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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. Same here. He's huge, AND with the vertical speed to stretch the field...had he had ANY semblance of consistent, even average QB play his numbers IMO would've been better. Premture I know to label him, but I see comparisons to megatron. Concur with you this kid is 1st round talent....
  2. I LOVE this kid. I was mentioning it in another thread that would be happy to see the Bills spend as high as the late 2nd or first 3rd on this kid. After Chark this is the WR highest on my wish list. After watching quite a few of his games, i completely agree with ndirish in that he's gonna be a better pro than he was a college receiver.
  3. Ditto. The closer and closer we get to the draft, I can't help but feel more and more uneasy by the day. I'm just praying we pull the trigger and hop into that number two spot PRE-draft, as opposed to waiting until draft night and seeing "how things pan out". Lucky for us I don't make these decisions or my impatience would've surely rocketed this team straight downward into the trash can. I do trust McBeane has a plan A, B, C, D, and even E for all likely scenarios, and hell even if we don't come away with one of the Big 4, I'm sure our team WILL be better going forward. If we are jumping to 2 I'm hoping for Rosen or Mayfield 1st, but like you, wouldn't be depressed with Darnold there, as he is still a consensus "close to a sure thing" as there is in this draft. Still can't quite wrap my mind around the thought that Allen is more and more being discussed as the overall #1. I wouldn't mind the Bills taking him at 12 if he's still available, opposed to Jackson, who I would be more comfortable with us taking at 22, although I'm guessing he'll be gone by then. #2, with Rosen or Mayfield or bust.
  4. Wowwww, his mother is his agent?? Uhhh, perhaps she went to school and majored in Sports Management or something? or, really knows her stuff inside and OKAY OKAY LET ME JUST STOP THERE....WTH? That's certainly a head scratcher in MY opinion! Lucky for Lamar, that's all it is, is my opinion. Not that i don't think she could learn the job well, and perhaps even be a good one, but couldn't he have gotten her a better job somewhere?? Like VP of Customer Experience, or Quality Control Executive? Nice, corner office with a big nice desk, super sweet big and comfy chair....kinda doesn't really answer to anyone, but also doesn't really help anyone either...like Butch McCrae's mom on Blue Chips..
  5. Proud to be a member of a website home to some of the most brilliant, funny, charismatic, friendly, energetic, enthusiastic, complex, thorough, hilarious, genuine, consistent, confused, irritating, impatient, opinionated, ignorant, confusing,poor-grammar-having, one-track-minded, conceited, arrogant, and passionate Buffalo Bills fans in the WORLD.  This is hands down the best message board, Buffalo Bills forum there is.  I've been a member here since 2005 and couldn't imagine belonging to any other site to get my daily fix of Bills football talk.  During the offseason I don't even go to the ESPNs, the Buffalo News, the Rochester D & C for info on my Bills.  I come right here.  And you know what?  I get MORE information.  I get MORE rumors.  I get more speculation.  i get more everything here than ANY of the other major websites.  Do you know why?  TBD has the most dedicated fans.  TBD has the most well-informed fans.  TBD has the most former "football player" fans.  TBD has the most 'insider" fans.   So it is rare that i go to anywhere else to get the info that i need on my Bills.  Truth be told, if I'm out with my family or friends, and i see the ESPN bottom line scrolling on some TV, and i see news about my Bills....either I've already heard it, or this happened prior to the year 2012.  ALL JOKES ASIDE. 

  6. That's unbelievably awesome man. You get to go to a pretty cool city for work, eat some QUALITY cuts of steak while you're down there, hopefully able to put some of them on the company dime, and most importantly, attend the NFL that IRONICALLY is our biggest, most important draft in our illustrious team's history!!! You're just kinda happenstancing your way into an event that i know i myself have on my bucket list, as I'm sure a great number of Bills fans do as well. i bet if you go decked out in full Bills gear they will most certainly put you on the jumbotron. Hey if your draft scenario pans out and you start screaming that's what you predicted, maybe make a sign even, during a commercial break, one of the camera men will find you, and they'll probably get Mike Tirico, Kirk Herbstreit, Chris Fowler, or another awesome analyst to interview you asking you how you came up with that wacky prediction that somehow by the dookie on the bottom of Rick James's boot came true! Remember, this is gonna be live TV, so be honest. We'll all be rootin for ya and cheerin you on!!! Go Bills!
  7. I wish I could get my hands on some Propofol and just knock myself unconscious and wake up on draft day. I'm not gonna make it.
  8. I didn't see a single thing in his post that remotely looked like a fairy tale. Everything he stated to me came off as close to fact that it could be. Where is the fairy tale stuff? Yet we gave Tyrod 3
  9. Woww...I just looked at his stats....out of a 20 year career, he threw more touchdowns than interceptions......6 FREAKIN TIMES!!! That's horrendous!
  10. This. X 1000. Very well explained. As close to point blank facts as one can get.
  11. Indeed they are. Heck I wouldve thought Stabler was in. Deberg was a solid, consistent QB who in my opinion was never AMAZING, but was never bad...
  12. They really didn't. Alpha makes some very valid points in regard to Tyrod's mobility severely limiting the OL's pass blocking deficiencies, points that I really hadn't thought about until he brought them up, and I REALLY do hope that McBeane has seen this too and addresses the line in the draft. I'd love to see RT addressed by rd 3 and RG by 4. I still want Miller to be given another chance because he did show flashes of dominance his rookie year, and last year it felt like he got a raw deal from McDermott due to McD's crush on Ducasse. Oh I saw all of those. I just wanted to list the HOF'ers, and 'Elite' QB's still active to show even the very best stink it up.
  13. Thanks man. I feel like I'm trying to ice skate uphill defending Peterman. I know that plenty of this criticism is warranted, and even can see where skepticism also has some merit. But some of it is like wow. It has been so harsh at times it even made ME forget last year was his rookie year, and that he was a 5th round pick, and not a top 5 first rounder. You also make a great point in that all rookies will have at least one stinker game. Can we even take it a step further and say all QB'S PERIOD will have at least one stinker game? Probably more than one? MOST INT'S THROWN, SINGLE GAME: P Manning-6 B Favre-6 J Elway-5 D Marino-5 K Warner-5 T Aikman-5 D Brees-5 E Manning-5 M Stafford-5 J Flacco-5 B Roethlisberger-5 M Ryan-5 R Wilson-5 N Peterman-5 (yes I know it was in a half) So you see, Peterman is in some elite company. All jokes aside, I only put that list down to show even the best, at some point are gonna stink it up. Didn't we pick off Rodgers like 3 or 4 times in a half several years ago? The kid stunk it up. Absolutely. In a half of football. There it is, no excuses. But I say again, if you are able to watch one half of football, and are able to make as bold an assumption as to say that a player has ZERO chance of being successful in this league, then my hat's off to you. I will respectfully disagree, and say that not only do I still believe Peterman has a chance to be successful in this league, I still believe he has a chance to be a starter someday. Whether or not it's with the Bills remains to be seen, especially depending on what we do in the draft. But that's just my humble opinion. I've eaten plenty of crow here at TBD, and have no problems eating a big ol serving again if I'm wrong. But as long as he's a Buffalo Bill, he'll have my full support.
  14. Jeez Louise, your criticism of Peterman is not only scathing and brutal, but almost seems personal. Now he's a scrub?? I will readily admit that I don't possess close to yours or 26's football knowledge. I'm assuming both of you played college ball, as I did, for Pitt, thus my somewhat biased opinion for Mr Peterman. But I swear it feels like I watched something completely different then you, and heck, alot of others. I was quick to point out I don't believe that Mills, nor any other member of the team would go as far as to sabotage a fellow player, endangering their life and at the same time hurting the team's chances of a W. But I most certainly don't think Peterman got much help from the line, or from DiMarco COMPLETELY giftwrapping Peterman's first pick. Yes, he did play poorly in that game. And that half of football you saw enough of him to say, "yep, he's awful. Zero chance in hell he ever amounts to anything."?? Did he not look at least decent in your opinions against the Colts before getting hurt? What is it about him, a Buffalo Bill currently btw, that makes you call one of our own, a scrub?? Also, I gotta ask, you think many Bills fans did not like Tyrod because he's black?? A fan-base that had to endure a 17 year playoff drought, who is so desperate for a great QB that several Bills fans will sadly perish before the draft even gets here from massive heart attacks because they couldn't take the waiting and their hearts exploded? Maybe I have blinders on or something, but I don't believe the majority of fans disliked Taylor because he was black. They disliked Taylor because he just wasn't good.
  15. Agree. I fully expect McDermott to address RG and RT via the draft. Although I have to admit I thought Miller was a solid young player heading into the season last year. I STILL don't get McDermott's decision to start Ducasse over him. His infatuation with Ducasse at times last year was as troubling as his man-love for Tolbert. Everyone and their mama was fed up seeing Tolbert get the rock like he was the featured HB. We cannot finish the season next year with Mills as our starting RT, and to even think this story has a shred of truth, coupled with him being a terrible RT is enough to say sayonara Mr. Mills.
  16. I dunno...you could be right. But I'm thinking more the opposite. Suh going to a playoff-caliber team, and will be highly motivated playing next to arguably the best player he's ever lined up next to his entire NFL career. That alone I think is motivation enough to get his fires stoked up again. I agree, that line is gonna be downright ferocious...and I'm glad the Rams are in the NFC. Spot on. They're going to team up and most likely decapitate some poor QB, or ala Not Another Teen Movie, they're gonna Marty somebody lolol....
  17. I do remember seeing this. And to be honest, I don't know what to make of it. Mills DEFINITELY played like a turnstile that day. In my heart of hearts I just don't believe that a professional football player would feel SO strongly about his teammates benching, that he would PURPOSEFULLY sabotage a fellow teammate, to the points of 1)endangering Peterman's life. Nate took some vicious blows in that game and is damn lucky he didn't get seriously injured. 2)hurting your TEAM overall. We were still in the hunt at the time, and letting personal feelings affect you to the point of helping the team LOSE is unforgivable. And it is those reasons I say Mills just flat out sucked that game. If he did in fact purposely allow Bosa and Ingram free, unimpeded, unabated shots at Peterman, risking the rookie qb's life, and assisting us in getting an "L", he not only needs to be kicked off the team, he should be BANNED from ever playing in the NFL again. Mills is crap on a stick, but I want to believe he is a professional, and that he is able to put personal feelings aside, and put the team, and it's success first. With all that said, I really really hope we draft a RT early to get his ass out of here. I know interior OL is more of a priority, but I really can't stomach another season of him at RT. (And Ducasse at RG.)
  18. You're right, it was Bertruzzi. ??
  19. Not at all, not at all. My cheap mom also taught me long ago, "Closed mouths don't get fed." Put it out there! I want ALL of the things you just mentioned...but I have a feeling it's going to be either or.....we get our franchise QB, and maybe one or two others, or settle for a 2nd-tier guy (which they will claim they had a 1st round grade for him all along and were hoping he'd be there when they picked), and get all the above. Just my hunch...
  20. I'd go Mike White, because his work ethic, style of play, and "show up to work and perform" mentality say blue collar to me.
  21. Because I don't want to leave this chance. I don't think we can operate on the notion that we hope one "falls to us" at 12. IMHO, McBeane needs to already have a plan in place to go and get his guy. The franchise QB has eluded us for decades now and we've come too close to just up and stop now... Or my 12th Christmas where I asked for a remote control car, and my mom got me one.....that had the remote CONNECTED TO THE CAR!!!! ???? Mom is cheap!
  22. Easily, IMO, post of the day. You wrote what I was thinking, verbatim. I honestly don't see how one could come to ANY other conclusion if this happens. I really don't know if I can sit here and wait a WHOLE NOTHER MONTH. (thanks Kdiggz for reminding me!!!)
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