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Everything posted by billsfanmiami(oh)

  1. I know you've been pointing out Peters play in the last few weeks, but god damn the kid is a !@#$ing stud. He made at least 4-5 blocks today that resulted in big first downs. I'm a little buzzed but I don't remember the last time JP got blasted from the blindside.
  2. Why is McGee inactive? Hadn't heard anything about him being hurt. edit: found it on billsdaily
  3. Thats exactly it. Seems like an insignificant distinction at first, but it makes sense when you think about it. I studied evolution in the majority of my classes throughout my 4 years at school (zoology major). I don't think I fully "got it" until my second semester of senior year.
  4. I had a pretty damn good filet when I was there a couple years ago. We were there for my fraternity's formal weekend and stayed at the house of blues right next door. Never having been to Chicago and having none of the natives with us at the time, we figured Harry's would be a good place for our first meal. We were expecting an overpriced sports bar kind of place, and were quite surprised when we opened the menu. We said ahh screw it and all ordered steaks, drinks, etc. Needless to say, the bill for our table of 8 or 10 was pretty impressive. By halfway through the next afternoon, I was borrowing $ from my girlfriend...
  5. Gotta disagree. The process of evolution itself does not strive or aim for survival. Differential survival through adaptation is the result of evolution, but it is not the "goal." Sounds picky but there is a difference. I think a few of my textbooks even went so far as to specifically say evolution has no goals. I think that sentiment is pretty much universal among evolutionary biologists.
  6. One of my biggest pet peeves is the staunch "creationists" that try to say evolution is bs and "I didn't come from a monkey" or "how come a monkey doesn't decide to walk on two feet today?" etc. I'll bet just about everyone who has been educated about evolution would agree that it is real. Just study some bacteria cells in culture or a virus over a number of generations and try to say that evolution doesn't happen. One of the biggest misconceptions about evolution is that evolution makes predictions or is forward looking in some way. Evolution is defined as changes in allele frequencies over time. It is really just a word to describe the result of various processes that produce the various changes in organisms over time. There are no goals of evolution. Despite what you see on tv at 4 am, belief in God and belief in evolution, are NOT mutually exclusive. Most scientists actually believe in God. I know for me at least, the more I learned about how many things must have come together in just the right way to produce the world we know, the evidence for a creator piled up accordingly. edit: to clarify, by "creationist" I mean someone who believes literally in the story of creation from traditional Christian literature.
  7. 1 &2 of your argument can pretty much be refuted by two words: free will. Giving humans the ultimate gift of free will simultaneously opens the door for evil. Also, it sounds like your ideas are based on the "typical" god of Christian religions. I think the question is more about if there is any kind of supreme being or creator that is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
  8. That and a couple different breaks and the team is 7-5.
  9. Coy Wire has NO place on an NFL field outside of a special teams play. Every time I see him on the field during a normal play, I say the same thing out loud: "Why the !@#$ is Coy Wire on the field!?"
  10. huh? I was saying that the assertion of the initial post sounded like a pipe dream.
  11. Whatever it is you got, where can I get some?
  12. Right on man. Probably going to go grab some in a couple hours. Some Skyline cheese coneys do the trick pretty well too.
  13. Don't think it has been posted yet. Nothing too special though I was surprised that Michael Smith wrote it. I figured he'd be busy tending to Mr. Brady's testicles. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor...hael&id=2671099
  14. Well they're probably going to be a wildcard or not a playoff team at all (B'more has a firm grasp on the division), so a Bengal loss would be best for Buffalo.
  15. I think we were like row 28 or something. Thats great. Another funny thing you may have seen was the guy in a gorilla costume running up and down the aisle with a stuffed jaguar toy in its mouth. I was laughing my ass off.
  16. That was awesome. We were in 129 so we had a good view of him getting the crowd fired up during that tv timeout or whatever. Classic...
  17. Yeah who the hell is that Vince Young guy anyways. I hadn't ever heard of him until yesterday...
  18. Agreed. The crowd was very enthusiastic today. Of the three home games I've been at this year, it was definitely the loudest (including the home opener).
  19. Hey I have an idea....go !@#$ yourself you !@#$. Enjoy the win or go root for the Twatriots or something.
  20. Yeah both goals were ones he probably would want back but he also bailed them out a bunch of times. Problem tonight was not capitalizing on our scoring chances.
  21. He has above average statistics at best. Watching him week after week, he's one of those guys that you forget is on the field most of the time. As pointed out, he was a top 5 pick. When you take a DE that high you expect him to get a consistant pass rush and be a playmaker, not simply a 7 sack a year guy.
  22. Ok I spent the last 4 years in Bengals territory and saw most of their games in that time (while watching the Bills of couse). Justin Smith is hardly a "stud". He is like Schobel in that he shows flashes of something special, but it happens far less frequently. I'd say he's more in the "bust" category as I think he was an early to mid first rounder.
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