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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. I agree. For a guy to beat a female up THAT severely, I'd bet my house that this type of thing has happened before in some way shape or form. Being a Bills fan I'm sure my opinion is somewhat biased, but I don't get the "Horrific Woman Beater Vibe" from Shady. I pray he didn't do that to her, but if it comes out that he did actually do that to her, I'm all for both the NFL AND the law throwing down the gauntlet on him. Any man that could do that to a female deserves to have his ass thrown into the Falls, er, excuse me, jail. As a 9 year old kid, I had to watch my mother get beaten on, and do nothing...it took a concussion, three broken ribs and a fractured skull before she had the strength to take me and my little sister and finally leave. I have a special disdain and hatred for men who beat on women. Again, my first instinct is that Lesean is the victim of a money-hungry, vindictive female. Here's to hoping that's the case, and not that our starting RB did this...
  2. Thank you sir for getting my day started with a hearty chuckle!! Priceless!! ??
  3. Thanks Ice. I definitely share your optimism, I can't lie I was not a fan of the Josh Allen pick, and am still having a difficult time warming up to it. I felt that Rosen was a much surer QB, and just knew he would be our pick. I pray Allen succeeds, and now that he is a Buffalo Bill I'll be rooting for him week in and week out. I do think we'll make some noise this year, and if your prediction that Buffalo will be playing in the AFC title game, AT NEW ERA FIELD no less, comes to fruition, I will personally send you a custom made authentic Packers jersey with the player of your choice, or your own name. You're a great poster, well-liked around these parts, and you contribute good stuff. Here's to a great season for my Bills and your Packers(except for Sept 30th), and may our teams meet twice this year!!
  4. Nothing better than starting my day off with a hearty, gut busting guffaw!! I laughed so hard I think I ruptured at least one of my organs...thank you for the good laugh!
  5. I think that is the only real "damaging" thing to happen to us on draft night to make things a little more tricky.. because Allen going one causes the Giants to strongly consider Darnold, and if they decide to take him, Jets snagging Rosen/Mayfield..... If this scenario pans out, McBeane better be "tryin like hell" even harder and get us into 4 or 5.
  6. I hope you're right, but what do you think about the rumors that if Cleveland takes Allen #1, then the Giants are pretty much a lock to take Darnold #2?
  7. Are you kidding??? You really let that thought slip out of your brain and onto paper no less?? Wow, you have some nerve and for once I can truly say I'm prepared to stand my ground, and defend my viewpoint, because yours is just dumb, and matter of fact sir, just dead wrong... There CANNOT BE 22 MORE DAYS UNTIL THIS DRAFT!!! YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS??? ?? I just knew we were down into the teens by now.....welp, I'm not gonna make it. Praying there's Wi-Fi in Heaven...
  8. In my best ET impression...."Home, home, home...." Nailed it with the La Nova's damn you....now I gotta head up and get me some. Jim's is decent, but if you want a BOMB steak hoagie, you'll get yourself to Shy's on Gennessee....best Steak and Sausage Hoagie I've ever eaten. The special sauce is so good I DON'T want to know what's in it!!
  9. He looks damn good in a Bills uni...no homo
  10. Welcome to the club! I've been duped multiple times....He's good!
  11. No, I don't know at all. Definitely more of a lottery ticket then anything sure. Edmunds maybe like 50,000 tickets, Barkley, 25,000, and Chark 12 tickets.
  12. I'm gonna go with Edmunds, Barkley (Penny maybe, if we get him), and Chark.
  13. Holy smokes sir YOU have just won post of the week in my opinion. Very, VERY good point you bring up and honestly one I haven't even thought about until you brought it up. I still want us to move up and get Rosen or Mayfield, and know it's going to take more than alot of us will be happy with. However, we could all be surprised...Beane got us a 3rd round pick for Tyrod, and I honestly would've been happy getting a 5th for him. But I think with Rosen and Mayfield, like Maj said, we're talking instant upgrades.
  14. I'll give you credit for one thing, you have defended your school staunchly, and while I may not agree with Saban's comments and think they're detached from reality, I applaud your efforts. You've kept it respectful, refrained from makin anything personal, and made this a good debate to read. Kudos to you sir.
  15. 100% correct. I had two or 8 of those same type of classes and one class we learned the difference between NCAA and Intramural sports lol...
  16. As much as I would love it, I don't EVER see that happening.... I honestly think I would have an orgasm....
  17. I've never heard of them, where are they? Funny, the first time I went to New Orleans during football season the only thing I cared about was finding a Bills Backers spot, and it led me to Fox and Hound...had an unforgettable time....but by FAR the best time I ever had at a Bills bar away from Buffalo was in Denver Colorado at a bar called Lodo's. I walked in a stranger with a Bills Jersey, but man, they treated me like family....i got free wings, beers, we cheered on the Bills, and by the time the game was over, we walked out lifelong friends... Jimmy's Tavern in Herndon, VA would be 2nd...
  18. Saints. My wife is from New Orleans. Love the city to no end. Genuine, salt of the earth people like no other. Food will make your head pop off it's so delicious.
  19. You deserved it for the multiple times you got me with the Peter Pan guy! In purple no less! ? All jokes aside it IS a good feeling just to even think we could be close to seeing the end of Tom Brady. I'm ready for us to be competing for the division year in and year out, and not have been relegated to praying for a wildcard before the season has even begun. Here's to hoping the winds of change sway his thinking into hangin em up, SOONER rather than later. Oh wait, you said YOUR FRIEND got duped...dammit...
  20. Dayum....possible hidden gem of the draft?? That's an awful lot of teams for a guy noone has talked about before the last 2 days..
  21. A bit extreme sir? And on Easter Sunday no less...tsk, tsk. I'll be the first to admit those are the two QBs I covet the most, as what seems to be a great many else on here. Could it be because they appear to be the two best? But while those are the two I want the most I certainly don't knock anyone who feels otherwise. And as hard as it has been, it's the viewpoints of my fellow members who have gotten me to accept that not trading up and keeping all of our picks isn't a bad alternative. I've been called plenty of things in my lifetime, but hillbilly inbred isn't one of them. That's a first. Now you take it back, or meet me after school, behind the gym. 3 o'clock sharp. You have 15 minutes to decide....
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