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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. I'm surprised that either Ralph or some other local business didn't pick up the rest of the tix and give them to charity or something, especially at this time of the year.
  2. If you could leave this up on the OT forum for a bit, it'd be greatly appreciated. I just got a slingbox and was wondering if it has to be hooked up to a cable box or can you just hook it up to any tv that has cable? I have a tv that is closer to the router but it does not have a cable box hooked up to it and was wondering if i could use that. Thanks!
  3. I'll be there. I almost paid $60 for a pair of 10 yardline lowers in the 3rd row ( a freakin steal) but my dad called me at work yesterday and told me he got a pair for free through his job. 4th game of the year for me Go Bills!
  4. What the hell is wrong with these guys!?
  5. ugggggh. Too many shots last night...
  6. As soon as I saw those laterals starting I said oh schit here we go....
  7. Man it's crazy here in Columbus. Heading over to a buddy's place right now from downtown to watch the game. I'm saying 24-10 Ohio State. Hoping for an Ohio State win to set up some great partying tonight!
  8. Yup. At the Aud vs the Flyers, huge brawl at the end of the 2nd period. About 30 sec earlier Dane Jackson kicked the crap outta someone. As play resumed, Barnaby got cheap shotted in front of the net, he goes down and a brawl erupts. May is throwing haymakers, etc. As it's going on, Snow pokes Barnaby with his stick as he's down, and Barnaby jumps up and pounds Shields. More fighting ensues and Trefilov eventually comes down to fight and holds his own for a bit then gets pounded by Snow. I was there and I'll never forget that fight.
  9. I'll be there on Sunday and hopefully be able to find one of my buddies that can actually go. I probably won't be able to get there early enough for a tailgate. Udonkey I think in another thread you mentioned talking to a guy from Miami U at some games in Buffalo. It wasn't me but it could be someone I know. If it looks like I'll be there early enough for a tailgate I'll shoot ya a pm and see where the party's at.
  10. I just got 2 tickets on ebay for about $120 up high in a corner. At the same time one of my friends got us 8 tickets to the xmas eve game in Buffalo 2nd row endzone for $188...Yeah I'm an idiot but I haven't been to a game since the Vikes and I'm only about 3 hrs from Indy (I'm in Columbus) so what the hell.....
  11. Not to be too much of a smart ass, but didn't you have about 10 posts after the Pats game about how the team should leave Buffalo, we have the worst team ever, etc. Now this week you got about 10 posts criticizing every person who points out negative aspects of an unimpressive win at home against a crappy team?. Talk about hipocracy.....
  12. Serious question...Do you watch the games? If you do and can't see that the o-line play has been horrible, you need your eyes checked...
  13. I'm going to be working in Columbus, Oh for the next couple months and was wondering if there were any "Sabres bars" or any that have the center ice package at least. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'd like to be able to watch all the games (I can only see them if they're on the versus network now). Thanks!
  14. How about the pirate ghosts episode with Korn which was a play on scooby doo. Lots of good stuff in that one.
  15. Most of the "new" rap that comes out these days does in fact blow. It may be catchy, but it takes absolutely no talent to create it. Thanks Lil' John....
  16. This is some serious BS...I'm pissed
  17. Or just walk to the next gate a couple hundred feet away.....
  18. haha just messin with ya. If the Bills had lost however, I may have wished death upon you.
  19. You don't need an exclamation point at the end of every single statement you make in each and every post!!!! Sorry I couldn't resist!!!!
  20. Hey I read about a sentance and a half of your post. !@#$ off douchebag the Bills won.......
  21. Yup. I can't disagree with anything there. He has played great (but yeah I want TKO too!) especially for a 6th round rook. Oh yeah, Whitner is a stud.
  22. I could give two !@#$s. Yeah I was about to go insane at the game today but ya know what? We freakin won and that's all that matters. Remember the Pats of a couple years ago? They were not the least bit "flashy" but we all know how that turned out...
  23. hey man take some advil it will take care of that sore vagina right away......
  24. Hittin' the road in 10/15 min. LETS GO BUFFALO!!!!!!!!!
  25. I heard the wheelchair juggler from outside the HSBC is going to be honored at halftime of the Miami game too.
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