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Lemur King

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Everything posted by Lemur King

  1. I have a theme song.
  2. I recall this discussion too. You like to move it, move it? I like to move it, move it. MOVE IT.
  3. Thanks for posting this. So many people here will mock you but they can't explain the FACTS about 911.
  4. 2 year deal. Kolb is still in good shape to start if he's worthy of it. It's not like he's Brady Quinn or Matt Leinart. Kyle Kolb was meant to sit on the pine for a while.
  5. You brought up narcissism. You have 19000 posts. Here's a mirror.
  6. Ha. For those of us who can find happiness in family and the 8 year old Toyota, we'll be OK.
  7. Says the guy with 19000 posts. And if the swine flu was just a little test of a carrier, and instead of carrying a relatively benign flu, carried something much worse, what would the effect on humanity be?
  8. Are you on a recall/disease outbreak mailing list?
  9. WHO to declare pandemic today. Imagine if this flu shifts to be more dangerous. Do you have any idea how many people would be dead? Technology growth will eventually lead to some disastrous consequences.
  10. I am not an economic expert by any means but a few people here make sense. Metals make a LOT more sense than anything related to the dollar. The shitstorm is coming. Most of you don't have the umbrella.
  11. It's news because so many liberals bashed Bush/Ashcroft for all the Jesus invocations and yet Obama does it more. It's also a warning about false prophets--they usually arrive in sheep's clothing.
  12. http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20090609/...HeQr_wB59gDW7oF This is either comforting or exactly the work of a false prophet. Time will tell.
  13. Look around you people. Add this to the swine flu and do the math.
  14. Maybe "Lemur King" is your wife.
  15. I questioned your stupid inference that you had some insight into what the statement was intended to mean, not who the quote was attributed to. I will take back calling you stupid if you are the author of the quote.
  16. 2 killer-asteroid movies in one summer. 2 super-volcano movies in one summer. 2 mall cop movies in one summer. The last one is truly apocalyptic. A 200 million man army will be coming from the East soon.
  17. Nincompoop: We know Aristotle didn't say it. What we don't know is who created the phrase. Whoever it was, he probably doesn't have the gravitas that Aristotle has so along the way, people started attributing it to Aristotle.
  18. So now I'm responsible for checking your time stamps instead of just assuming you are a crackpot. Given the choice, it's easier and more accurate to assume the later.
  19. That quote cannot be attributed so you have no idea. The right-wing frothy mouth types have been using it for a while so I think you're wrong. On the other hand, the right wingers have been attributing it (wrongly) to Aristotle so maybe you're right.
  20. Rkfast gets the benefit of the doubt. He's a dumbass until proven otherwise.
  21. You're a moron and your deflection in a thread about scum like this is distasteful. On top of that, you're wrong (as usual). The kid who hacked Palin's account was arrested. I am sure people who threatened dubya were also arrested.
  22. Not a soul here would defend someone who called for the assassination of Bush. But at least two people here are defending Turner, who wants to beat blacks with bats and burn Jews. You'll say that you're not defending him but this little deflection thing you're doing is defense. Owens says that Turner is a patriot but he's just a troll/ You're an actual poster, albeit a dimwitted one.
  23. Cool--nice to know your patriot wants to assassinate elected officials and use "force and violence" against school superintendents...also round up and kill Jews. Even in Troll-form, there's a line you shouldn't cross. HEre are some of the things you're advocating--quotes from Hal Turner:
  24. Anyone who said that Palin should be "assassinated" or that they should use "force and violence" against her should definitely be arrested. The kid who hacked her account WAS arrested by the way--though what he did paled in comparison to what this nutcase Turner is all about.
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