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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. "Just another game" Bills would like you to think that Ass-whippin comin
  2. Definitely! Soooo fast, so matter-of-factly....if I was that reporter I would've been so embarrassed lol
  3. He couldn't have told that reporter to go and f**k himself any better 😂😂
  4. I gotta see this every Sunday on here to get my football juices flowing, matter of fact it's now custom...so thank you kind sir.....👍 Feeling very, very good about today's game. With regard to injuries, it's next man up. Hoping to get big games from Davis, Knox, Cook on offense. On defense, despite the fact he's banged up yet again, I fully expect nothing less than a stellar effort from Mr Milano.
  5. Morning fellow Bills fans! Rich Cimini of ESPN with his "Bold Prediction" for the game today. My apologies if someone has already posted this: Bold prediction: The Jets, one of 10 teams that haven't scored a defensive touchdown, will end the streak on a pick-six by cornerback Sauce Gardner. The rookie gets his hands on a lot of footballs (15 passes defended) but hasn't had an interception since Week 9 against the Bills, one of 11 thrown by Allen this season. Look for Gardner, known for his sticky coverage, to pick Allen again. -- Rich Cimini I mean I guess you gotta throw something outlandish out there and hope it sticks when this is your 9-5 lol. Let me be one of the first to admit that Sauce has performed exceptionally well this year, exceeding probably many people's expectations of him. Personally, I was completely enamored with him coming out. His measurables, speed, everything about him was off the charts, and I secretly dreamed we'd somehow land him. But for all the praise being heaped upon him, am I the only one who feels like he gets away with a TON of holding/PI calls? I even sometimes wonder if the refs are intentionally turning a blind eye to some of the crap this kid is doing? Soooo many occasions he just flat out fails to even turn around, while draped all over the WR. And yes, call me a homer for saying this, but after watching replays of that last attempt by Allen to Davis, I'd say it was definitely worthy of a flag. Now, the kid's been reading his own press clippings too much, because he's apparently upset with Jets fans he doesn't have higher pro bowl vote totals.... 😂 I'm SERIOUSLY hoping either Stef or Gabe or both of them burns this kid multiple times today.
  6. ROTFLMMFAO!!! I swear to God, they just don't make comedy like this anymore man....Reading that quote made me literally spit water all over my phone screen!! 😂😂
  7. Very well stated....no argument whatsoever from me on that post. Call me being greedy, but that's definitely an aspect I'd love to see Allen and Diggs connect on more, is the long ball. From everything I do see, there have been several instances at least that I have seen Diggs flat out burn his man, and even though the completion is made, he's had to come back to the ball. Again, this is me just being greedy, and nitpicking.
  8. I was just wondering how he was as a blocker... hopefully like you said Morris can step in and they dont miss a beat. Like I said, feeling very confident about this game, moreso than I have been in weeks to be honest.
  9. Oh I love the one Airplane movie I saw which must have been the original... Is that the one where Leslie Nielsen says "I am serious, and don't call me Shirley". And, Little girl says, no thank you. I take it black, like my men. And, I picked the wrong week to start sniffing glue. We're all those from the original? Now I'ma have to check out the sequels. All I know Leslie Nielsen was a comedic GOD...RIP
  10. Valid points all. 👍
  11. Hey, Mike White has a 300 yard passing game against the Bears! Can Josh Allen say that this year? Case closed. Jets are better at QB. 😂
  12. Not to cause any extra friction here, as I love everybody, I gotta side with NewEra and jump in on this one. The reason that the media is so scrutinous after a loss, and ask the precision questions is because it is AFTER THE FACT. The HC can answers these questions because they don't give the opposition any extra advantage, ammo. He's still not giving away anything tactically if you listen in. And yes, while the media is much more sunshine lollipops and rainbows during a winning season is also because they already know not to ask the questions they know they're not going to get an answer to, nor any questions that dare give the opposition any extra advantage whatsoever.
  13. Does anyone know Gilliam's snap %'s this year. I feel like he's played quite well this year as our starting FB. I don't know how much it would effect or limit our offense Sunday, but do wonder....
  14. I like what you're saying here. And let's just point out, last week, Josh was very patient in taking exactly whatever New England gave him. He has proven that he is willing to do this on more than a few occasions, going back to last year iMO. Belichick is a master at taking whole dimensions away from teams, and Josh has taken full advantage. With the weather supposed to be the way it is Sunday, I fully expect Josh to again exhibit that patience, and even play dink and dunk football if the game calls for it. I also believe the opportunities will still be there to take the big shot too.
  15. I'm 6'1, 165 pounds, and have a Gargamel from the Smurfs arm. Count me for a good 245..
  16. The worst weather game I've ever been to was the 2008 Bills/vs Browns Monday night game. It was my first Monday night game ever, my wife(then girlfriend) and I flew up to Buffalo so she could meet my family for the first time. I bought 45 yard line seats, 20 rows from the field. My wife is from New Orleans, so she was having no parts of the game, so I took my younger cousin. We were hyper than I'd ever been. Prior to going to the game I stopped at Burlington and bought long John shirt and pants. I had a nice thick jacket, gloves, boots. On the way up to the stadium I bought several of those hand/feet warmers you put in your gloves and shoes. We arrived at the pregame festivities around 5:30pm. It was around 36 degrees. I was good. But by the time we got to our seats, I was already feeling it. I had already cracked three or four sets of the hand warmers, had em in my gloves and boots. throughout the game I literally could not enjoy the game. It didn't help it was snoozefest, AND we lost on a missed Ryan Lindell FG....but I remember points of that game thinking to myself, "**** it's cold out here!". And, that was the last Bills game I've ever been to past October. I ask you my fellow Bills fans, am I a wuss? Or maybe just old? Or been gone from Buffalo too long? I HAVE been living in Atlanta/New Orleans since I graduated from college in 01.... We were without Milano that first Jets game right?
  17. Don't get me wrong, Sauce has played well, but can we all agree Gabe had him burnt on that last attempt by Josh, and that it wasn't great coverage, but more just a drop by Gabe?
  18. Ok I'm a little confused....Chong Li was the guy Van Damme beat in Bloodsport? Well what's the female character in the video game Street Fighter? Wasn't her name Chong Li too? Loved em both by the way.... Another note, wasn't Van Damme's American friend in that movie Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds?
  19. Friend I don't know why, but I can't stop laughing at this!!!! Thank you!
  20. Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned.... 😄 And the only reason I stoop to calling him a woman is because his level of disdain defies logic. He simply REFUSES to give Buffalo any credit. After his comment about the Chiefs finally having an AFC rival, I decided to check out some of his commentary. Let me just say if his mission is to just rile up Bills fans, he succeeded....well. 😡 He's the equivalent of clickbait.....no, he IS nothing more than clickbait, because he offers nothing of substance.
  21. Amen, neither would I. Another thing I've noticed, or, not noticed, Diggs hasn't really had alot of jump balls to fight for. He usually either turns his guy into a statue with his ridiculous footwork, or, leaves him. One thing I have noticed that kinda sucks is, one several occasions, on deep balls, Diggs has his guy burnt and the ball simply is underthrown, or overthrown.
  22. Excellent write-up as always Shaw. However, I have to disagree with you on one thing. While I do think that Justin Jefferson is other-worldly, I just don't think I would put him levels above Diggs. Yes, he is amazing and has done quite a bit in the short amount of time he has been in the league, but Diggs is one freak-of-nature, exceptional WR himself. IMO, there isn't a better route runner in the league, his footwork is simply X-rated, he is fearless, he makes the tough catches over the middle, battles for the football when he has to, and plays so much bigger than his size. He is our certified #1 go to guy, yet when we need the first down, defenses still can't shut him down. Another thing I think that is underrated is his speed. The guy can still flat out leave DBs in the dust. I think the comment you made that Jefferson does things Diggs wishes he could do is what I most question. What does Jefferson do that Diggs can't? Other than be bigger lol. Nonetheless, great write up as always. This is shaping up to be one of the most competitive, exciting years of football in a long time, and I'm looking forward to what it has in store for our Bills.
  23. Did a Bills player knock up his sister or something like that? I have never seen the level of hatred this guy has for the Bills, omg....if it wasn't so blatant and blinded, it would almost be comical....
  24. Who would've ever thought the Cincinnati Bengals would always have a special place in our hearts?? Thank you Andy, thank you Joe! We control our own destiny with five winnable games, in which I'm guessing we'll be favored in with the exception of maybe @Cincinnati. Guys healing up and getting healthy for the postseason....and wouldn't it be wonderful to get back Von AND perhaps Hyde for the playoffs??? you guys have seen what we can do to teams at 55 - 65%....if/when we get close to full strength.....OMG league watch out.... Bad things man, bad things.... p.s. I can't remember a week when EVERY game we needed to went our way
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