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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. Last week, when Tre White was quoted saying that he felt the defense was finally finding it's identity, I felt optimistic and confident that he wasn't just giving lip service. He was stating PURE FACTS...this defense is really starting to look good...and the great thing is we are still a ways away from being totally healthy!!! Big things man, big things....๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
  2. Next week McDermott will petition the league to move Bass's extra points to the 20 yard line....to give the other 31 kickers a fair chance and promote competitiveness within the league.
  3. I'll be damned if the kid doesn't love that right upright....glad it bounced through. Plus, a 54 yarder ain't a gimme for anybody...
  4. Klein pickin up where he left off last week!! Lookin good AJ!!
  5. Oh God, who was that DB he faked out of their cleats??? EFFIN LOVIN IT!!!!
  6. He does it all folks, QB, RB, WR, plumber...
  7. Right??? "Huge market QB" ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
  8. Hap, Chandler, Simon, Buff, please excuse my language in advance, but... Goddammit if that ain't well-deserved!!! Love to see our boy getting recognized on a national level. And do you know what encourages me about this, where years before I might not have been so pumped? I believe that Josh Allen will take this in stride and NOT let it go to his head, and I'd even be willing to wager he'll continue to perform at this level or even take it up a notch, which is entirely possible. Folks I don't think we've seen Josh's best yet... Absolutely.....it is downright scary when you think about the fact he's 24 years old, and if he could make the tremendous leap that he's made so far this year, imagine what he can do the rest of the season. Throw in some continuity on the O-line(which he hasn't had all year), a reliable starting TE, and man, watch him roll....
  9. LOL thank you for making me feel like I'm not alone!! Had to crack up @ "what style of music they do?" ๐Ÿ˜„ I'm pretty sure the weekend is a solo act....at least I think
  10. Agree, it was hardly the best play ever, but I just personally love seeing this pic and I laugh out loud when I think about how dumb Barr must feel looking at this picture!! ๐Ÿ˜„ and good call on the OJ run, especially when you consider that at that time OJ was THE offense for the Bills and he accomplished that when defenses specifically stacked the box to stop him. In all honesty, like you said it's darn near impossible for me to give one play that label...am I alone in considering the Dalton TD pass to Boyd one of the greatest plays in our history?
  11. I think Terry and Kim have ALREADY turned it around. This organization is trending straight upwards and from the looks of things, I expect it to continue to do the same. Big things man, big things....
  12. I'd go as far as to say they've ALREADY turned it around don't you think? This organization is trending straight upwards as far as I'm concerned, and from the looks of things, I expect it to continue that way. Remember when we used to be so bad, we had to pay the big name free agents a gozillion dollars to come to Buffalo? Now they WANT to come here, and from the looks of things, they're going to WANT to come here specifically to play with Josh Allen ๐Ÿ‘
  13. I swear Dimitrof does NOT pick well when it comes to the defensive side of the football!! The Falcons haven't had a relevant defense in what feels like decades. If McKinley fell all the way down to us in waivers I'd most definitely kick the tires...
  14. Fantastic freakin read!! I am pumped after reading that I swear. Every week this kid impresses me in a new way. I love the relationship that Allen and Daboll are developing. One thing I'd also like to point out is that Josh Allen has had the luxury of having stability at all coaching positions for him, something many young QB's that come out aren't always afforded. And not just stability, but excellent coaching/mentoring as well. I feel for QB's like Darnold, or even Bills qb's of the past who's careers were ruined(or never got to grow) because of instability or poor coaching. I hope that Allen and Daboll get to play together for the next 10+ years, although we may not get to see that happen if Allen continues to shine and this offense performs like this the rest of the year. Daboll will probably be someone else's head coach. But as far as right here and right now, I'm loving what we're all getting to witness. The maturity and development of an All-Pro franchise quarterback, and a top-notch, upper echelon offensive coordinator....
  15. 1? Damn you're generous... But seriously, after listening to those two tools, the ONLY logical thing I could think was "clickbait". They are obviously ignorant, lack any semblance of real football knowledge, and are just a couple of desperate trolls. It was almost comical.
  16. It's like the reverse with us, we pass to set up the run lol. I love the fact that we run so much play-action, cause like someone said, Josh is damn good at it. Man if he can learn to keep his hands in the same position when he's fake snapping it, watch out..
  17. I REALLY like the way you put that! Very well said sir! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
  18. I'm lovin every minute of this. It is truly, truly a thing of beauty watching this 24 year old kid develop and grow the way he has. Every week he finds a new way to impress me. I say with 2,000% confidence that we have officially found our franchise quarterback, and I wouldn't be one bit surprised if he shatters every single one of Jim Kelly's records by the age of 30. That's how good this kid has the potential to be. You know what's also funny? During the Seahawks game someone commented that Allen is like a linebacker in a QB's body. Didn't they say that about another of our QB's?? ๐Ÿ™‚
  19. Eff Terry Bradshaw. I used to like Terry until a game this year, I can't remember which one, but during post-game highlights he commented something along the lines "you can't teach accuracy and Josh Allen isn't accurate." Kinda ticked me off, sorry..other than that I used to like him.
  20. Let us not lose sight that we now have an offense that has the ability to overcome these type of BS calls that go against us. In years past we'd still be lamenting how a call like that cost us the game.
  21. Not sure if this is something that's been brought up, but could alot of his injuries be attributed to the fact that he's a bit undersized for a typical LB at his position? I know with all the hybrids now playing positions they're typically a little light in the arse for, could there be a link there? Just curious. When healthy, Milano is an awesome linebacker. But it kinda makes me think about the question which employee would I rather have: the one who's an absolute rock star when he's in there, but misses time off here and there, or the guy who does his job, what he's supposed to do, but nothing flashy, but he's at work every day, on time, never calls in sick, and works overtime when I need him to? In regard to the draft, I say we go pass rushing DE r1, LB r2, CB r3
  22. It was great seeing him as well as so many of the rest of the players out there having fun and playing loose. I donโ€™t think it's a coincidence that they happened to play so well on Sunday.
  23. Ahhh, I got you now.... Makes sense from my perspective. ๐Ÿ‘
  24. Great point about the lack of crowd noise. You took the words right out of my mouth. I was thinking the exact same thing. This whole season in general has just been so crazy, so topsy-turvy. But I'm still enjoying the hell out of it. And heck, at the end of the day, if you think about it, there probably won't be much made of the lack of penalties called, because in the end, everybody wants to see an offensive fireworks show...for the most part I think.
  25. Excellent write-up sir. Well written and well thought out. Keep em coming!
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