the 3rd most passes in NCAA history". And he's got the tape to back it up. And how dare you say some crap like it doesn't mean anything?? Naaman Roosevelt is tied for 42nd on that list and he went to become a Buffalo Bill and had an outsta....
  6. Happy, I respect your opinion, and I enjoy reading a great many of your posts. I respectfully disagree. And apologies if this is redundant compared to some other replies, but I just didn't feel like reading all 26 pages... WHAT?? ? Surely you can't be serious... This is the most prolific receiver, the ALL-TIME RECEPTION LEADER IN NCAA HISTORY!!!! I don't care that he did it at ECU, and I dont care if 93.5% of his catches were screens and bubble screens! You had to do SOMETHING to achieve that feat! This kid had human stickum in college and caught virtually EVERYTHING thrown his way!!! Wide-open, over the middle, fades, posts, flys, open or covered, particularly covered this kid effin catches everything. When we drafted him I was effin ecstatic AND I STILL AM. I know every member of this board knows that WR's TYPICALLY take around 3 years to mature and "blossom" into the receiver their team hopes they can be. This is a kid who I admit, struggled through his rookie year, got inside his own head and developed a case of the dropsies, and was called upon to do an awful lot for a first year player. Yet he never complained, took full accountability for his mistakes, even the debatable throw/non catch in the Carolina game he stepped up and said it was on him. I know it wasn't his hands, but from what I've read and been told, a torn labrum can most certainly affect one's ability to catch the ball, particularly when in fear of landing wrong, or being blanketed by a defender. Yes, he was probably under the influence of something crazy....or perhaps he was still taking painkillers, and then got high and had a bad interaction between the two. Unfortunately, we'll probably never know the truth...However, Zay CAN get past this. If Zay wants to. Here's to hoping legally this remains a vandalism charge, Zay can get it dropped or reduced, plead no contest at worst, get some fines and restitution, and perhaps get a 1 game or none suspension. But to hear my fellow members in such agreement on cutting this kid bewilders me!! He's 26! He's going into his 2nd year, and FIRST fully healthy! Cutting him would be a GIGANTIC mistake! I swear to all of you, if we cut this kid, we WILL watch another team SNATCH him up, and we will all have to endure Sundays of seeing the bottom line look like, New England 37 - Tampa Bay 10, NE: T Brady, 26-32 354 yds, 4 TDs......Z Jones, 10 ctchs 146 yds, 2 TDs. Guys (and Buffalo Gal), this is a KID. Who did something stupid. If he can put this behind him, let him suit up for us and catch passes from Rosen (or Mayfield), and become the receiver we all hoped he would be. It's WAYYYYY too early to be even thinking about getting rid of this kid. IMHO
  7. RIDICULOUS!!!!! Thanks for making me spit out my delicious chai latte from Caribou Coffee then proceed to regurgitate the rest of it from convulse-laughing!!! HAHAHAHHAHA that's a way to start a day!!! ????
  8. "Delusional", "ridiculous", "dumb", "sorry excuse for a thread".... Seriously ODB? I know that this time of year sees way more than it's fair share of unnecessary, frustrating, and sometimes pointless threads. But is there really any need for name-calling and personal insults? I respect your viewpoints and opinions on here, and IMO you are a valued member of this board. I could maybe understand you getting frustrated and replying once. But three separate posts? I don't think there's any need for that on here sir.
  9. Aside from them both being black and mobile, I think they are two very different QB's, and this is a bit of an unfair comparison. Jackson may not be my first (or 2nd, 3rd or 4th) choice but I believe he has alot of potential. Whether or not he lives up to it is another question.
  10. If our starting QB happens to be left-handed, he will be dead by halftime. Of game 2 of the pre-season.
  11. Good post. I do agree with you in that I also hope they swing away. However we DO have a young quarterback on our roster, Mr Nathan Peterman. I do not believe he is as "damaged goods", as many of my fellow posters, family members, fellow Bills fans, and also a very opinionated Siamese cat that lives above me, believe him to be. But nonetheless I have moved firmly into the camp of "get a QB THIS YEAR, and spend whatever it takes to get him." IMHO, the only results I will be happy with(via trading up) are Rosen or Mayfield. Darnold, okay I guess. Allen, please kill me. Jackson at 12, I still think is too high.
  12. I prefer the Thin Mints and the Tagalongs, but Samoas are indeed tasty in their own right... Oh wait...
  13. I cannot!! If we sign Bradford and draft Rosen or Mayfield I will personally find the peter pan guy and buy him a plate of Duff's wings and a beer. Or he may prefer some hummus and chardonnay but whatever his poison I'm buyin...
  14. A month ago Reed83HOF gets me....now you....damm u both and damm me for falling TWICE!!! I can't un-see that #%&$*# now...
  15. JEEEEEZZ LOUISE OMFG!!!! I woulda been like the boy in Stand By Me when he pulled the bloody, swollen leech out of his underwear....eyes roll right to the back of my head, promptly pass right out!
  16. Didn't know you suffered the same injury. I don't even want to think about how it felt, but moreso, the amount of time to walk around one-armed, and then to heal and recover. I know it's in hindsight, but I hope u had a full recovery man.
  17. Rosen isn't dropping out of the top 10 my friend. Bank on that one.....
  18. LOL @ Coach B re: Mayfield.. His arm was stronger....He was even bigger...He really wants to learn.... BUT I don't think he's a top 5 pick... ??
  19. **in my best Chris Tucker voice** "NOT A DAMNN THING, MAN!!" ???? That's a freakin nice lookin lineup.....would do backflips for Mayfield Or Rosen...
  20. I respectfully beg to differ, in this draft, there are two: Baker Mayfield, and Josh Rosen. I'm completely comfortable with McBeane giving away the proverbial farm(except for a Ditka-Ricky Williams draft pick raping)for either of those two. We already know it's going to cost an arm and a leg..
  21. She had breast cancer; and she had a double mastectomy. It was crazy because I had no idea until she calls me ALREADY here in Atlanta! I had no clue. But she said they took great care of her from start to finish. I took her to the airport following her surgery, and put her on a plane back to Buffalo. That was seven years ago, and she is doing well, as far as I can tell.
  22. Here's to hoping for a smoother, less painful, less stressful year or so for your dad. He will be in my prayers. And I pray for your strength through this as well; I can tell just by your words that you endure every bit of pain, that everything he goes through you go through as well....
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